Guess Who I Saw Today

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It took a few hours and Alexis had fallen asleep in her car with some light guitar music playing in the background. A knock on her window startled her. As she cleared her vision she saw Jack. She opened the door and stepped out.

"Good sleep?" He asked nicely.

Alexis yawned lightly, then smirked sarcastically.

"Surprisingly, yeah! Car seats can make a pretty good bed." She exclaimed using her regained energy.

Before she could say anything else Jack interrupted.

"We got the footage, the tech van is just up the field, let's get it reviewed." He said.

Alexis nodded.

"Alright, hopefully we find something." She said enthusiastically while looking at the outside of the horror house she had been in earlier, gave her shivers.

They walked up to the van and stepped in the back, they had a few data cards to go through but it wouldn't be hard to find any out of the ordinary events taking place.

Most of the footage was just people walking around doing their jobs, lots of gardening. The first point of interest finally showed itself however as at one point a crimson sedan pulled in to one of the lots of the villa and a man in a trench coat wearing a nice leather hat to hide his face stepped out. He walked at a steady pace to the main door and headed in after a short simple knock. There were no cameras inside the house making it real difficult to find anything after that but it was interesting.

Alexis was smart, she memorized the cars that were originally there in the lot. The sedan wasn't anymore, she could easily tell if she saw a nice car like that in the lots but there was none. Jack clearly had noticed this stuff to.

"He's a suspect, he looks shady enough, and the car isn't there anymore so whoever it is left the area." She explained.

Jack silently agreed.

"Let's find the time he left and maybe catch a face." Jack replied.

They continued watching the footage, at about 9:33PM the same man had just left the house.

"There he is!" Alexis exclaimed, fairly loudly. It excited her that there was some sort of lead to the carnage. 

He looked a lot more ruffled up, not as perfect and smooth as when he entered. At one point as he stepped towards the crimson sedan a piece of evidence could be seen. A hole or rip in the right shoulder of his trench coat could be spotted quite easily. Right as Alexis went to pause it and point it out, a miracle happened. She paused it right as he turned into the car door leaving almost his whole face visible.

"His right shoulder has a hole in it, I think the leather upstairs was part of it." She exclaimed putting things together in her mind.

Jack nodded with a light "yeah, yeah..." but, he was too focused on the mans face to say anything else. Alexis picked up on this.

"Do you see something?" Alexis asked interested in what was going through his mind.

"No.. no- he just has a look that you don't forget y'know?" He said.

He was quiet for a few seconds but said something else before Alexis could comment.

"He kinda looks like an old friend of mine."

Alexis was surprised but replied trying not to accuse anyone.

"What is his name?" She asked, interested.

There was a minute of silence before Jack took a soft but noticeable breath.

"His name was Logan... He was killed in action a good while back.." Jack said, holding back his feelings, Logan was a good friend to him and thinking about his death hurt him. Alexis felt bad, she had just awoken a bad memory for him.

"I'm...I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to get that deep." She said with a sad and apologetic voice.

Jack looked away from the footage and focused on her, he forced a smile.

"Its not your fault. I'll keep the footage paused here, we have good evidence now. I'll also get a team to brighten it more so we can maybe get a license plate on that car."

Alexis looked up at him and nodded still concerned.

"So is everything good for now?" She asked.

Jack nodded.

"I'll sign you out, head home and get some rest, I'll inform you of anything we find tomorrow." He said keeping his forced smile.

Alexis decided to just let him be. 

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow Jack, good luck, have a nice night." She said, the last part being sarcastic. She then stepped out of the van back to her car and eventually drove off after running through some ideas in her head and relaxing her mind over the course of a few minutes.

Jack sat there in the van, he just stared at the mans partly revealed face. It gave him to many memories. Logan was a good friend, and to be reminded of him in such a bad, evil way was to much for him. Jack finally relaxed, getting up and leaving the van. All he could think about as he left was him.

All he had on his mind was Logan.

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