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The secret basement was so out of place compared to everything else in the cabin, a bookshelf in the bedroom that moved to an opening leading to a staircase that was in the middle of the cabin just in the ground. As they went down the small approximately twenty step stairs the environment transformed to match a much more high tech personal bunker of sort. The walls metal, likely steel, some higher tech computers on the far end of a room that was about half the size of the cabin. A ventilation system. A defense contraption also sat in closer to the stairs, likely an alarm of sorts but it was seemingly a block that hanged on the ceiling. 

"Don't mind that, its a bulletproof alarm, if someone snuck down here not deactivating the security it would go off and open up to a camera to get the intruders face. Please try not to imagine the rest." She said smiling to herself as she was still in front. She walked through the colder atmosphere of the room due to the metal and in a quick motion did a 180 lightly slamming her back into one of the baron walls. An effort to look "hot" for her company. Logan and Alexis scanned the room, there was something odd about it. It seemed like it housed nothing but the computers. Where were the guns? He would find out.

"I see you have no words. So I will just... Amaze you." Violet said with a sadistic smile. Waiting to see if they reacted she was displeased so she kicked herself off the wall doing another 180 to face it. She pulled out a key, a simple looking locker key and stuck it into a very blended in opening in the wall that was camouflaged as a bolt. Upon twisting the wall plating came off revealing a two buttons side by side. She pressed the one to the left and a locking mechanism could be heard disengaging as the entire wall behind them all started to open showing off a beautiful gun collection, from high powered snipers to small scale pistols, the arsenal housed generally everything in between. Alexis and Logan were truly amazed. 

"Wow... That's a lot of guns." Logan said sarcastically trying to lighten his mood.

"Ulysses likes to keep anyone here prepared, the land is wild and he has no control." Violet explained. Alexis was confused upon hearing a name that only one other person she could think of had, that being the eighteenth president of the U.S, Ulysses S. Grant. 

"Excuse me, who?" She asked. Violet laughed forgetting she was a third party still trying to understand everything. 

"Nothing you two need to worry about." She said with a comforting smile. Alexis liked her to say the least.

"Select what you want and I'll try to come up with a good excuse as to why they went missing." She said in a nice manner, it was going to be a hassle of questions but she didn't want to make their problems seem bigger. She would try to keep Ulysses off of them as much as she could. 

Logan and Alexis honestly just stared for awhile, contemplating, deciding. After a good while Violet snapped her finger with a laugh and they started looking closer at the weapons. Logan knew a more powerful weapon would be needed besides a simple pistol and went to look at rifles. The majority of them were modified variants of the FN SCAR, a weapon that originated in Belgium. Logan seemed fine with using a rifle such at that and took one setting it aside. Something in Violet couldn't help but find the selection cute. 

Alexis on the other hand felt more comfortable with smaller compact weaponry, something Violet could understand as she walked over beside her.

"I bet you are a great shot, that pistol up there comes with a couple extended magazines if you want some more capacity." She said truly trying help.

"A CZ85, Personally I am more of a 1911 person." Violet's eyes widened one because she identified the gun but two because she found herself looking towards Logan.

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