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Two Years Ago

Logan woke up to absolute darkness, he had no feeling in his body, but he could tell it was freezing, it was silent, his eyes never adjusted to the darkness. It was a void... was this death? He thought back to what happened, the number of people that he had just killed, the people he watched die, then remembered Morison and the events that followed after. He couldn't stop thinking about his best friend, his brother that he never had, shot right through the head with no chance of being saved, he was being driven crazy by it. As he silently broke down he came to the realization that this wasn't death... the darkness had all of a sudden lit up as it opened and 2 men entered. His eyes burned as the light flooded the room. One of the men noticed right quickly that he was moving and awake and quickly turned around with purpose while the other stood staring. He looked out of what now Logan could make out as a door frame and nodded to someone unseen before walking confidently towards Logan and kicking him in the stomach. Logan ached in pain but couldn't bring himself to make a sound vocally. The man knelt down punching him in the face before grabbing his almost lifeless body and dragging him out of the room. 

The floor was rough, dirty concrete, it wasn't totally freezing but had a cold feel to it, Logan had to have been in the room for a good while to be in the freezing state he was in. As he used whatever strength he had to look around he saw open areas with crates, computer systems, guns, lots of people, the people who had shot his friend. The man finally dropped him with force in front of an open door to another room that felt like an office of sorts, much more refurbished than anywhere else in what seemed like a bunker. The man then picked up Logan with force and threw him onto a chair with straps in front of the desk. There a man sat, calmly, wearing a white suit that could stand out anywhere. The man nodded towards the one that put him in the chair and poured a drink. Logan struggled to move strapped in tightly while the man across just stared, taking light sips of his drink which now smelled of strong alcohol. Eventually, the silence was broken by the man.

"Logan Harkness... the man with no fear, a commando that belongs in way better places than just the FBI." He said calmly.

Logan looked up at him drowsy, at this point, it was occurring to him that he was likely suffering from the effects of a drug, unable to focus he ended up just nodding back down. The man continued.

"I have been watching for a long time Logan... You are considerably the perfect agent, I knew I wanted to meet you... I did not mean for it to be on those terms however it is quite convenient that you have been brought to me now." 

Logan finally was able to speak just a little bit out of desperation.

"Who are you?" he managed to get out.

The man simply laughed before getting serious and grabbing Logan's neck and pulling himself in.

"Who am I?! I am the man who decides if you live or die right now. I am the man that you have offended by killing many of my people..." he pause then continued with a chuckle.

"I am also impressed though... in time you will replace all of them just on your own."

Logan looked up confused in pain as the drugs were drowning out.

The man looked him in the eye holding his face forward.

"Logan... you don't realize it yet, but fate has put you here, fate has made sure to ruin you... but here I don't apply to fate... I will build you back up a new man... although it will not be the prettiest process, I am sorry for everything, but you will come to realize your true calling soon."

Logan started to realize what was going to happen but the man during those words had injected him with another needle that had already been causing him to pass out. Before everything went black all he could hear were these horrific words that would only be the beginning of his suffering.

"Demon... take him to the dark room. Tell Violet she has a new... 'Client'."

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