Chapter 18

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This chapter is dedicated to SalmaSaid1 for understanding why I suck at updating during the month of July and for not hating me ;) ily

Demi’s POV:

I can’t do the whole long distance relationship thing. It hurts too badly. All I wanted was for Niall to be with me, but seeing that it can’t happen…

I paced in my bedroom with two names on my mind: Niall and Wilmer. I was honestly stuck. So very stuck. I don’t know what to do or what to think.

It’s been almost four months since I’ve seen Niall and I miss him. I placed a pair of Beats on my head and played my favorite playlist. I lay on my bed and tried to concentrate on other things. All this boy drama was stressing me out.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I looked at the caller I.D. It was Wilmer. I pulled the Beats off my head and answered the call. “Hello?” I said into the receiver.

“Hello hot stuff.” Wilmer’s deep voice boomed over the speaker.

I giggled. “Hi.”

“I hope you’re not doing anything tonight. Be prepared not to walk in the morning.”

I chuckled. “I’m sorry Wilmer, but I can’t. I have to work in the morning.”

“Well that’s too bad.”

I said goodbye then hung up the phone. Was that all he was calling about? To tell me that he was going to fuck me? I thought. I brushed it off and went downstairs to eat lunch. I was surprised to see Madison and my mother sitting on my couch. “When did you guys get here?” I asked.

They looked surprised to see me. “We didn’t know you were home!” Madison chuckled.

“We just came to eat your food.” My mother said biting down on a turkey sandwich.

I let a loud laugh escape my mouth. “You guys are hilarious.”

I sat down next to Madison and took a mouthful of her sandwich. “Hey!” she protested, “make yourself your own sandwich!” I let out a small giggle and she narrowed her eyes at me as I chewed the contents in my mouth.

I stared out at the horizon sitting next to Wilmer. We were on a hill watching the sunset hidden from the incredibly annoying paparazzi’s sight. “You know you can trust me.” Wilmer whispered in my ear. I shiver ran down my spine. “I love you Demi.”

“Do you mean it?” I asked him quietly voice.

He took my hand in his. “Of course.” He said the words slithering out of his mouth smoothly. I looked into his warm eyes which in a snap of his fingers could turn dark and cold. There was a war inside of me; in my mind. Part of me knew that this was a bad idea, but the other part was tugging at me to forget Niall and hand myself over to the man sitting beside me.

I took a shaky breath. “I—I love you too.”

A smile played across his face and he kissed my neck. I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I had finally made my decision and I have faith that it is the right one. Wilmer drove me home and dropped me off in front of my house. I thanked him for the amazing night and, with a hop in my step, walked up the familiar steps to my front door. As I collapsed on the couch, I pulled out my phone browsing for my best friend Marissa’s contact.

I found the number and called it. Her familiar voice answered on the other end. “Hi Demi!” she chirped.

I got right down to business. “I have some news!”

“Really? What is it?”

“Me and Wilmer are back together!” I squealed.

Silence. That’s what I heard. “Marissa?”

“I—I’m still here. I was just surprised.”

“You’re not happy for me?” I asked a little hurt.

I could tell she was figuring out how to answer me. I waited until I heard her voice once again. “I’m happy that you’re happy.” She told me.

I sighed. “What is it about Wilmer? Why don’t you like him so much?”

“Once a cheat, always a cheat, Demi.” Marissa told me coolly.

“What?! No! Wilmer has changed! He loves me.”

“Demi, if I were you, I’d get the hell away before he ends up hurting me.”

My blood boiled in my veins. How could she say that?! I know she thinks that’s what’s best for me, but it’s not! Wilmer won’t cheat again. He promised.

“You can’t tell me who to love.” I snapped.

“I can’t, but I think you need to wake up take a step into reality.”

“Whatever.” I spat into the receiver.

“I have to go now Dems. I love you, okay?”

“Love you too.” I said with my teeth clenched. I hung up the phone and threw it across the room. Who gives a damn about what Melissa thinks?! You do, My conscience whispered. I screamed, frustrated. As I laid on my bed and put my headphones in, I began to calm down. My eyelids grew heavy, and before I knew it, I was sound asleep.


Heyy guys :) i'm sorry this is really short. My schedule has been all over the place, i'm sorry :( I hope I can write and upload for you guys better. you guys all mean so much to be and I just want to say thank you. thank you for supporting me, reading, following me, voting the chapters, everything! it means the world to me! Thank you for the 15k reads too<3 -Morgan

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