A New Purpose

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The day had felt like it was in slow motion ever since Alexis had put Logan in her bed. She and Jack stood in the bedroom staring out the window leading to the balcony, they mainly stood in silence drinking coffee as the sun fell. Alexis was exhausted but her energy was fueled by her hunger for information, besides, she couldn't sleep now, scarred mentally and just physically she was unable to due to the war-torn man who lay knocked out in her bed. 

The silence was both relaxing and unnerving. She was scared that something horrible would break it. This didn't happen however instead Jack spoke in a quiet relaxed voice. He had been able to calm down pretty well although was still anxious. 

"Hey, um... I am just gonna run down to my car and grab my phone. You gonna be ok for a few minutes?" He asked. If she wasn't ok with being alone in the room he would have swapped places.

After a little consideration and a sip of coffee, she turned to Logan, then back to Jack and gave him a nervous but confirming nod. Jack waited, hesitating to leave, but finally gave a quick nod back and left the room.

Alexis continued staring at the sun going down for a few seconds before gaining enough courage to turn around and look at Logan. She for some reason was scared every time she had her back turned even though it's clear he wouldn't move without her knowing. She assured that he was still breathing before turning back to the window. As if he was able to tell she wasn't looking, Logan's eyes came flying open. He felt like he was floating due to how numb he was. His vision was blurry as he opened his eyes so fast. He slowly looked down at his body seeing all of the bandages on him. His shoulder was very sore however he could see that it had been treated well. His head hurt, possibly a concussion from the devastating blows he took. He squinted a fair amount getting used to the pulsing headache he had before remembering the calf shot he also took. He didn't feel it nearly as much compared to the other wounds. He used his bit of strength to move his leg a little seeing it was also patched up. Finally, he moved his focus to his surroundings, the fancy white room and rich furniture, he had almost forgotten that he had driven here willingly. Finally, his eyes came to Alexis who was still staring out the window sipping at her coffee. 

Logan just stared with a mix of emotions. Confused was the main one as she just stood there. It took a while but he worked up some energy to attempt a sound.

"Hey." He said in a very weak whispery voice. He had sounded like he smoked a few packs before speaking, it was a very weak sound. This sound however was able to easily break the silence in the room as Alexis twitched, holding back her scream but still showing the fear physically. She quickly snapped her head around to see Logan staring right at her, straight-faced waiting for her to say something. She attempted to speak but it was just stutters and breaths, this had caught her off guard, Jack would be back soon but this was now feeling like an eternity. Eventually, she managed to put together enough of her verbal sounds to at least say "Hey" back. Such a simple word butchered by her fear. Logan knew this was justified fear. He wasn't the best at comfort but he decided he would do his best using all the energy he had to speak.

"You- you bandaged me up good." He said sounding complementary and even forcing a light smile. Unfortunately, this did not do much to ease the situation however Alexis managed to at least get a fluent response back.

"Ye- yeah... You weren't looking too good.." She tried to give him a smile back but it looked way too forced as in this situation she was unable to keep the enthusiastic attitude she normally had. She was working up the courage to ask how he was feeling but before she could say anything, Jack reentered the room automatically realizing the events taking place. 

"Oh- Logan... ho- how are you feeling?" He asked just as caught off guard as Alexis was. She was grateful she didn't ask the question herself though. Logan moved his limbs a little bit identifying how badly his movement was affected. His legs were in pretty good condition however his right arm was absolutely harmed, the bullet had bruised the shoulder a lot causing much pain when moving the arm. Finally, he responded.

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