Out Of The Dark

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"Wake up!" A voice echoed in Phantom's mind finally causing him to follow the order. He awoke with a gasp for air. The van was becoming too hot and it made it hard to breath. It looked the same as what Phantom could somewhat see when he had awoke earlier, in the night. He caught his breath and sat up. David was sitting on the edge of the now open van.

"Feeling any better?" He asked with a light cough.

Phantom could hear him well now. His sense had restored themselves. He took a few deep breaths before he spoke.

"I'm alive." He stated aggressively, while sliding out of the van. David stood up.

"Well, we'll get some food then we can talk about our approach to our problem." David stated, adding a bit of boldness to the word "our". Phantom was standing fairly well now. His head didn't hurt as much, his body aches numbed and he was now wide awake. He just nodded, consenting David to lead the way. Phantom zone out as they walked. He finally got a look at the area. They were in heavy wood lands. Some forest. It was like what could be a campground, open path to get up to the location, wide open, but, small area. It had small walking paths all over the area. Phantom and David ended up going through one of the ones closest to the van. The trees were heavy with leaves. Old, but, still in good shape. The path was a unpredictable mess. Sometimes it got steep, then flat, then curved. It varied as they walked through the trail. After about 5 minutes, they made it to their destination. 2 log cabins sat side by side in another open area like the one the van was in. The shape of the cabins seemed partially well kept but at the same time, some parts looked bad, cut or shaved. David turned around as they went to the furthest cabin. It was without a doubt the best kept out of the 2.

"Hope you like deer meat." David said trying to be as enthusiastic as he could. Phantom didn't react and just followed while he woke up and slowly recovered his senses to 100%. They entered the cabin. The interior was nothing the the exterior. It was a mess, the old kitchen utensils and fundamentals were in wreck. Wood was scattered over the cracked and broken wood floor. David had set up a makeshift table using crates that held something, likely guns based on how secure the crate was. He pulled up a stool for Phantom to sit before getting one for himself. Phantom sat down, putting his elbows on the table and rubbing his face. David sat down as well, pulling out a bottle of water and passing it to Phantom.

"Give me a minute to get the food." He requested while walking out to the back. Phantom sat in his stool thinking. Did he really make an alliance with this man? To him it seemed desperate and sudden, but, he vaguely remembered accepting the offer. He thought for a few minutes about his ally and made a decision. Before he could finish thinking of everything, David walked in with two plates of deer meat and peas. He sat back down passing a plate to Phantom.

"We don't have any silverware here, you're gonna have to use your hands." He stated with a half sorry look. Phantom took a few seconds to think, but, then looked up and nodded, almost forgetting he was there. They ate in silence for the next few minutes. Phantom enjoyed the food, but the way he saw this food was more just for survival, not taste. He didn't attempt to savor anything. The silence was interrupted when David spoke.

"Alright Logan, let's talk."

Phantom didn't respond or acknowledge him.

"The man who attacked you. He roughed you up pretty good. I haven't seen someone rough you up so bad since Grandview." He stated. Phantom's memory blew up as he heard the word "Grandview". He quickly sent those memories away. David still unacknowledged, spoke again.

"Logan... I want to help you, I want to know this man. But you have to help me." He said desperately. Phantom thought about responding, but, he stayed silent. David was becoming desperately irritated.

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