Chapter 5

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Demi’s POV:

I awoke to the sound of dishes banging in the kitchen. I wonder what they’re up to, I thought.

Last night I had conked out on the couch. I was too tired to bring my things to the guest room, so I hit the sack the nearest place I could find. I groaned as I rolled off the couch. I could now see the “flat” properly. It was a large three story house. I wasn’t sure what was upstairs, but I had a pretty good idea that it held three or four sleeping boys.

It was a nice house with many windows and doors. One thing that I noticed was that it was kept very clean. How is that with five boys living here?

I tiptoed to the kitchen to find the source of the racket. I peeked around the door to find a cooking Liam and… Harry? He was the last person I would think to be up. I was about to walk in, when I remembered that last night I had fallen asleep on the couch. I must look like a train wreck!

I walked around in search of a bathroom.  I opened doors and turned corners until I finally found a bathroom. I did look like a train wreck! I smoothed my hair back into a loose braid and smoothed out my sweatpants. I splattered water on my face and dried it with a white towel. Oh and one more thing, I needed to use that bathroom fast!

I hurriedly, did my business, washed my hands and then walked into the kitchen. This time Louis was with them. None of them noticed me. I cleared my throat. Louis spun around, “Demi!” he exclaimed.

“Demi Lovato? Is that you?” Liam chuckled.

The three of them ran to me and wrapped me in their arms. I hugged each of them back. Their embrace felt genuine.

We let go of each other. Harry said, “So… Are you hungry?”

“Of course.” I smiled.

I wonder what time it was at home. If it was nine o’clock here than it was… I counted my fingers eight hours back. One in the morning.  No wonder I was so tired! I was still on California time! A loud yawn escaped my mouth.  “Would you like to go back to bed Demi? You can go in the guest room in you like. Niall won’t be up for a bit anyway.” Liam offered.

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea…” I yawned again.

“Louis, go show her where it is.” Liam ordered.

“Yes, sir.” Louis said acting like a marine.

He walked stiffly like a robot leading me to my room. I giggled. Yes, I would enjoy my time in London. Suddenly, Louis screamed, “Zombie! The Nazis are coming! Hurry Demi, into the secret layer!”

He started running down the hall. I guess that means I did too! I picked up my feet running as fast as my feet would take me! I was overrun with laughter by the time Louis had shut the door behind us. Louis was laughing too. “Now, before I go fight those dead bastards,” Louis said dramatically, “The bathroom is right here,” he pointed and my eyes followed, “If you need anything just yell at one of us! Goodnight Mrs. Hor— Um, Lovato.”

Louis smiled sheepishly than exited the room closing the door behind him.  I heard his feet pounding on the floor as he ran back to the kitchen. I crawled into the comfortable queen sized bed.  “Mrs. Horan.” I said trying it out.

I settled in pulling the sheets up to my neck. Didn’t sound bad.  I closed my eyes. I thought of Niall. The last thing I remember was seeing his face in my thoughts.


Niall’s POV:

I opened my eyes.  I must have slept in. It’s a good thing the boys and I don‘t have anything planned today.  But wait… I was doing something today. Wasn’t… Oh, no. Demi was here! I overslept! Shit! She’s probably been up for hours!

I jumped out of bed pulling on boxers, a white t-shirt, and grey sweatpants. I booked it down the stairs and dashed to the living room.  She wasn’t there! Dammit! She must have gone out with the boys! I heard the sound of a piano. Liam must be home.

I ran to the music room! “Liam?!” I yelled.

To my surprise all of the boys were home. Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Louis were sitting. Liam was at the piano. Even Zayn was up. That means that I slept in late! Demi was going to hate me!

“What happened to you?” Harry chuckled.

“Yeah, you look like a wreck.” Zayn commented.

I shot him an angry glare. “Where’s Demi? I overslept and she’s not on the couch… She didn’t leave did she?” I panicked.

“Relax Niall,” Harry began, “She’s sleeping in the guest room.”

I sighed with relief.

“Yeah, Nazis attacked us on the way there! But I defended her!” Louis said proudly.

This made a laugh pop out of my mouth. “Oh, and Eleanor and Danielle are coming later tonight. They want to meet Demi.” Louis said.

Dani and El would make Demi more comfortable. I walked over and sat on Harry’s lap. Harry grunted, “This baby is getting bigger!”

This made all of us laugh. Suddenly, a half asleep Demi walks into the room. “Hello sleepy head!” Harry teased.

He was in a quite different mood from the other day. He was so sexual and today he’s so… cupcake. The thought made me laugh! That was the name the fans had given him. It suits him quite well. They even made up a thing called “cupcaking.”

“Hello…” Demi said her eyes drooping.

I got up and walked to Demi. “Hi Niall.” She smiled.

“Hello love.” I said giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

“What time is it?”

“Um, about 1 o’clock I think. I just got up.” I answered.

“Oh… I slept a while.” She chuckled.

“Would you two lovebirds like us to leave?” Louis asked smiling.

“No, it’s okay Louis… What are we doing today?” 

“Well,” said Liam with a wide smile, “Danielle and Eleanor are coming this afternoon. They want to meet you!”

Demi’s eyes went wide. “T-they are coming here? What time!? I need to get ready I look like something ran me over!”

“Relax love.” I said soothingly.

“They will probably come no later than five o’clock.” Liam said still smiling.

Demi sighed loudly, “I have some time then…”

There was a short silence, but I had to ask the question that had been eating me alive, “Is anyone hungry?”

This started a chain of laughter starting with Demi. “Niall,” she giggled, “You’re always hungry!”

“I know, but this time it’s different! I’m starving!”

“Come on Niall, I’ll make you something to eat! Aren’t you hungry too Demi?”

“A little bit.” She answered.

We walked to the kitchen, the other lads still laughing their heads off in the music room. Demi and I sat at the kitchen bar and Zayn turned on the stove. We were going to have a great time this week!

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