ฅ Chapter 21 ฅ

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A/N: If you see the word "Subpoena", it's autocorrect hating on Sapnap >:(

POV Dream

It was around 8:30am when I woke up, George snuggled up into my arms as he let out soft, even huffs of breath, I can't help but smile at the sight. I've never been more ecstatic to have George open up to me so much, showing just how much he trusts me now.

I pause for a moment, procrastinating having to get up, but knowing that I should if I want to get stuff done.

I gently pull my arm out from underneath him, slowly sliding myself further away and towards the edge of the bed. I lift his head up and place it back down, except this time onto my pillow, he stirs a bit before reaching up to grab it, burying his face into my pillow and resuming his peaceful slumber.

I gaze at him once more before turning and walking towards the door, planning to go directly to the living room to get some coding done on my laptop. It seems that Sapnap did move to his room last night after the movie, but didn't clean anything up besides turning the tv off.

I lightly shake my head as I get to folding, placing all of the blankets on a pile at the end of the couch. I hear a light 'mew' as I finally plop myself down on the armchair, looking down and to the side to find Patches staring up at me with her begging eyes.

I immediately stand up and head to the kitchen, with her following behind, and pull her food out of the cabinet to feed her. After that, I go back to the living room and finally sit myself down again, grabbing my laptop from where it was charging on the side table nearby.

I open it up and go back to the code I was last working on, I haven't been able to get much done due to the recents events that have been occurring here. I haven't even uploaded a video in a while yet either, though that's not unusual but it's been over a month now since my last one, being the latest manhunt. How would George feel about recording a video sometime this week?

I'm sure the fans have probably been a little upset by our lack of content, at least Sapnap has been decently active though. I pause my thought process as I realize how sidetracked I'm getting again. I look over at the time and notice it's already 9:30. Geez where did the time go?

I look back at my code and sigh as it's still unfinished, though I did get a fourth of it done. I shut my laptop and place it back onto the side table, standing up to head to the kitchen once again.

Opening the fridge, I rummage around to find the eggs and multiple ingredients to use to make breakfast for everyone, settling on the idea of making pancakes and eggs with bacon. I hope George is okay with that.

As I'm working on mixing the pancake ingredients together, I hear the sound of a kitchen stool screeching against the floor. I turn around to find a drowsy Sapnap basically falling asleep at the counter.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I quip at him, turning back around to finish the task at hand.

"Morning pissbaby." He sasses back.

"Sounds like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I say as I pour the pancake mixture into a pan on the stove. I already finished cooking the bacon so all that's left are the pancakes and eggs.

"Well you didn't have Patches nuzzling the shit out of you in the middle of the night." He says with a yawn.

"Well.." I pause, thinking back to George last night. I'm just not even gonna say it.

I place the mixing bowl back down and wait a few moments before reaching for the pan to flip the pancake. But just as I launch it up into the air, a very sleepy George walks into the kitchen behind me with a yawn.

"G'morning Dreamie," he says after finishing yet another adorable yawn. It catches me off guard and my face tints red at the name, totally forgetting about the pancake that's mid-air.

I look up and watch as the pancake comes down full force and lands directly on my face, sliding off and landing back into the pan. I freeze for a moment and finally look over to George and Sap, who are staring at me with completely blank, but shocked, expressions.

All of the sudden, they both start laughing hysterically at me, causing me to join them as my wheezes take my lungs. This lasts for over 5 minutes before Sapnap is barely even able to catch his breath.

"I am NOT eating that one," he coughs, finally settling down from the outburst.

Suddenly, without saying a word, George marches up to me and grabs the pancake out of the pan and bites it.

"Iff s'fine," he says, words muffled by the pancake currently stuffed into his mouth. I stand there for a moment, eyes glued to him as I forget what I'm supposed to be doing. His tail is swaying lightly behind him, displaying his happiness as he munches away at the pancake. My eyes shoot up at his head as one of his ears have a violent twitch, probably from the feeling of the air from the fan above.

Sapnap coughs again, snapping me out of it and reminding me that the stove is still currently on, waiting to be used. I immediately turn around and place the pan back on, grabbing the mixing bowl again to pour some more batter in. God, what does George do to me?

POV George

I woke up this morning to an empty bed, a little sad about the missed opportunity of morning cuddles. But my mood immediately switches as the smells of pancakes and bacon waft through the air.

I shoot up and hop off the bed, quickly but quietly making my way downstairs and to the kitchen.

""G'morning Dreamie," I say after a yawn as I turn the corner to the kitchen. I already slowed my pace down to avoid any suspicion of my excitement.

Well it seems like I did a great job of avoiding suspicion because my entrance apparently startled Dream, causing him to drop the pancake he was currently in the middle of flipping.

It dropped down and flopped onto his face, sliding off and plopping back into the pan. At least he caught it?

We all go silent for a moment, before Sapnap and I explode in laughter over the dumbfounded expression showing on Dream's face. He shortly follows after, drowning in wheezes that sound like they would be incredibly painful.

It takes us all about 5 minutes to calm down from our fits of laughter, Sapnap being the first to speak up.

"I am NOT eating that one," he coughs out before reaching for the nearest water bottle to chug.

I look over at Dream and the pancake sitting on the pan he's holding, I don't see anything wrong with it? It was on Dream's face for like, a second. Then again, Sapnap wasn't the one who had Dream's tongue in his mouth last night.

I pause as I get flustered at the memory, immediately marching forward to grab the pancake and shove it into my mouth before anyone notices my face.

"Iff s'fine," I say as I shove more of the pancake into my mouth. I don't know what Dream puts in these, but his pancakes taste heavenly. It's like a fluffy explosion with just the right amount of sweetness.

I hum as I take another bite out of satisfaction, I can already guess how crazy my tail must being going right now based on the expression on Dream's face as he watches me. Wait, he's watching me?

A loud cough comes from behind me, causing me to turn and see Sapnap still recovering the previous outburst. I turn back around to find Dream facing back towards the stove and starting to pour another pancake in. I shrug as I head towards the kitchen counter and take a seat next to Sapnap, finishing my last few bites of the pancake.

"So what's the plan that you had for today?" I ask, resting my chin on my hand where my arm was propped up on the counter. Dream turns to face me with a smile.

"We're gonna get ice cream on the boardwalk." He announces, turning back to the stove to flip the pancake with a spatula safely.

Did he say boardwalk?! The type of place that's almost always crowded with people?! I move my hands down to fidget with the hem of my shirt. I have a bad feeling about this...

(Word Count: 1480)

A/N: Thank you guys so much for all of the support! I hit 4k reads today and I'm just ecstatic!

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