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It was 11:38 PM as Logan pulled up to the very run-down warehouse docks he was told to meet Demon at. The area was quite ruined, the city decided to halt all progress on refurbishing it in order to focus on other matters. The area was a perfect place for groups and individuals of the crime world to meet, surprisingly, cops stayed away from the place, likely out of fear of some of the dangerous things that went on there. Regardless, Logan parked a street over from the fence to the docks. With 20 minutes to spare, he began walking towards the docks. The fence that acted as a border between city and industry was broken, the chains that held the gates replaced, just to be broken within a few days. They didn't seem to care about the land, no authorities, no defense of any sort, just a free space of warehouses to be used for anyone who needed to do their shady business. Logan had no trouble squeezing through a cut opening in the fence although he did feel sore as he ducked to get through. He felt the punches and hits he had taken from the attacker at David's, the shot he took to the hip was still burning although it had been covered and managed well enough to the point Logan could take it. His only goal right now was finding Demon and getting to the bottom of everything, although after what happened at Jack's, Logan kept a steady hand on his gun in his pocket, just in case he was followed even further.

After a good bit of walking, Logan ended up on the edge, the docks that sat covered in trash behind the warehouses, out of view of anyone. Logan knew this is where Demon would head so he decided to just sit tight. It felt like just like Paterson all over again, He stood waiting for his friend to show up. Logan hated the idea of working with others most of the time, however in this case he trusted Demon and like it or not needed his power and influence to either escape or find his attackers.

After a good few minutes, the time hit 11:56, as if on cue Logan picked up on some footsteps heading in from the same route he took. Logan assumed it was him and decided to just continue standing where he was, deep down though, you could feel the tension between his hand and his gun for the off chance it wasn't his brother in arms. In the end, it was Demon, he turned the corner as the footsteps hit a climax and made direct eye contact with Logan as if he know where stood before even showing up. 

"Phantom.." He greeted while nodding allowing his red eyes to glow very slightly thanks to the moon. 

"Demon" Phantom returned the nod sounding quite beaten and exhausted.

Demon could tell he was winded from the chaos that had recently ensued and followed up accordingly.

"How are you feeling? You don't look so fresh right now huh?" He spoke as he lit a cigar. Demon was not really a smoker but something about it was calming to him, it confused Phantom. 

Phantom waiting a few moments before responding eased his hand away from his gun, knowing he was in good hands.

"There is a lot of shit happening right now 'D', I am without a doubt being followed." He said in a very bold way, you could feel that he worked up a good amount of energy to get that statement out.

Demon looked somewhat confused, doing the kind of head tilt a dog would do when it doesn't understand something, he then asked.

"You're being followed?" 

"I made a big mistake earlier, showed up to an old friend's door to stop him from speaking my name on the news and what seemed like a prepared firing squad of people showed up. No special faction look, just normal-seeming people, they were seemingly willing to kill my friend just as much as me." He was about to continue but Demon interrupted.

"Doesn't sound like the best position to be in." He paused to realize how joking and laid back the remark was before correcting the error.

"These guys related to the one that attacked you, you think?" He added.

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