The Unknown

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The morning sky was bright, Logan wasn't however glad to leave the bunker finally, everything going forward was just his job now. Demon was going to be at his bunker expecting "anomaly", Phantom would show up and finish it right then and there. He promised himself that he would spare no words for his fake brother. Logan went the fast route on the drive, going over the speed limit many times in hopes to get to Demon's bunker at a good speed, luckily it wasn't hard to get there within two or so hours. He had dozed in and out of focus as he approached the abandoned land the bunker resided on. He remembered how he went there a few weeks ago for guns and a small catch-up with his buddy. Logan realized he wasn't the same anymore. What was expected of him being the Phantom was never going to happen. It seemed he was starting to mold his own person out of the title. He made sure to pull up a fair way off the land where the ruined house and barn were just in case anyone waited there. Getting out of Nate's car he grabbed a simple pistol that he had kept with him since leaving him to die in the bunker. In some manner, he was satisfied and hoped he was still alive suffering for what he did, but it was almost impossible that would be the case. Logan broke him. Before leaving the area of the car he decided to check Nate's phone for anything important, plus he wanted to text Demon that he would be there soon. Upon opening the phone a text was there from "Lexi". Automatically Logan knew this was Alexis trying to text him. He was about to tap on the text to find what she said when a pair of light footsteps could be heard on the back end of the car coming through a tree line. He quickly slipped the phone in his pocket checked his left and right then pulled up the gun and moved his vision to the back of the car slowly walking towards it to gain full vision. He saw nothing, the footsteps had stopped but he felt eyes. The eyes of a predator stalking its prey. But something was even more off, the fact that these eyes were hidden in plain sight put Logan in an uneasy state. He forced himself to stay calm and collected as he watched the tree line around him and the path in front of the car too.

After a few minutes of the uneasy feeling that had no origin point, Logan decided to make his own move. He was just going to start down the path to the bunker in hopes the footsteps would follow so he could identify where they are coming from. He only got a few feet in front of the car when he felt the presence of someone behind him. Instead of a fast turn and shoot he waited a moment listening to the footsteps, they were now at the back of the car exactly, he could tell by the change in environmental sounds, instead of leaves and grass and sticks, it was replaced with rocks. He was prepared to turn but before he could something flew past his front, he couldn't tell what it was but it went to the right of him meaning the person who threw it was on the left. With the info in mind, he snapped his aim to the left seeing nothing except a person moving at inhuman speeds in his side vision. Before he could react they had jumped for him wrapping their legs around his neck and slapping the gun out of his hands pulling one arm into a very technical submission hold. He attempted to break free, but the person let go of his arm and put their body weight downwards setting Logan forward into the hood of the car head first, then falling onto the ground. He attempted to come back by sliding his legs to where he expected the person to be standing but found nothing. Before he could find where they went he was grabbed from behind in a weak chokehold, he went to punch the person he still could not see but they deflected it and just used his arm as leverage to keep him submitted. Logan knew the gun dropped beside him by the right front wheel so he kicked finding and pushing it to his free arm, however, the attacker acted like they knew everything that was going to happen beforehand instead of disarming him, they threw the safety on and forced his hand to empty the clip before finally bending his wrist back to take the gun. The hold Logan was put in didn't feel lethal... Was it on purpose they were just holding him like this? Either way, he decided to take advantage of the weak hold. Using enough energy to twist his back to the side pushing the attacker into the front of the car, their grip failed and Logan didn't wait to get up and identify his target. What he saw shook him, his brain fried and became a mush of confusion and questions. The attacker who stood before him was her... Violet. He recognized her with no challenge at all, even with this super-agent outfit she wore. It was a dark spandex styled suit but layered with some leather on the inner legs and arms. Lightly more padded than one would think. Her face was half-covered by one of those ski masks that covered up to your nose. Her dark crimson hair was tied into a ball, it was clearly not one of her styles but more convenient for fights obviously. Her memorizing brown eyes watched Logan's expressions, he didn't know what to say, he couldn't get anything out.

After waiting a few moments for Logan to realize it was her, she showed him the pistol she had dismantled while it was in his hand and reloaded it assuring it was still in working condition before slowly and calmly putting it down. Logan's eyes narrowed to the gun then back to her, she was clearly trying to fight him a second ago. Then she slipped off her mask slowly, she wore tight leather gloves, she had a signature outfit in all honesty. As her mask came off to reveal the bright red lips and perfectly sculpted nose she spoke in a way that enchanted Logan. The kind of way a girl greets her crush in old, school movies.

"Hi Logan" She said melodically, emphasizing an increased slur in the last sound of both words. Logan didn't know how to react, still in shock he just stood there watching her, all he was able to make out was her name aloud.

"Vio- Violet?" 

Violet smiled a hypnotizing smile and tilted her end slightly, she was both one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen and one of the most potentially unhinged girls he had ever seen.

"No words for me?" She said as if she was expecting a whole novel to come out of his mouth. Logan stayed silent still attempting to force something out that wasn't just her name. With no response she slowly walked towards him.

"Don't worry... I fixed you once, I can do it again." She said calmly getting within arms distance... Then within breathing distance. Finally she extended her head up to his face then to his ear.

"I missed you" She whispered before turning around and doing a slow showoff walk. Motioning at him to follow. When he didn't comply she enlightened him with some detail.

"I want to help you. But you gotta follow me... You can do that right?" She said sounding cutesy towards the end before continuing. Logan had snapped out of the trance and realized there was no other option. He walked over to the gun she had placed on the ground and watched her stop waiting to see how he would use it. Something in Logan wanted to just shoot her, but the majority of his instincts and emotions said put it away and follow. He did just that trying to figure out his questions along the way. Violet simply gave a half smile, happy he didn't do anything with the gun and kept walking into the tree line behind the car she had come from.

Logan was still in shock, for all he knew he was walking to his death, but he needed the answers, so despite his anxiousness, he followed behind her into the unknown.  

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