Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated to OfficialAshleyV because she always leaves the most amazing comments on my chapters! Thank you!

Demi’s POV:

I hummed the tune of Wake Me Up in Niall’s ear. He had gotten it stuck in my head.

I had already showered and gotten ready to leave and now it was time to go. I pushed Niall over playfully. “C’mon Niall, you have to drive me to the airport.”

His eyes fluttered opened slightly. He grabbed my head in his arms. “No,” he groaned, “stay with me forever!”

I laughed. “I wish…”

Niall sighed then sat up. “I love you, ya know.”

“I know.” What a stupid thing to say. The right thing to say would probably to say that I love him too. Instead, I told him that I knew that he loved. I made it sound as if he couldn’t help but love me. But it was nice knowing that someone else besides my family loved me.

He chuckled as he got fully out of bed. My hand flew to my eyes. “Uh, Niall?”

“Oh, sorry,” I could tell he was smiling, “Not as if we haven’t seen each other naked…” He chuckled again.

“You’re so inappropriate.” I giggled.

I walked out of his room and headed downstairs to collect my things from my room. I pulled out my suitcase and dragged it to the door. The other boys were already up and sitting on the couch. They giggled amongst themselves. “What’s so funny?” I asked. 

“Nothing!” Zayn chuckled.

“They were so loud!” Louis whispered to Zayn.

All the blood in my body flooded my cheeks, face, ears. They had heard us.

Niall came down the stairs. “Demi, you’re as read as a tomato. What’s wrong?”

My reply was giggles of embarrassment.

“Niall!” Louis screamed in attempt to copy my screams from last night.

Harry made a deep moan. I guess that’s how Niall had sounded. Now it was Niall’s turn to be embarrassed. He also turned bright read.

“Ready?” he asked.

“Yeah, I—uh—forgot something.” I bounded up the stairs to Niall’s room. I picked up his pillow.

I walked back down the stairs. “Bye boys! Tell the girls that I said that I’ll miss them!”

“Demi Tomato? You’re not going to hug us goodbye?” Liam said.

“No, none of you deserve my hugs!”

Louis got up and started to chase me. “I demand a hug!” he exclaimed.

He grabbed hold of my jacket then wrapped me in his arms. The other three came and did the same. “Bye Demi.” Harry said.

I smiled. It was sad leaving them. They have become like brothers to me. “You’ve got our numbers love?” Louis asked.

I nodded. “I’ll see you guys soon, okay?”

“See ya soon.” Zayn said. I pulled Niall’s pillow to my chest and walked out of the door.  

Niall’s POV:

Demi sat in the passenger seat of my Range Rover as we drove to the airport. I had one hand wrapped in hers and the other holding the steering wheel. We drove in silence, but it wasn’t the uncomfortable kind.

Too soon we arrived at the airport. I large sigh escaped my mouth. I didn’t want Demi to leave, but she had things to do and so did we. I guess that’s the thing about fame. It keeps you apart.

We sat there for a moment. I looked into her sparkling brown eyes. Demi was the one to break the silence. “I love you too.”

I felt like crying. I really did, but I held my tears back. I kissed Demi softly. This would be our last kiss for a while.

I stepped out of the car and pulled Demi’s suitcase out of the back. Jim got out of a black van, which had followed us the whole way.

Demi squeezed my hand one more time then walked into the doors of the airport. “Bye love.” I whispered.


(A/N: This sucks—I know—but I really wanted to capture how sad it was for Demi and Niall to be separated once again. If you did like it though, please vote, comment, etc. If you like my work, then follow me!

Oh, check out my new story, which is coming soon: Which One? I’m sure you’ll love it! Thank you!)

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