Chapter 12

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(A/N: Hey, sorry this is crap. But i kinda like it, i don't know hahaha! Please follow me on Twitter: @5SOSRockMeh! Thank you!! Oh, and I've been thinking... This story is kinda based off of Nightingale. Should i change the name or keep as My Love is like a Star? Let meh know C:)

Niall’s POV:

The first thing I felt when I woke up wasn’t pain. No, that came when I sat up. The first thing I felt was embarrassment.

I was supposed to save Demi last night. I was supposed to be the hero. I was supposed to get her down to safety. I was supposed to protect her. I failed. I’m a sad excuse for an Irishman.

I groaned as I sat up. Yes, I was sore. Extremely sore. I walked over to Demi’s room where she was fast  asleep. “I’m sorry I didn’t save you.” I whispered.

I decided to confide in Harry.

I tiptoed to his room and opened the door. I grabbed a pair of gym shorts from the floor. Harry’s worst habit is being naked and I have no doubt that he went commando last night. I knew he was out like a log, but that didn’t stop me from climbing on top of him and sitting on his head.

Harry groaned and I pushed the shorts into his chest. “Put those on.”


“Because I need to talk to you.”

“Then talk to me naked.”

I growled. “Fine.”

“So tell me,” Harry said rubbing his eyes, “why have you come to the love doctor?”

I snorted, but he stared at me waiting for a reply so I spilled my guts.

I told him everything. I told him about not being able to keep her safe. Not being able to protect her. I told him how I felt about it and how I felt like a sad excuse for man. I also told him about Demi and how much I love her. How I fall for her more each day. I told him how strong she is and how beautiful she is inside and out. I told Harry I think Demi might be my princess that I’ve been waiting for.

He thought for a moment. “Niall, what you and Demi have… I think it’s love.” Harry paused to let me soak it in.

He continued, “You probably think that you’re a failure and a bad protector, and suck at being a man,”

“Gee thanks.”

“BUT, Niall, the story isn’t over yet. What happens at the end of every fairytale?”

“They live happily ever after?” I said.

“Yes, but the prince saves the princess first.”

“So what you’re saying is…?”

“In the end, one way or another, you’ll save her.”

“But, how—“

“Now, tell me more about Demi.”

I sighed and continued.

Surprisingly, Harry’s words made sense.

Demi’s POV:

I woke with a start. I looked frantically around the room for Niall. He wasn’t here. I began to panic. Was my dream true? Had Niall really died?

I got out of bed and searched the halls. “Niall?” I whispered.

I heard talking upstairs. I ran up the stairs and sprinted down the hall as quiet as I could. I peeked in the door. Niall was there. I sighed. Relief flooded through me.

I was about to push through the door, but Niall talking to Harry made me stop. It’s not right to eavesdrop, I told myself.  But I couldn’t keep from listening.

“Demi is just amazing. She’s everything I’ve ever looked for in a girl. I wanted an Irish girl and I thought that Demi didn’t have that. She does though! She’s part Irish! Well, along with a few other things…” That was Niall. “She’s so strong Harry. She’s so fucking strong and I hope that one day I can be like that too. I don’t know… Demi might be my biggest inspiration.”

I felt bad for listening in, but I ended up sitting on the floor listening to the rest of their conversation. All I could do was smile. The lyrics from "Nightingale" rang though my head:

Can you be my nightingale?
Still so close
I know you're there
Oh, nightingale
You sing to me
I know you're there
'Cause baby you're my sanity
You bring me peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale

 I might have found the boy that loves me like Peeta loves Katniss.

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