It's My Choice

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"This is the place right here" Violet stated looking at this quite well conditioned cabin off the main roads and trails. Logan had been thinking the whole way there. He thought about how tonight was the night he could finally put an end to the "bull shit" that he had dealt with the past weeks. This was it. He also thought about Alexis, who had left Jack to come here for a reason he still couldn't figure out yet. Before he left, he promised he'd chat with her. Alexis had been quiet the entire ride. After Logan made sure she was okay, she went silent just staring out the window as trees flew by her. They had all gotten out of the car and started up to the quite pristine cabin. The walls were classic logs but so well managed and fresh, there were some windows around the place and a well and sturdy roof that made the entire building satisfying to look at. Logan walked at a pace that kept up with Alexis, they didn't need to share words now but he just wanted to try and make her feel safe. Violet walked ahead a few feet scouting the place just in case any other "assets" of Ulysses were lounging, however, in almost every case, she was the only asset that roamed this part of the world for him besides actual groups. This cabin was basically her place to hideout in considerable luxury. As they approached the door Violet turned around assuring they stopped to watch her.

"Listen, as far as I know, I am the only who actually uses this place but just in case, please be careful. There's quite a storage of supplies in there and if to much goes missing, someone may find it odd considering I don't eat that much hear." She explained. She didn't want to be caught working with Logan that was for sure. Logan nodded and she opened the door. The inside was the most cozy place one could imagine, some paintings around the wall, a fireplace, comfy furniture, tv, and so much more that eased the mind of anyone.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Violet said sarcastically. Logan felt a light shock, he really enjoyed the place. Alexis' eyes even brightened slightly but she would still remain broken spirited.

"Thank you, this will work until I am finished tonight." Logan said looking over at Alexis who now seemed hurt, she had her head down all of a sudden like she was trying to hide her emotions and expressions. Violet could see that the two were going to need some privacy and excused herself accordingly.

"I'm gonna go uh- boil some water for hot drinks" She said with a genuine quick smile before she turned and walked into a separate room from the living room they had entered. Logan waited a few seconds assuring she was out of hearing range and pulled Alexis lightly to one of the comfy pieces of furniture. A soft red couch with soft arm rests and heavy pillows. He sat her down then moved to a chair that sat aiming halfway towards the couch and the sizeable fireplace. He waited a moment for Alexis to accept her position then spoke.

"So... Why did you leave Jack? I wanted you both together, it is evidently not safe here." He stated in a interrogative fashion. Alexis stayed silent, thinking of everything she wanted to say going forward.

"I- I didn't want... He wouldn't let me talk to you if I told him I was coming back... He doesn't want me close to you. So I snuck out..." She explained pausing between every few words. She was scared to be heavily scolded by Logan, but it seemed to not be the case.

"I wouldn't want you near me either with this all happening. You've been dragged into something that will change your life for the worst. I'm sorry." He said genuinely feeling her reasoning but still wanting her safely out of here.

"You said you wanted to talk to me... I figure we should before I go." He proposed. Alexis looked down and to the side focusing on the wood floors as if waiting for something to happen.

"I want... I-" She didn't know what to say, how to say it. Before Logan could try to help her with anything she decided she would say it as it was.

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