The Highchair's Enforcer

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It was going on through the evening as Ulysses stood on a balcony that stood out through a rich miles long mansion that stood near the borderline of Belgium and France. This balcony was generally the only one that was on the mansion, clearly connected to his quarters. It was quite big, could easily fit at least thirty people, but in this case, it was meant for only him. He watched over a insanely sizable courtyard where groups of people emptied two trucks full of heavy military grade crates that housed arms of many kinds. Ulysses surveyed the work being done as one group would carry a crate across the yard to a huge homemade gunsmith area where another smaller group was pulling out the arms and doing examinations. From there the arms would be cleared and sent out for his high profits. He enjoyed the organized aspect of the work being done, his people were great with keeping at a good pace and being efficient. Although considered to be one of the tyrants of the highchair, he was good to his people as long as they were good to him, explaining why they were so able and willing to do the heavy lifting. Ulysses watched for what any other person would consider hours but to him, maybe twenty minutes. He enjoyed a glass of an indubitably rich man's wine. As he took a sip he heard the door behind him swing open where he turned to face one of his lieutenants, Manon. He was fine with him barging in as he could see a sense of seriousness on the man's face, although if it were the other way around, no one could tell what Ulysses felt. From top to bottom he had his long black hair slicked back touching halfway down his neck. Covering a white tank top shirt was and black jeans was a well-worn duster that looked to come from the "wild west" stories. It was a signature to the highchair member. Finally, on the bottom he wore black combat-styled boots, it was an interesting getup however it also was a signature one that no one seemed to ever forget. What really was the reason no one could tell what Ulysses was feeling was the fact he had a ski mask just like Violet's over the bottom half of his head. This one was a dusty brown, reminiscent of the duster he wore, he rarely was seen without it and it seemed to always intimidate people coming in such as Manon, as you could only see the sharp staring brown eyes that looked through people with great ease, In this case, Manon was blessed to see his true heavily dimpled face. 

Manon came in holding his phone to his ear clearly having a rough chat with someone. 

"Look I know I know... Ughh Oh my god, here he is." He was very annoyed as he passed it to Ulysses 

"Enfoiré" He said annoyed wanting to spit but knowing Ulysses would behead him. Ulysses didn't ask what it was about he simply brought the phone to his ear and in an insanely deep and bold voice asked.

"What is this about?" The voice could intimidate even the hardest of people. There was a silence before the person on the other end worked up the courage to talk back.

"Why do you insist on wronging me again sir?" A voice ran out. 

"I don't follow what you mean." Ulysses replied, damn well knowing what it was he was doing.

"You son of a- You are killing my people in the U.S?" The man replied, he held back on the harsh words genuinely scared. Ulysses let out a thinking "hmmm" before replying.

"You should've paid up a long time ago, this is just taxing." He stated.

"NO, this is hurting my connections, I should be on my way to rip your throat out!" The voice aggressively yelled back. Ulysses couldn't help but laugh slightly.

"You are a pawn... You act like your threats mean something to me. You are not one of us, to you... I am untouchable, but if you insist on these aggressions... Perhaps I will see you soon." He said with a menacing tone. The call went silent, the man on the other end clearly realized the mistake he was making trying to talk down to a member of the highchair. There was no reply.

"I can see you pulled your own throat huh? The U.S has been wild with criminals lately, your people are simply on the list of those." He explained.

"Well- well, Those guys there are my ways of connecting overseas to other places, you can't just be getting them all killed..." The man tried arguing back sounding much whinier now.

"I am cleaning the rats from your kitchen Mark. There will be a time in the near future where it hits you that this is good for you, for me, and for the syndicate." He said trying to keep him on his side. There was more silence.

"Look... I better be getting some good shit out of this or I am gonna meet you face to face." Mark threatened.

"Haha, I look forward to seeing you then." Ulysses stated. He hanged up the call after. And Manon spoke to him.

"He mad about the guys Violet's killing?" He asked.

"It seems so, he will be a problem in the future, may I suggest you pay a visit to his residence?" Ulysses asked. Manon was quiet for a moment, it was clear he wanted Mark dead now.

"He really doesn't mean anything to you huh?" He asked.

"Mm, he is dead weight in the grand scheme of things... Sooner or later we will be in North America, creating the strongest of our operations. If he wishes to be a threat, then we shall deal with him like such. Make it slow, Manon." He ordered. Instead of hesitating again, Manon nodded.

"Alright sir, I'll send some guys. Any word from Ethan yet?" He asked wanting the update.

Ulysses in the midst of being asked that question had pulled out his phone seeing some missed calls from Demon. He didn't feel like calling back until he read the text that followed the calls.

"I think he got her" It read. Ulysses looked up at Manon motioning him to go with force, he listened instantly walking out of the balcony and closing the door quietly behind him. He then started calling and after a few rings Demon picked up. Ulysses greeted first.

"What happened?" He asked sounding angry.

"Just got to the bunker Phantom was supposed to be at, sent the Irish on to him but seems like he wiped them out. Tried contacting Violet but nothing, I think he might of got her sir." He explained sounding fairly relaxed. Ulysses now was silent, anger was building up, his lip under the mask twitched.

"Keep searching, if he truly did as you say, then I myself will pay him a visit." He harshly ordered. Demon spoke back though.

"well uh... Seems like I found a way to potentially lead him in to a better trap. He cares for this one chick, If she's desperate to live she'll follow my bait, easy way to leverage the man in."

"How do you know she will follow the bait" Ulysses asked, skeptical.

"I don't... But it seems like some of my men found the other guy that Phantom would hate to lose. If she doesn't show up tonight we still have the backup." Ulysses stayed silent contemplating on if he should trust Demon with all this. Finally he let out a huff.

"One chance, if you don't finish, I will be there to finish you too." He threatened before hanging up. Demon without a doubt had a pinch of fear in him hearing that. After all, Ulysses was generally considered the most powerful member of the syndicate. But at the same time, he felt that he would have this whole Phantom thing done soon.

Ulysses went back to looking at his people who had almost finished emptying the guns from the trucks, he imagined how the future would look, getting the guns overseas and setting up the operation in New York, it was going to be tough but that wasn't his care right then, Violet meant a lot to him and if Phantom had killed her... He would bring the wrath of the syndicate to his doorstep. 

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