Chapter 7

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(A/N- Please watch the video below or search Demi Lovato’s 17th birthday dance in a YouTube browser. The channel will come up as, therealdemilovato. Enjoy!)

Niall’s POV:

I woke up to the sound of the deep rumbling of bass down below. My head was pounding and I couldn’t remember much from last night. I don’t know how I got in bed or how I have an onesie on right now or anything!

I rolled out of bed… literally. I crashed to the floor making a loud BOOM when I hit the ground. The loud music didn’t stop, but I knew I had probably woken some people up.

I got up, my head pounding. I had a massive hangover.

I walked to the bathroom rubbing my forehead with my fingers. I looked in the mirror and saw what a mess I was. I must’ve party hard last night. Or maybe I had too much to drink? Either way, I didn’t look great.

I splashed water on my face and combed my blond locks. I brushed my teeth and then took a pain killer for my headache.

I stepped out of the bathroom and began to make my way downstairs.  I heard giggles and I knew that the girls were up.

I turned the corner and there was Demi. She looked very… hot.

From what I saw, she was teaching Danielle a dance, which I thought should be the other way around, but apparently, it was pretty hard. I watched them in secret.

I watched Demi’s hips and the way she moved her body. I saw that Eleanor was the “DJ.” She turned on a video on her MacBook, which was plugged into the amp. I heard Demi say, “And five, six, seven, eight!”

The song first song was Drop it Low. Their dance began. I watched her move, embracing every little detail. That girl could dance.  

“Shit.” I cursed under my breath.

I think I fell in love with Demi a little bit more while watching her. She was the most perfect girl I had ever met.  I recognized each of the songs. They were, Drop it Low by Easter lean, Diamonds in the Bezzel  by Jordan Francis, Diva by Beyonce, and Transform ya by Chris Brown. Those were some of my favorite songs.

Demi was my dream girl and I’ll tell that to anyone who asks.

Demi’s POV:

I had slept in the guest room last night again.

After we arrived home, I had dragged Niall into his room and changed him into a pajama-type-thing—stop! I know what you’re thinking! No, I did not look at Niall while I was changing him. I closed my eyes. He deserves respect. Although, I will admit he does have a pretty nice body…

I woke up this morning to find that Eleanor and Danielle already up. It looked like Eleanor had driven to Starbucks and gotten coffee… for everyone.

The three of us chatted and sipped our drinks until Danielle told me she was a dancer. I had no idea that she was and to be honest, she was an amazing one too.

I showed her the video on YouTube of my 17th birthday dance. She had asked me to teach it to her and that’s exactly what we did. I was wearing sweats: the perfect dance clothes.

We practiced the entire dance with Eleanor in control of the music, which she was either really happy about or just high on coffee.

Half-way through our routine, Danielle pulled off her t-shirt and I pushed my sweatshirt up my chest. Lucky for me, I had a white tank top on underneath. Danielle was just in a sports bra, but she didn’t seem to mind at all. 

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