You Put a Spell On Me

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"I picked up some snacks, their in the trunk" Jack said as he walked over to the front of the car that was now parked in the driveway of a motel a good ways out of the woods. He figured they could rest on a real bed and eat some real food before taking a longer drive further out. He was still against leaving but he had some time to think and decided it was best to get away from it all, he didn't want Alexis to be in any more danger, she was already broken in every way she could be. Alexis didn't care to grab the said snacks and just stepped out of the car and leaned on the door as Jack walked over to the office to get their room. She simply leaned on the car dry of tears, she felt like a husk, no energy for emotions, no energy for anything. Her mind had shutdown and all that stayed active was the autopilot that kept her alive. She wanted to lay down and never get up.

Jack walked into the fairly nice organized office, the motel in general was in pretty good condition, it was mainly just a pitstop for anyone on the way into the city but it wasn't really far enough to be a well known one as most would just keep driving the distance. The room was small. Basically a square shaped room with a side door that lead to a private office of some sort. In that room was an older woman, likely around her late 40's reading a book. Jack didn't have much in him to focus on anything so all he did was tap somewhat loudly on the outside desk. The woman looked up and nodded raising a finger to state "1 second". She wrapped up her page closed her book and got up to come to the desk. She was slow and lazy with the movement, the job probably was boring, Jack couldn't blame her. As she walked out, to prevent awkward silence Jack offered a simple "hello". The woman gave him a fake smile as she grabbed a paper that likely had to do with rooms and vacancy. She clicked a pen and angled her eyes upwards waiting to hear what Jack wanted. He thought she would ask first but after realizing she wasn't budging, he quickly spoke.

"Uh- I would like a room please, 2 beds if you can" He said trying not to feel like an awkward fool. The woman kept her gaze on him a moment, narrowing her eyes before turning her head back down to the paper and finding an open room that met his requests. Unexpectedly to Jack, she spoke.

"I can getcha 2B for 20$ a night." Jack had never stayed at a motel before but he felt like that was a fair enough price and at this point no price was to high. So after a slight bit of contemplation and judgmental staring, the money had been transferred and the small paperwork had been complete. As she gave him the key she said one last line that was clearly just as fake as the smile earlier.

"Have a nice stay"

                  *                                     *                                          *                                              *                                              *

Jack and Alexis had quickly settled into the room. Little to no words were spoken between the two even though Alexis' mind was without a doubt still going to be racing for a long time. She had clearly fell into her own state of depression in this situation. Jack wanted to do something but Alexis dodge any of his advances to comfort her. They ended up clocking in with the first half hour of entering the room. It was a clean room, the beds seemed fresh but who knew. Alexis honestly didn't care, at least it was the trashy makeshift stuff. She found herself laying paralyzed in the dark for what felt like eternity. With her body now relaxed and comfy, her mind came back online slowly and she could feel the next drought of tears on the way. She couldn't believe anything. Her closest friend in the whole world, someone she loved and probably would have spent the rest of her life with in time had just tried to kill her with little to no remorse. What was trust... Her mind replayed the events over and over forcing out more tears each time, it got to the point where she started envisioning other ways the scenario could have played out. What if he did just shoot her then and there? Did Nate care at all? Was everything they had always fake? Why was he connected with Demon? Who else? Is Logan okay? . . .

"Is Logan okay?" 

The question found its way to the front of her mind, mesmerizing her, Logan had put himself in front of her in that situation and he did everything he could to comfort and keep her safe throughout the hellish event. She felt this side idea making its way to the front along with the question. She wanted to say something to Logan, but she simply couldn't say it with Jack there, and she was just to drowned in emotions and tears. She forced herself to remember what it was she wanted to say in a word for word manner.

"I want to stay with you."

Logan ended up having such an impact on her to the point she felt like she owed him everything even if at the time she would have rather died. She felt this urge getting stronger and stronger all of a sudden. She found her self absorbing the silence of the almost pitch black room. She found her eyes looking over to Jack... He was sound asleep, a fairly heavy sleeper at that. Before she knew it she was slowly standing up, her body aching every step of the way. It all happened in blink, she had snuck over to Jack's coat and found the car keys. Feeling them she slowly took them in her hand making sure not to allow them to jingle with any of the connected parts to the ring. Something in her had awoken, she was in pure autopilot, she didn't even put her boots on, she just very slowly and methodically opened the door, grabbed her boots and jacket and stepped out into the cold. Their car sat right beside the room so she was easily able to get to it and slowly get the door opened and closed assuring she didn't slam anything just in case Jack was jumpy. The rest had to be quick, while in the car she got her boots on and jacket on and in a fast movement started the car reversed out of the spot and zoomed out of the lot onto the highway. Turning right... back towards New York. She felt more tears coming but now for what she just did. She didn't want to ditch Jack, but if he found out that she wanted to be that close to the chaos, he probably would have got too protective. He cared about Logan but he cared about her more in that respect. She started to heavily cry as she started her fairly small drive back towards the city. In the mists of it all, despite it being illegal she had pulled her phone out and found the contact "Nate" knowing that it damn well wasn't him, she felt so dirty but none the less typed a fast message.

"Please, I need to talk to you, I'll be heading to hotel on 42nd and 9th, please..."

upon hitting send she expected the instant reply full of Nate's charm and care but she snapped out of it, Nate was never that person... She never got a response throughout the rest of the drive, making her worry. 

"Is Logan okay?" 

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