Chapter 10

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Demi’s POV:

Panic flooded though my veins. I couldn’t let him. I wouldn’t.

If anything, anything at all, happened to Niall, I would never forgive myself. I would never be able to go on with life. He will always be the gap that no one can fill.

I looked into his eyes. “No.”

“Demi, this is no time to argue—“

“Either we both go, or we don’t. I’m not going to lose you.” I told him sternly.

Niall nodded his head. “We have to help these people though. We can’t leave them here to die.”

The Farris wheel groaned again and I grabbed Niall’s hand. “C’mon Dems, you can do it.”

Niall was stepping out onto the first metal bar and I followed him.

We inched our way down the metal spokes. I could hear people screaming below us and above us. “It’s okay Demi, we’ll go slowly. C’mon now.” Niall encouraged.

My hands were sweating and my grip on the metal bar began to loosen. “Niall! I’m slipping!” I shrieked.

I could hear sirens wailing in the distance coming this way. At first, I was relieved. Then the wheel started falling.

“Demi, we need to go. If we’re going to help these people we have to move.” Niall ordered.

I obeyed and quickly stared to climb down.

Although we still had a long ways to go, I was getting hopeful and as you know hope can either be a blessing or a curse.

Niall and I were half way down now. I peeked down for just a moment to see a fire truck and an ambulance below us. Then the worst thing happened right before my eyes.

Niall yelped as his hand slipped from the bar he was holding onto. Our eyes made eye contact as I screamed his name. Then it happened in slow motion.

Niall plummeted to the ground and when he landed with such force I thought for sure he was dead.

You know those stories you hear of people getting adrenaline rushes in times of trouble and becoming strong and brave? Well that’s what was happening to me.

I took a deep breath and swiftly climbed down the bars. Step by step, bar by bar, I made it down. I looked around at the chaos around me in search of Niall.

Had an ambulance already taken him to a hospital? Was he okay? I had so many questions to ask, and there was one that I wouldn’t dare let myself think: Is Niall alive?

“Niall! Niall where are you!?” I screamed.

I don’t know how I heard it, but somewhere in the distance, despite all of the chaos, I heard Niall moan.

A speck of hope surged up inside of me. Twenty yards in front of me, I saw his blonde hair. I ran over to him. “Niall?” I said as I flipped him over.

It wasn’t him.

I cursed under my breath. I told a paramedic about the man and he hurried over to him.

“Niall!?” I screamed again.

Tears were falling down my face and my adrenaline rush was gone. I fell to my knees as I sobbed his name. Then I heard it again. The faint moan.

I ran towards it direction.  I called out Niall’s name again. This time I got a response.

I sprinted in in his direction. I saw him. Sprawled out on the ground. “Niall!” I sobbed as I knelt beside him.

His eyes were closed and he was gasping for air, but somehow he managed to croak out my name. “Demi.”

Niall’s POV:

For the most part I didn’t think I was hurt. I think I just had a pretty hard fall. I’m not even sure how it happened or what was going through my mind. All I know though is that right now, Demi is safe and we’re going to be okay.

I looked up into her chocolate eyes that made me melt. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Tears were spilling over her cheeks. “Don’t cry Demi. I’m okay.”

She nodded, but the brown tears from all the smeared makeup kept on coming.

“Niall, Demi?!” I heard a familiar voice yell.

“Liam?” Demi called.

Before I could even say a word Harry and Liam were crouched down next to me.

Harry asked what happened and Demi explained everything.

Liam ran and got a paramedic to evaluate my injuries.  She felt around and moved my bones and touched me places I would rather her not, but I didn’t argue or move.

Finally, she was done. “Nothing seems to be wrong with you. Probably pretty banged up though. I recommend paying a visit to your primary doctor as soon as you can though.”

Liam and Harry helped me up and for the first time I took everything in. People were running everywhere. Firefighters were trying to get people off of the Farris wheel before it came crashing down.  Some people stayed and watched while some fled the scene.

Police officers and firefighters forced people a safe distance away once they had gotten everyone off.

Suddenly, the wheel came crashing down on hit the ground with a loud thud which vibrated through your bones.

I held onto Demi’s hand tighter. “C’mon,” I told them, “let’s go.”

On the drive home, Demi had called up Zayn and Louis and did a 3-way call. “Are you sure you’re okay?” They asked.

I chuckled. “I’m fine! All of you go back to what you were doing! I just fell—“

“Just fell!” Harry exclaimed, “You fell fifty fucking feet from the sky!”

I looked from Demi for help but she just agreed with Harry.

“Okay, well, I fell pretty far, but I’m fine. Just a bit sore…” I trailed off as my phone vibrated.

I looked down at it. It was a text from Ashton Irwin. Who was he again…? Oh, wait he’s one of the members of 5 Seconds of Summer. I read the text:

Ashton: The boy’s and I will be at your flat in 30 minutes. See you then:)xx

 “Hey boys,”

“Yeah?” They all replied.

“What are ya doin’ tonight?” I asked.

“Perrie’s off tonight so we were going to hang out.” Zayn told me.

“Yeah, same with me and Danielle.” Liam said.

“Louis, Harry?” I asked them.

“Eleanor’s got something planned, but she won’t tell me what it is.” Says Louis.

“And I’m going clubbing!” Harry said happily.

“That just leaves me and Demi. I have a meeting tonight with the boys from 5 Seconds of Summer. Are you okay with that Demi?” I said.

“Yeah, it’ll be fun!” She smiled.

Liam and Harry dropped us off at the flat and Demi and I went inside. Lucky for us we didn’t have much cleaning to do. Before we knew it, the boys were here. Demi ran to the bathroom to fix her makeup.

I walked to the door and opened it. Four boys stood before me. “Hello.” They said.


(A/N: Heyyy guys :) So I don't know if any of you are 5SOS fans, but I started writting a fanfic and would love for you to check it out!

Also, i would just like to say THANK YOU!! 3.7k reads?! What?! You guys are amazing! ILYSM

Don't forget to VOTE, FAN, FOLLOW, AND COMMENT!)

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