non-binary!Sirius X reader

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Self explanatory. This was a request by:


It's about them coming out so at the start I used he/him pronouns for Sirius. This is kinda still set in the 70s but the LGBT acceptance is bumped wayyy up


Sirius and I had been dating for a long time now. It all started in third year when he had taken it upon himself to given me my 'daily compliments for the lady'. By the end of fourth year I asked him out and the rest was history, we were happy; Sirius was a great boyfriend despite the rumours people tried to spread he was loyal, he was also funny and kind and everything I could ever ask for. We communicated well, we spent time together regularly but not every second of the day, it was a strikingly healthy relationship for two teens to have.

I sat across from him at dinner in the Great hall and smiled, I hadn't been listening to the conversation much but I looked up as James told some joke and everyone burst out laughing.

"Right time for us to say goodbye to the ladies, it's boys' pamper night in tonight.", James announced, referencing the marauders' monthly tradition of a few days before the full moon spending an evening doing face masks and playing board games. Had I not been studying Sirius intently I wouldn't have noticed how he cringed slightly at James' words, he had been doing that a lot lately and I couldn't work out why.

"See you later, lads.", Mary waved as the four friends left the table, paired with another cringe from Sirius.

"Enjoy, Sirius." I grinned at my boyfriend as he left.

"Bye, Y/n/n.", Sirius replied, mirroring my grin exactly.


"Y/n? Do you want to go for a walk around the black lake together?”, Sirius offered one evening.

I looked up from my book and agreed, in a rush bending the corner of my page to mark where I was up to - I'd have Lily, Remus and James on my back for that later.

"What's been up lately?", I asked once we'd walked over to our favourite tree and hauled ourselves onto the lowest sturdy branch.

"I'm not entirely sure.", Sirius admitted, we had learnt pretty early on not to try lying to each other.

I squeezed our intertwined hands and muttered, "Can you try and explain to me?"

He nodded in response and a strand of hair fell in front of his right eye. I took the opportunity of the subsequent silence to take in Sirius' appearance. His jet black hair was pulled back into a flimsy bun that was permanently messy and permanently sexy. Despite the furrow of his eyebrows his face still allowed an impression of playfulness and humour. I supposed that was because of his eyes, they were always full of life, always dancing with the fire which burned within him. Those eyes. Those beautiful grey eyes. I think I would die to protect just those eyes. His lips had the most perfect little curve to them, fixed in a sort of permanent smile, sitting right above his chin which extended into his gorgeously sharp jawline. There was a scab on his right temple from a scratch or a spot. His cheek bones were high and defined but not in a sceletal way as some were. He had a little beauty mark right below his left ear, just barely uncovered by his hair. The ghost of a moustache indicated he had skipped shaving for a few days. He was fucking perfect and he knew it, I've told him several times.

"Merlin you're perfect.", I whispered as we sat embraced on the common room sofa.

"No I'm not.", he replied, "I have plenty of flaws."

"That doesn't mean you're not perfect.", I replied.

Sirius had sat up, the conversation gaining pace, no longer a sweet nothing I whispered, "There's no such thing as perfection, nothing can be flawless."

"Do you really think perfect means flawless?", I asked, "I think it's the flaws which add to someone's perfectness not take away from it... Have you ever heard that story of the prince who looked for a perfect wife? He began going mad, wrote all those books about what this perfect woman would be like. He sent out a bunch of soldiers to look for her. One soldier found this cottage in the middle of the woods and met the woman who lived there. After talking to her her he realised she was in fact perfect. A week later the prince arrived and asked the woman to marry him, she refused but invited for him to live with her for three days and she would prove to him she was not flawless. He came out in despair, 'She is perfect.', he said, 'But she is also flawed.' The woman walked out after him and explained how perfection isn't the lack of flaws but rather a complete balance."

"Have you been reading Remus' Muggle books?", Sirius joked but looked thoughtful nevertheless.

"Then the prince got mad and chopped of the woman's head and her blood flooded the whole country or something.", I added and we burst out into laughter, conversation forgotten, but not quite since Sirius hadn't argued with my assessment of his perfectness since.

Yes, Sirius was perfect. No question about it. Then again maybe the real answer was that he was only perfectly balanced for me, like how I was for him. Maybe everyone was perfectly balanced for that right person or people. Soulmates. I was getting philosophical, thinking too much as Sirius sometimes complained when he was tired and I wanted to discuss the meaning of life.

"I've been feeling... feeling something strange lately.", Sirius admitted and looked at me cautiously as he did at the beginning of my relationship when he was telling me of his parents. I nodded for him to continue and he did, "I want you to keep an open mind to what I'm going to tell you, ok?" Sirius' eyes were wide and if this were one of those Muggle cartoons his heart would surely be pounding out of his chest.

"Of course.", I promised, my heart also speeding up.

"Remember that new spell Lily read about? The one which can change a person's body to the opposite sex?"

"Yeah, they had used in successfully on 50 witches and wizards and moved it into clinical use for transgender people."

"Right. Well, I'm a little bit like that. But not quite." Sirius sighed heavily and rubbed his eyes, "Sometimes Im fine with my body and my gender, but sometimes I hate it: when I look at myself and see a man when people call me a bit or a lad, when I am forced to fit into this box. Do you get what I mean?"

Y/n thought for a second, "Honestly? I'm not sure yet, I think I do - I hope I do are at least can understand. Regardless of whether I understand what matters is for you to feel better and more comfortable. Tell me what I can do."

"So I've been doing some research and I think I'm gender fluid; I float between male and female and the in-between. And it's complicated, I know, but can you maybe stop calling me a 'he'? Instead use 'they'."

My head spun and I nodded, I needed to be strong for Sirius, it was them who was going through this not me, "Anything you want. What about your name?"

"I'm sticking with Sirius, it's rare enough I suppose it doesn't hold much value to gender norms.", they looked me in the eyes for the first time during the conversation, "Thank you."

I stroked their cheek and grinned, "I didn't do anything, you on the other hand were so incredibly brave. Thank you for sharing this with me and trusting me."

"Does this mean this doesn't change things between us?", Sirius asked, hope and dread lacing his voice.

"Of course not.", I confirmed, "Are you ready to go back? I think we should get some hot chocolate from the kitchens and snacks too."

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