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It was beginning to brighten as Alexis woke up in her beautifully set up high rise suite. It was a gift from her family when she got her Job with the FBI. She lived in luxury, the room consisted of a white walls, a black closest and dresser, a very comfy king-size bed with white and gray sheets, and a red rosary painting above the bed. There was a balcony separated by a glass door. It opened and Alexis walked through with her morning coffee she had grabbed from the similar color schemed kitchen.

It was 8:33AM and surprisingly was fairly warm for New York standards this time of year. Winter had been rough, snow was still slowly melting but in this humid, warmer weather it wouldn't take much. Alexis loved the view she had, the building was rich, very tall, standing above a good portion of the city, it was also mainly white on the exterior of the building too. The sun was rising as its light reflected off the buildings bright shade.

An alarm went off at 8:45, signaling the time Alexis leaves for work. She had finished her coffee and put on her leather coat, leaving to the building's private garage. She had a very nice car, a mid ranged, blue mustang, with a split black strip down the middle. It was a vintage car that could go for at least triple what she got it for, the former owner like her didn't realize the car's true price until later on.

Alexis walked up to her car, getting in and turning the radio on, the music was her wake up as she drove off to work.

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