Chapter 4

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Niall’s POV:


Today was the day. Or technically tomorrow.  Demi would be arriving at 1 a.m.  I became so excited that I had to pace to calm myself.

"Calm down Niall, she's not going to be here for another twelve hours." Liam assured me.

“I know, I know, but is being so nervous you want to through up and being so excited you just want to jump off a roof normal?!”

“Yes mate, it is.”

I began to pace again. If this was working off my nervous energy, than this is what I had to do.

I  didn’t hear them come in, but when I had my back turned, Harry and Louis jumped me form behind sending me crashing down! We knocked over a bowl of chips that we watched fly and land on a laughing Liam. I didn’t have much time though because Harry was ripping off my shorts and Louis was yanking at my shirt. “Stop it!” I yelled laughing uncontrollably, Suddenly, Harry stopped. Crawled up to my to my face and put his head down my ear. He whispered, “We’ll stop if you tell me what dirty thing you’re going to do to Demi.”

“Wow you’re whispering skills are magnificent,” Louis exclaimed sarcastically, “The whole country can hear you!”

Zayn walked in holding a book. He said, “What’s going—“

He stopped mid-sentence, looking at me on the floor with nothing but my boxers on, then to Liam who was laughing and happily eating chips off himself, and then to Louis and Harry who were staring back at him. “Well,” Zayn began, “If you can’t beat them, join them!”

He tossed his book over his shoulder and started running towards us. Oh no! He was going to jump on me! “No! No! Stop!” I said trying to move out of the way. One problem, Harry and Louis were holding me down! I grunted at Zayn’s full body weight fell on me. We laughed. And laughed… and laughed. “Anyway, as I was saying,” began Harry, “What dirty things are you going to do to her?...”

“Harry! We’ve been dating for two months! I’m not even sure if she’s my girlfriend! Now take your dirty mind and go make me food!” I exclaimed.

“Well then, if you change your mind, DON’T FORGET TO USE PROTECTION!” Harry yelled at the top of his lungs walking toward the kitchen.

“Yes,” chuckled Zayn, “We don’t need another little Niall or Demi running around.”

Zayn got up, picked up his book and winked at me when he stood. What was that supposed to mean?

Demi’s POV:

                “Demi!” my mother whisper yelled from downstairs, “Hurry or you’re going to be late for your flight!”

“Okay just a minute!” I whisper yelled back!

Madison and Eddie were asleep, so we were trying to be quiet. I looked back at my bedroom one last time. I’d be back in seven days… The thought made my stomach turn. I promised Niall two weeks but Management said I could have no longer than one. With my new album coming out, I had barley any spare time as it is, so this “vacation” was a rare gift.  I walked down the stairs to a annoyed mother. “Sorry, I was… er, getting ready.” I said.

“Demi, you’ve been up since 5 a.m. and you’re wearing sweatpants. Don’t tell me you took all that time doing your makeup. Now come on, your flight takes off at eight.”

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