I Don't Hurt No More

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Alexis was very fast on the draw. First things first she needed to get him flat on the ground. She ran over to Logan's motionless body putting one hand around his back and the other over his chest to his shoulder and very smoothly moved him off the sofa chair and onto the white carpeted floor. She grabbed the pillow that sat on the sofa chair now covered in crimson and used it to keep his neck up. After getting him on the floor and straightened out, Alexis frantically opened the first aid kid. It was loaded with everything one would need for medical emergencies, bandages, gauze, a tourniquet, small splints, alcohol swabs and a pair of medical scissors were the items she was relying on. She analyzed the two bullet wounds Logan had suffered and concluded that his shoulder wound was much more important than the half-shot calf, with that in mind she began the process. She was able to get the now ruined trench coat off him with ease however was forced to cut his black undershirt up the middle to expose the wound. 

Staring at the now shirtless "patient" she saw much more than just the bullet hole. Many worn scars and bruises were spread across his body, some newer than others, it was clear he had been cut up and hurt quite a lot in the past. Putting that aside she focused her attention on the wound, it was bleeding like a floodgate had been opened, she needed to act fast as Logan was on the thinnest of ice. There was no way for her to stop much blood flow without killing him so she had to rely on a quick steady removal of the bullet and staples to the wound. It needed to be very quick. She looked through her first aid kit locating a pair of surgical pliers. After getting them she very gently rubbed some of the blood away from the wound to get a look into where the bullet was. After a good inspection, she managed to see a light shine of the bullet. The good news was that it was in an easy-to-grab position, it had been very straight. She assumed the shooter must have shot him from a fair distance as the bullet any closer would have simply pierced right through the arm. After clearing the blood away once again she quickly began delicately moving the pliers into position to grab the low caliber round. She needed to be quick on grabbing and getting it out as she lost vision of the bullet quite easily due to the blood flooding out so quickly. With this in mind, she made sure to give his wound one good wipe before swooping in for the target. She was able to get the pliers in and locked onto the round, she took a second to take a breath and make sure she was steady before slowly pulling the bullet out of the shoulder and dropping it on the carpet. She sighed in relief, opening an alcohol swab and starting the cleaning process. Once again, speed was necessary, as she opened a second swab and began rubbing it over the wound she used her other hand to check for Logan's pulse. It was still about the same, a weak but constant pulse. As she finished with the second swab and began unwrapping the roll of gauze the door came flying open.

Alexis without looking let out a slight yelp as the sound of the door swinging scared her. She looked behind her to see Jack with his gun drawn out. Jack noticed her right away wide-eyed at what he was seeing.

"What the fuck happened, are you okay?!" he asked quickly and worryingly.

Alexis closed her eyes as if holding back tears before answering.

"I- I don't know I came in and he was passed out on my chair, he's almost dead Jack." She blurted out getting more louder at each word. 

"Hey hey, it's ok, calm down." Jack said in an attempt to ease her emotions.

Alexis had turned her attention back to Logan, she had cut the gauze into a big enough square that could go over the wound putting it aside with some medical tape pieces. She then looked back at Jack before nodding to a side room that had an office table and computer from what could be seen on the outside.

"I need a stapler, it's in there in the first drawer on the left." She yelled trying not to seem like she was ordering him aggressively. It was hard to keep calm. Jack quickly nodded striding over to the room with speed, he came out a few seconds later giving her the stapler. 

"You need any help?" He swiftly followed up with finally calming down.

Alexis didn't respond, she was too concentrated on closing the wound to speak. Jack understanding this just came close and kneeled to get the same point of view she had. It took a handful of staples to close the wound but in the end, the majority of the blood was not flooding out anymore. The biggest problem had been dealt with. After assuring the staples were not needed anymore she grabbed the gauze cutout and tape strips attaching them over the wound as a backup absorber and cover. There was silence as she made sure the wound was fully sealed before she looked to Jack as if waiting for him to tell her what to do now. Instead, Jack wanted to know what happened. 

"Jesus, his body looks like he went through a sawmill, what happened to you Logan?" He said wishing his friend was awake and able to tell him. His body was indeed battle-scarred. 

Alexis was calming down now that the most urgent matter was dealt with and Logan was still breathing. She began scanning the other wound on his calf. As already noticed, the bullet did not enter and was primarily a miss. It was worse than the missed shot to the shoulder he took with Alister's men as this one actually caused a good rip in the skin and muscle but it wasn't nearly as bad as the direct hit Alexis had just tended to. Using the same process with a few changes she had the wound bandaged up within 2 minutes. 

"Is he going to be ok?" Jack asked now genuinely worried about him.

Alexis scanned him a little more, checking his pulse to make sure it was still there, it felt a little stronger than before confirming an answer.

"I think so, he has a lot of wounds on his head and cheeks here though, it looks like he was beaten senseless" She theorized. Jack saw this too and came to the same conclusion in his head and just silently agreed with her statement. 

"How the hell did he end up here?" He then asked after a long pause of just staring at Logan.

Alexis was a little happy that he had asked that because the question was on her mind too. How did he know where she lived? Where did he come from? Alexis felt an urge of fear in her realizing that Logan found her house. Nonetheless, she continued to examine the most recent injuries and tended to them as best she could. A handful of swabs and a pinch of staples later, Logan was pretty much full sealed. His pulse was normalizing. Jack and Alexis could only wait and see what happens. Alexis finally broke some silence.

"Um, can we move him off the floor now?" She asked looking at Jack. She wanted him to at least have a less solid carpet floor. Jack simply nodded after examining the room. 

"Couch?" He asked.

Alexis thought for a moment looking at her couch, squinting. 

"No, uh, too small. Let's move him to my bed." She stated, staring at her bed in the other room preparing to clean out lots of bloodstains when this was all over. At that rate, she would just buy a new bed entirely. Jack after a pause gave her an approving nod as they both grabbed Logan's still body and carried it over to the bed. Upon laying him down a quick alarm went off. A notification. Jack looked at her to see if she noticed it, she did, it came from one of Logan's inside pockets on the coat. Alexis after thinking about it reached in and pulled out his phone. She looked at Jack waiting to see his nod before turning it on to see if there was a source to the notification, there was... a text from an unknown number.

"I will find you, Logan." Was all it said.      

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