ฅ Additional Chapter (6) ฅ

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A/N: I deeply apologize for how late this chapter was, there are no excuses and I wanted to make it long because I believe it will be the last one :)

POV Dream

It's around 4pm when we finally leave the house, George had slept in till way past noon and only got up when I woke him.

We're all loaded into the car, George to my right in the passenger seat with Sapnap in the middle of the backseat surrounded by Quackity to his left and Karl to the right. The music is blasting as Sapnap holds his phone in which is connected to the speakers and all three of them in the back are belting their hearts out to various songs. Now, I'd totally join in if I wasn't so worried about George.

The entire car ride he has been quietly staring out the windshield straight in front of him- I'm starting to think bringing a cat-hybrid to laser tag is a disaster waiting to happen. But George agreed to it so who am I to question him.

I round the corner and pull into the parking lot of the laser tag arena, driving into the first open spot I see near the building. Finally screaming the last lyric of the song, Sapnap cuts the music.

"How come the parking lot is so damn empty?" By now he's already unbuckled and leaning forward onto the center console.

"Well-" I start but Sap cuts me off.

"You called ahead and rented the whole place out, didn't you?" I turn to find a deadpan expression on his face.

"Maybe.." I turn away to avoid his glare.

"Damn- sugar daddy Dream~" Quackity whines jokingly from behind me, Karl giggles in reaction.

"Whatever, just means it'll be easier to climb on the arena walls without getting snitched." Sapnap snickers as he follows Quackity out of his side of the car. Once all three of them are out and the doors close I take the opportunity to turn to George.

"Are you going to be alright in there?" I question worriedly. His head perks up and his face brightens as he turns to me.

"Oh I'll be more than alright- these idiots don't know about my heightened senses in the dark." There's a dangerous glint in his eye that stops me in my tracks, I totally forgot cats can see like 6 times better than humans in the dark.

"What about the lasers?" I reach down to unbuckle my seatbelt when I see Sapnap starting to screw around with the building's revolving door.

"I should be fine considering they're not going to be in the forms of dots moving around on the ground," He rolls his eyes, "Plus I'll have you with me if I need a little help focusing." He gives me a soft smile before opening the passenger door and stepping out, when did he unbuckle his seatbelt?

I let out a sigh and turn the car off, stepping out myself. Something tells me the other three aren't going to be very victorious at the end of the day.


Stepping into the equipment room I get hit with a cool blast of air, a light fog dancing above the laserguns. Each gun is equipped with a connected chestplate that contains the body sensors we're supposed to aim for to hit each other, each gun being labeled 1 to 100. Did I mention that this arena was massive?

Sapnap pushes past me to race Quackity to the gun labeled 69 and George brushes past to grab number 1. Karl moves to pick up the gun labeled 3 and I reach for 29- in the corner of the room I hear Sap shout an aggressive "YES!" and a few swears exchanged from Quackity.

We all join together in the front of the room and Quackity unsurprisingly walks up with a grumble and a gun labeled 70. I watch Sapnap struggle to fit the chestplate straps over the brim of his hat and George starts cackling in his direction. Suddenly an employee comes into the room after us and steps up to the door in the front.

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