The Ones Who Hurt You The Most

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Phantom awoke bound to a flimsy wood chair, leather straps were tight over his wrists and ankles, he was trapped in darkness. As he awoke he tried to remember everything that had ensued before he got knocked out. The first thing that came to mind was Demon... Demon... Betrayed him... Was he against him all along? As if on cue the room lit up as Demon and Darren entered the room.

"Good Morning sunshine!" Darren began with, a taunting greeting as Phantom attempted to rip the straps on his wrist to no avail. Darren laughed.

"Bet you never saw this one coming" He said throughout the laughter. 

"Had to use my wildcard" he said inferring that Demon had been with him throughout everything.

Phantom finally worked up the strength to speak looking at Demon. 

"Wh- Why?" He struggled to get the word out.

Demon tilted his head slowly with a smile.

"Just how it is Phantom..." 

Darren laughed even more taunting Phantom, eventually, he simply turned to walk out the door, before stepping out he looked at Demon with orders.

"Make him suffer, finish him when you are ready then we get to work." He ordered. 

Demon simply nodded as the door shut and he turned back to his brother in arms.

"Phantom Phantom Phantom..." He said cracking his knuckles.

"You don't understand how long I have been waiting for this..." He said adding a good chuckle at the end.

Phantom stared at him waiting for more but got impatient.

"WHY" He blurted out before spitting up some blood and coughing then continuing.

"How- long have you- been doing this?" He asked between breaths.

Demon just simply shook his head...

"You would not believe the answer."

After no response, Demon added.

"Since day 1 amigo," he said.

This broke Phantom, he didn't believe it, couldn't, his best friend had been working against him the whole time?

"Day 1?" He asked, using all his strength to get louder than normal.

Demon continued to laugh; "oh yeah." he responded.

"Figure it doesn't matter that you know now; I 'ruined' everything Phantom... I organized the shootout, told the feds he would be there..." He would have continued to reveal more but Phantom was livid. 

"YOU ARE THE REASON?!" The yelling was so painful but his adrenaline was pumping.


As he stopped to catch his breath Demon gave him a nice right hook to the face.

"It gets much deeper than that my friend, but if that is all you care about..." He stated while punching him again, this time a hard left hook.

Phantom was in pain but worked out the one word that he needed a response to.

"Why?" He asked hopelessly.

Demon laughed again before going monotone and giving Phantom a barrage of punches to the face then one to the stomach to leave him gasping. 

"Truth is quite simple... I was offered something greater than anything The Phantom ever offered. At first, I declined but the day he announced you his successor even after everything we went through killed me inside... This was not your job, It was mine... I was going to take the wheel when he died and I was going to do what he couldn't and put everything together to rule the networks of the criminal underworld."

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