We Bleed The Same Blood

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It had been almost two hours since the phone call. Logan had been doing as he wanted, laying in bed awake and thinking, planning his moves, ready to announce them once Jack returned. Alexis had been half asleep. It was on and off for her, too much stress kept her awake at all times, and thinking about Nate's texts had begun to break her hopes. She had decided not to say anything else nor read Nate's response assuming he did, she did keep her phone on, however, listening for the notification that she would force herself to ignore. Time was flying by in an odd sense, it was as if it stopped for long intervals before speeding up then repeating the process. The mood was simply in between powerful boredom and mind-boggling stress with no in-between whatsoever. What went through Logan's mind was a series of calculated plans that all unfortunately cut short due to the added factor of assuring his two friends were given safety. He wanted to just go out there and deal with the problems head-on. Even in the condition, he was in, he felt confident that as long as he moved at a quick and steady pace he could finish everything and in his thoughts "get out of the mess". In another chain of thoughts, he wanted to attempt reasoning with Demon, get him to leave Alexis and Jack out of everything as long as they didn't try to escalate the situation however there were many issues with that plan with the main one being the fact that Demon was clearly a person who one could just not trust. In the end, Logan had narrowed things down, he knew if he wanted the best conclusion to this mess he would need to kill Demon and Darren and take away the power they held being a part of the syndicate they led. Logan saw the flaws in this plan just like the rest but still considered it his best choice even if it meant he had to go too. Logan for the first time in a long time was so entranced by his thinking that he lacked awareness, more specifically, the sound of a phone going off. Alexis' phone. It was a default plain ring of a bell sound, Alexis easily identified the sound as a text notification and had a pretty good idea of who it was. She forced herself not to turn her phone on at the time and after realizing Logan didn't hear it she relaxed slightly once again. 

two hours became nearly four and Alexis had finally had enough letting out an aggressive blast of air before standing up. Logan snapped out of his trance and turned his head to see what she was doing. They made eye contact and Alexis gave a sarcastic, aggressive shrug.

"I'm going outside to check, Logan this isn't right." She declared.

Logan turned his head the other way hiding the nervous expression he was showing, before taking a breath himself then sitting up. He stretched his arms out and cracked his neck before standing and making eye contact once again motioning for Alexis to lead the way. 

The weather was still quite cold, the area was dark and gave off a dreadful feeling. Alexis was dying of stress she was unable to take it anymore actively speed walking around the area. Logan simply stood staring into the darkness as if he saw something, he did not, however, just void. 

"What are we going to do? Logan?" Alexis asked snapping her fingers to get his attention. 

Logan looked down to the ground adjusting his standing position to a more relaxed lean before replying.

"I think we should go. We have no choice but to move, can't stay here." He said in a more proposing manner, he assumed this was unfortunately what Alexis wanted to hear but he knew they would regret leaving.

Alexis simply just stared knowing he was right, they needed to survive, and staying here was not helping. 

"Tomorrow," She said with a sad nod. Logan looked up at her with confirmation in his eyes.


Alexis walked back to the door of the bunker deciding she needed to force herself to sleep if they were going to be moving later on. Logan stared a bit longer into the distance, deep down he had hoped he would see a source of light heading towards them but to no avail so he went inside. 

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