Trust Is a Liars Word

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Absolutely hysterical, Alexis was frozen, she could feel her spirit, her heart, and her emotions plummeting into an unreachable abyss. Not even the power of denial could save her, she knew who was behind that mask, her closest friend, maybe more... That didn't matter.

"Why are you here?" Logan asked trying to keep a calm and steady voice but he knew what was at stake and for the first time in so long, he felt hopeless in the sense he couldn't bear watching Alexis die. Nate stood still keeping the gun on Alexis knowing that if he took his arm away from her, he would have a big problem. After ignoring the same question multiple times, Nate gave in and responded, not to Logan but Alexis.

"Last words?" He asked in an emotionless voice. Alexis just stared, a depressing awe had come over her as her face was flooding with tears. 

"I-...I-" She couldn't force anything to come out as she still struggled to catch her breath. The pain the digging wire caused kept her mind occupied. Nate gave up on her turning his focus back to Logan.

"And you? you're a dead man too." He said implying a sense of satisfaction in his line of work. Logan had looked around the area trying to think of something, anything he could do to close the gap and stop him. After a period of searching, he met eyes with Alexis. His expression went from hopelessly surprised to boldly strict before looking back up at Nate. Alexis knew he was expecting something from her but she couldn't bring herself to do anything. At this point the bullet that would end her life was a savior, taking her from the grief she had been given.

"You need to point that gun away from her..." Logan stated strictly trying to intimidate Nate. You could hear a small chuckle from him behind the mask. Logan followed up.

"She is no danger to you, but if you shoot her, I will bring you a painful death." 

Nate laughed louder projecting enough sound for Alexis and Logan to hear as if expressing the fact he felt confident he would be fine. 

"He wants you dead you know? I will be fine. You don't scare me, sir." He said overconfidently.

Alexis had been trying to force a move, fighting her emotions as Logan stalled him with the statements. Finally, she remembered a gun would be in the small room they had resided in for the majority of the time they were here. She just needed to get there. Logan has been watching out of the corner of his eyes at where she was looking while speaking throwing out more distractions. He got the idea she wanted to run for it. Before Logan could say anything more Alexis spoke.

"I- I trusted you... What are you?" She said sounding broken, her heart shattered. Nate did feel remorse it was subtle but it was there, he didn't think she'd recognize him.

"Orders" He forced himself to say, hiding the small regret in his mind. 

"I TRUSTED YOU NATHAN!" Alexis yelled rolling far left using a burst of energy. Nate shot his pistol off but the two shots he got off towards her missed as she rolled with speed. Instead of taking another shot, he needed to face the Logan who had sprinted for him. He attempted to shoot him however Logan was close enough to redirect his good arm forcing him to empty the rest of his clip into the wall. Nate attempted to hit Logan with his right arm but Logan kicked his left knee inward sending him down then caught the arm and without any hesitation at all snapped it at the elbow forcing one of the strongest screams a person could project that even scared Logan slightly. Nate desperate to fight back attempted to hit Logan once again but with his left hand, Logan ended up catching it as well taking his gun and whipping him in the face twice sending him to the ground and knocking off his protective mask piece. Logan got to a knee and allowed his emotions to take the wheel, before he knew it he had given Nate at minimum two dozen powerful punches to the now bare face. His nose was broken, his left eye socket had imploded, his cheeks deformed due to forced movement of the bone structure. Logan let out a strong unforgettable primal scream before slamming his left fist down on Nate's ribcage at full force likely breaking some bones. Nate had been screaming in pain the whole time as Alexis had run to the room, found the gun, and made sure it was loaded before stepping out and seeing the horror scene in front of her. 

Logan had left Nate laying with a sliver of life remaining in him, he had broken the man to nothing. Alexis just looked in horror aiming the gun at both of them and as Logan stood up she aimed at him instinctively, she was so scared and didn't know anymore. Logan understood the fear being shown by her, he realized the "bullshit" lessons he followed where fear was considered to be a sign of weakness were far from that. 

"Hey hey hey... It's ok... Alexis." He pleaded calmly, he knew her chances of shooting him were low but he treated it as if they were high forcing himself to plead more. Alexis hesitated, feeling the sense of betrayal. She didn't know who to trust. 

"Lex... I- am..." Nate stopped before finishing and just allowed himself to continue bleeding out. Alexis still covered in tears formed the words. 

"I... loved you.... I trusted... you" She said sounding over exhausted and depressed, her voice cracking between words. 

Logan had walked closer to her and she slowly lowered her aim still looking at Nate. 

"You know him?" He asked trying to sympathize with her. She didn't answer but her stare and statements were good enough confirmation. Logan slowly took the gun from her hand just realizing now that Demon had his gun. It was an odd thought that came but it reminded him of the betrayal he had also suffered. Logan tilted his face down close to Alexis' ear.

"I want you to go outside and wait. I'll be out in a minute." He whispered in a calm but ordering tone. Alexis didn't need him to say more, she knew that he wanted her outside for obvious reasons and after a moment of contemplation she looked up at him, something was urging her to wrap her arms around him and cry but she forced herself to just nod and walk towards the door with speed. As she left and the sound of the door to the bunker closing echoed throughout the space. Logan stared at the wall for a few moments thinking about the pain she suffered and how there was no redemption. He then looked back at Nate who was breathing at a very weak and slow pace, the breaths were forced, you could hear the dryness in his mouth. Logan walked back over to him getting down on one knee again making sure to place his knee on top of Nate's broken arm to assure he was awake. He screamed but it was quieter, weaker. His life was fading and Logan wanted answers. 

"How did you find us?" He asked guessing the answer. Nate didn't hesitate too much and focused his eyes on Logan, this would be the last person he saw... 

"He wants you dead." He said using the little bit of energy he had left. Logan knew it was Demon, what he couldn't comprehend was the fact he had known someone who was close to Alexis as if it was a perfect coincidence. Logan looked up rubbing his hair that was now quite messy compared to the finer more professional slick hair he once had. 

"Well... I guess he's going to be mildly disappointed..." 

"Nate," Logan said mockingly, he wanted to mentally hurt him, it was petty but it didn't matter. Logan dug into each pocket of the nearly motionless man before finally locating his phone. It had a password lock. Four numbers were required. 

"What is the password?" He asked expecting no answer but was surprised when there was.

"She'll tell you... she 'trusts' you." Nate said between gargles of blood, trying to make Logan feel guilty. Logan remembered some wisdom he had heard from a friend long ago. 

"Trust is simply a word for a liar." He said standing up with his phone and putting it in his pocket. 

"Kill me." Nate ordered. 

"Finish the job!"

Logan wanted to but decided against it. Walking towards the exit with a final response.


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