It'll Be Me

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Phantom had to make a split decision, whoever had the gun to his head could easily end him right then and there, but its almost as if the person was waiting for him to make a move. Phantom decided to grant the person's wish. He dropped the gun and threw his left arm backwards causing the person's shooter arm to go upwards. With half a second to move Phantom did a full 180 degree turn, ducking down and spearing the person to the floor. He first moved the person's left arm to keep the gun away. After a small struggle, the gun went flying out of the person's hand and landed in the middle of the hall, almost 12ft away from them. Whoever the person was, they were ready for a fight as they grabbed Phantom's right arm and rolled left causing Phantom to flip over and land hard on his back, while hurting his arm at the same time. Phantom threw a punch with his right hand towards the person's face, which he now realized was masked and hooded. The person stopped the force of Phantom's punch but it still connected with a light thud. Phantom used the opportunity to get his right leg around the person's left leg and pushed off the ground with his left hand. The person attempted to pull Phantom back to the ground but was unsuccessful as Phantom used the momentum to fall backwards causing the person to hit the ground hard. This made them both separate. The gun was behind Phantom, they both hopped to their feet insanely fast, almost like the past hits never happened. Phantom managed to get a good look at the person now, clearly a man based on the grunts he took during the struggle. The mask was black but had a white drawn skull of some sort on it. It was like the drawings children made about ghosts and such, Innocent, yet, creepy. The man had a build like Phantom, they were like the same person exteriorly but who knew what was behind the mask. The man noticed that Phantom was within a few feet of the gun, another unique looking M1911. Phantom thought about diving for it, but, then he thought it through. The assault rifle he had dropped was just as close to the man as the pistol was to him. It seemed more viable to continue a close quarter fight, even if their skills were similar. The man seemed to have thought about the same thing as both began to move towards each other for round 2.

It started as Phantom threw a low punch towards the man's stomach. It connected but the man seemed to not care, throwing a punch straight into Phantom's head. It also connected effectively. Phantom was stunned but dodged another hook coming his way. Using the dodged attack as another opportunity, he hooked the man's left leg and tripped the right leg back, sweeping him to the ground. Phantom continued his assault attempting to move forward on the now grounded man. Resourcefully, the man kicked Phantom's left knee inward and did a backwards roll into a fighting stance. This man was skilled. Phantom was too, however, he was caught off guard on how well this man kept up with each move. Phantom had lunged for the man as he stood into a defensive stance. He quickly saw that the man was going to catch him with a knee, so he withdrew his speed and instead of a head-on-rush, he did a light jump and drop kicked him to the ground once again. Phantom had to capitalize on the moment. He had gotten an advance taking him down, he couldn't allow it to be for nothing. The man once again expected him to rush forward, but Phantom decided to make a better move. He didn't have enough time earlier but now was the time. He quickly pulled his trench coat open and reached for his M1911 but it was gone. He was surprised. How and where did it go? Before he knew it a burst of pain shot out of his right hip. He fell back finally noticing the man somehow had his gun. He knew where it was, but how? The man slowly walked up to Phantom, he had pure dark clothing, a jacket, pants and boots. All that was different was the mask with the white paint. Other than that, this man was the pure embodiment of darkness.

Phantom quickly slid forward attempting to kick the man but he was stopped when the man stopped on his left ankle. Phantom let out a huge grunt. The pain was bold and unforgiving. He tried to get up but couldn't, his ankle was shattered, if he was lucky, only fractured, but it still burned his body as the pain engulfed him. The man was quiet, but behind the harsh grunts and breaths Phantom took, a small, sadistic giggle could be heard. The man enjoyed Phantom's suffering. He was laughing. He leaned down as he reached Phantom's chest. Phantom seemed to have snapped, adrenaline pumping. He shot up catching the man with a devastating right hook. The man recoiled so hard that he had let go of the gun. Phantom quickly saw the gun fall and using his left foot, bursting in pain, he kicked it towards his hand. The man had recovered and moved to stop him but Phantom had more speed from the adrenaline rush. He quickly caught the gun, snapping his aim to the man and shooting his gut. It was an inaccurate shot, but Phantom didn't care. It was good enough as the man quickly fell sideways into an open room. Phantom aimed at the doorway for about 2 minutes with nothing happening. Eventually he twisted around and crawled towards the room. As he turned the corner he saw nothing but an open window. The room was lit up by the moon now, curtains that were once up were now shoved aside. Phantom was bleeding out as he heard a familiar voice. David was hiding in the basement the whole time and had emerged with more guards as the loud gunfire sounded throughout the house moments earlier. He had come upstairs with some guards noticing Phantom, bleeding on the ground. David seemed to feel the pain he was in. Instead of finishing Phantom off, he threw orders to his men.

"Search the area, it seems Phantom isn't real the problem."
He kneeled down to Phantom and spoke.
"Today is your lucky day Logan." He said while getting him up.

"Get us a van, we need to move. After those loud shots, the cops are without doubt on the way." He then ordered.

David had helped Phantom up and leaned him against the wall. He walked up to the open window, it overlooked the front. The main gate was open now, the man had fled. Before he moved away, he saw a statement written in blood, 100% meant for Phantom as it was evidently made within the last 10 minutes. The man must have used his own blood, he really wanted to convey something. As Phantom's eyes grew weak he caught a glimpse of the message, but didn't see what it said. David checked the window again, seeing a black van waiting outside. He walked up to Phantom and helped him to his feet to carry him to the van. As Phantom slowly was passing out from blood loss, he managed to read the message, there was no time to think about it as darkness had come over him half a second later, but, the 3 words lingered in his memory as he passed out.

"It'll be me."

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