Chapter 16

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Demi’s POV:

My eyes flew open as I realized what had taken place last night. I felt my cheek. It was wet. I had been, and still was, crying silently. I looked to the other side of the bed. A sleeping, very naked, Wilmer lay there.

I slipped out of bed as quietly as possible. I found my clothes on the floor and put them back on my body. I heard my MacBook ringing in the kitchen and knew I was getting a Skype call. I opened and closed the door to my bedroom silently, hoping not to wake Wilmer. The cold floor sent chills through my bare feet and up my body. I sat down at the table prepared to answer the call. I prayed that it wasn’t Niall who was calling. I couldn’t face him after what I had just done.

I opened up the laptop. Who would have known? It was Niall. I answered the call and there was Niall. “Demi!” he exclaimed.

I smiled at him, “Hey, Niall.”

Four other faces appeared on the screen. “DEMI!” They shouted. 

That sent Niall in a fit of laughter. “They’re excited to see you!”

 I looked at all five faces, which were so familiar to me. Zayn, with the sharp angles of his face, the blonde streak in his hair, and the little earrings that fell from his earlobes; Liam, with his short hair, his maturity, and of course, the way that he’s able to have fun—be fun—and still be responsible. Harry, with his curls, deep voice, and beautiful green eyes. His stupid stories and his playfulness; Louis. Oh, Louis. All I can say is that he’s a cutie pie. He’s crazy, and stupid, but I love him to death. I love them all to death. Last but not least, Niall. He’s simply amazing. His blonde locks and piercing blue eyes. His care free attitude and ability to always make me laugh. He makes me happy, and supports me in everything. I love him. Or at least, I think I do.

“Well, I’m excited to see you guys too!” I said half-heartedly. I was excited to see them. I just felt really guilty.

“So how’s the tour going?” I asked.

“Great!” piped Harry.

“It’s been a lot of fun!” Louis and Zayn said in unison.

“Jinx!” they said again. They broke down in laughter and high fived.

“What about you Liam?” I said with a smile.

“Oh, I love it! The fans are great! We’ve been having a lot of fun on stage.”

“It’s been crazy, but you know how that is.” Harry butted in winking.

I giggled when Niall noticed Harry trying to flirt with me. He swatted him on top of the head and herded the rest of them out of the room. He locked the door behind them and sat back down, so he could talk to me. I looked into his blue eyes. It almost felt like he was actually here with me. Almost.

“So how’ve you been?” Niall asked with a large simile.

I smiled back, but the guilt was eating away at me. “I’m doing okay. I have a meeting at 9:30—“

“What time is it now?”

I checked the clock. “9:13.”

“So you’ll probably have to go soon.” Niall said disappointed.

“Probably… don’t you have a show soon?”

“Yeah, we’re in the dressing room.”


There was a small, awkward, silence.

“I miss you.” He said finally.

“I miss you too.” I wasn’t lying when I said that. I did miss him. That week that I spent with the boys was one of the best in my life. Suddenly, there was a loud yell. “Who the hell is that?!”

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