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It was a little after 10PM when Alexis showed up at the scene of the multiple murders. She was greeted at the gate of the large villa by a fellow agent who she easily could recognize was called in too.

"Late night for you to huh?" The agent asked.

She smiled sarcastically as her windowed opened fully.

"Unfortunately." she replied.

The agent smiling and nodding letting her drive into the villa's huge yard.

She pulled up close to the main entrance, their were at least 30 agents searching the area. Based on that she knew this was very serious. She stopped her car, taking a deep breath, preparing for what's to come, then, she stepped out.

Jack was at the entrance, likely waiting for her to show up. He was talking with a few other agents, comparing observations. He noticed Alexis step out of her car, so he exited the group conversation and walked over to her.

Jack was a very professional looking man. Short black hair that was slightly padded into a smooth but natural looking combover, he was an average height around 5'7, very well built man having spent so long in jobs and occupations that required good physical condition. He had a very short, prickly beard, as if it was just growing in, he kept it that way and it always had been that way.

"Prepare and ready yourself, its a mess in there." He explained, giving her a greeting nod.

Alexis walked up to him and they walked to the entrance.

"How many bodies are there?" She asked genuinely wanting to know before she saw them. 

Jack laughed ready to tell her.

"About a dozen." He said coughing and going back to more serious look.

Alexis was now very intrigued and nervous but she kept her enthusiastic persona.

"Oh boy, sounds like its gonna be a long night." She said before walking into the house mentally preparing for the horrors she would witness.

Alexis almost puked as she got a few feet into the villa. The smell of multiple dead, decaying bodies fought through the air. Even with all the windows and doors open the smell didn't weaken. The first thing she saw was a puddle of blood in a room straight ahead of her. She looked back at Jack after a few seconds and nodded, moving towards the common room. As she walked in, the smell became a million times stronger. She noticed 4 bodies dead on the ground first all but one with a small precise gunshot in their head. She already could tell a pistol was used. The fourth body made her recoil at first seeing the bashed face of the man but she got over it to scan the rest of the room. She didn't wanna even think about the death that man suffered.

"The gun wounds are 100% from a FBI issued Colt, 1911 model." Jack said.

"we figured that out based on the rounds and bullet holes, however there are other deaths in this place that came from a few other weapons."

Alexis continuing to scan the bodies thought about the killer or killers.

"You have any idea how many people did this?" She asked finally turning back to see Jack's expression.

"I have reason to believe that its just one person, it makes more sense as guns could be found far from some of the bodies, suggesting the killer picked up and dropped on the go around the house." He explained. 

Alexis was quite nervous hearing that.

"These guys were armed security, who the hell goes through that?" She asked in a half yell half interrogative tone.

Jack simply just nodded and gave a light arm raise unsure himself.

Alexis put her focus back on scene, she managed to spot some shells of the bullets on the ground. Clearly a 45. As she examined the bodies, she finally caught a glimpse of something that burned into her eyes and brain. A man in a red suit jacket, his upper body and head.. Burnt to a crisp, half melted exposing flesh. Whoever it was, they were killed in a very sadistic and painful way. She looked back at Jack while expressing a face of disbelief, behind her expressions she almost teared up realizing someone went through that.

Jack simply nodded.

"I felt the same way." He said empathetically.

Alexis downed her head.

"This is already messed up, Jack" She said quietly.

There was still more to be seen in the villa so she decided to get out of that room, but as she left she saw it, a display of weapons, one frame was missing its trophy, it was small, meant to hold something small. She automatically guessed this was the origin of where the pistol came from. She finished examining the room and stepped out, she then noticed the stairs. 3 more bodies. She walked over to investigate. As she looked at the bodies for any evidence, someone came from the upstairs floor, it was an analyst there to check the bodies, they looked at Jack and spoke.

"3 more up there." He said.

Jack nodded, Alexis went further into disbelief that so many people were dead in this place.

Alexis stood up and walked up the stairs deciding to get the vision out of her way. She entered the big open room and all that sat their were 3 more bodies. Each were dead before they could move around as all the blood was concentrated in one area. She was focusing on them before she noticed 2 things. First there was a small blood mark across the room, second, their was a black piece of leather on the ground, also soaked in the blood. Their was a 3rd clue as she looked closer. Skin? Someone had been hurt to the point a good chunk of skin was lost, their was also another shell, but it wasn't from a 1911. She lifted it and looked at Jack.

"This is from an MP5, its clear the one shot here didn't suffer a major injury and was across from the bodies over there... you think our shooter was shot?" She asked surprised with the discovery that was missed by the analyst.

Jack was surprised at the idea and replied.

"Maybe... It makes sense, he was shot, it wasn't direct but close enough to rip his clothing and burn some skin off, causing blood. We'll have it examined." He confirmed.

Alexis seemed to have seen enough, she was still about to puke so she decided to step out and take a break. As they stepped out she noticed a camera in the above the entrance and it came to her.

"Hey, you think we can get something out of those?" she asked pointing at the camera then noticing another along the wall to of the villa.

Jack was caught off guard, he didn't even think about it, but it was a great idea.

He looked around the area until he saw some cameras on the walls of the villa himself. He then looked over to Alexis and nodded while grabbing another agent and pointing at them.

Alexis decided to go sit for a bit.

"Let me know when you get the footage." She said to Jack.

Jack nodded.

"Alright, take a break, I'll come get you."

Alexis smiled and walked over to her car to sit down and relax. She needed as much rest as she could get for the overtime she knew she would have for this case.

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