Chapter 3

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Amanda's P.O.V
"Are you having band practice here again today," I ask Ashton getting a strawberry yogurt and a spoon.
"As long as your not here," Ashton says.
"I'm going to Holly's to do a project and homework today," I tell him.
"Okay. We will probably be practicing here all week," Ashton says pulling out his phone.
"Okay. We have to turn this project in on Friday and we haven't started yet because we just got it yesterday," I explain going upstairs to get changed since I ate first today. 
        After I get changed I grab my phone and text Holly as I go downstairs and get into the pantry, open the little box with my granola bars and I grab two and throw them in my backpack.
Me: Are you ready? I'm leaving now.
         I hit send and grab my keys off the table and go out to my car, once at my car Holly texts me back.
Holly: Yeah, I'm ready, just grabbing food for during class.
Me: Okay. Be there in a minute.
        I hit send then started my car and head over to Holly's house. As I pull up to Holly's house she is walking out of the house and down the drive way. Once she gets in the car I hit play on the CD my brother gave me. As Amnesia, the song we were listening to ended, we parked in the school parking lot. I lock the car and we walk to the building.
"We need to start on our project today and I told Ashton we would be at your house after school so we can work on our project," I tell her opening our locker.
"Okay. Are they having band practice at your house again." Holly asks.
"I think so, I decided since I'm gonna meet his friends at the concert that I would just stop trying at home," I tell her walking to our first class.        

        We have all of our classes together and we sit next to each other in two of our classes, which are first and fifth. First period is Algebra, Second period is English, third period is Infant development, fourth period is Cheer essential 4 (which is a P.E. class) and fifth is Art. Our classes are pretty easy.

        The beginning of Algebra, we normally write down our homework in the front of our math journals, then we start our warm up. During our warm ups our teacher comes around and checks off that we did our homework because it stay in our math journal. Our warm up is normally just a work sheet with algebraic problems. Once everyone is down with the warm up we start our classwork. I normally finish the classwork about two minutes before class is over. When the bell rings Holly and I head to our next class.
"We will be working on our projects today and remember you can only have one partner for this project," the teacher says allowing us to split into our groups.
"Can we work in the library," I ask the teacher.
"Yes, come back five minutes before the bell please," the teacher says.
"Okay," Holly and I both say grabbing our things heading down to the library.
        Once in the library we sit at a table and I pull out my laptop so we can start our research. During the hour we were in the library, we only got a little bit of our research done, then we head back to our class with about ten minutes left of class.
"This project will determine whether or not you graduate in June, But at least you get to present this to two teachers with your partner. Presentations will be on Monday but I must see your project finished on Friday," the teacher explains before the bell rings. 
        When the bell rings rings go to our locker and put our math books back in there, before heading to our next class. Once we got to our class, I seen someone that looked familiar, but I wasn't sure who it was.
"I think that is one of the guys in my brothers band," I said as we walked by him to get to our seats, Holly sat in front of me in this class.
"Amanda Irwin and Holly Irving, come here please," the teacher says.
"Irwin," Luke says confused.
"Yeah that's me," I say walking by him smiling.
        Luke just ignored me. We then make it to the teachers desk.
"What can we do for you," I ask sweetly.
"You two get the babies Friday, so I need you to get your teachers to sign these and return them by Friday," the teacher says handing us a piece of paper each.
"This Friday," Holly questioned.
"Yes," the teacher replies.
"What about the concert," we both say looking at each other.
"What concert," Luke asks.
         I just ignore him.
"If you want I can have the babies off during the concert, but you still have to have the babies with you," the teacher says.
"That would be great, I will have more information about the times for you on Friday," I exclaim.
"Would you like us to put the time the concert starts to the time the concert ends on this paper," Holly asks.
"That would be great," the teacher says then we walk back to our seats.
        This class went by really fast because we just watched a movie and took notes on the movie in which we will have a test on at the end of the week. After that class it was lunch. Holly and I left school for lunch. We drove up the street to the Hawaiian time and got the $5 meal. After we got our food we headed back to the school and ate. After we were done eating we had about ten minutes until lunch is over, So we just talked until the bell rang. When the bell rang we went and got change for our cheer class.
"Did you bring your bow today," I asked Holly.
"No I forgot it. Do you have an extra one," Holly asks putting on her shoes.
"Yeah, hold on," I say putting my bow in my hair. 

         Then I grab my other bow and hand it to her.

"Thank you," Holly says putting her hair in a high pony tail.
        After we finish changing, we head out to the hall and wait for our teacher. When are teacher finally walks down the hall we both grab the paper for infant development and hand it to her. She signed the paper allowing the babies to be on in her class. After she opens the gym Holly and I go in and start stretching will we wait for everyone to get changed and in class.
"I think I actually want to join the cheer team," I exclaim to Holly.
"Me too," Holly say.
"We should talk to our teacher after class," I tell Holly.
"Okay," Holly says once we go into our last stretch.
        Then the rest of the class finally come in and begin to stretch. Our teacher takes attendance.
"Today we are going to stunt and tumble,we will be tumbling first. Then if you have decided that you actually want to be on the cheer team at the end of class I will have a sign up sheet on the table by the door," the explains.
"Can I get all the flyers over here for a minute," the teacher asks.
        All the other flyers, Holly and I walked over to where the teacher is standing, there are like five flyers. Our teacher explains to us what we have to do in our stunts. Then she allows us to go work on our tumbling. When there is about fifteen minutes left of class, Holly and I go sign the paper to actually join the cheer team, then we go change since the bell will ring in five minutes to go to our next class. After we change I take my bow out and brush my hair so I can put headband back on, as we walk down the hall to our next class which is art. Once we get to our art class we both hand our teacher the papers for the babies and he signed it so the babies can be on in his class. Art went by pretty fast today. School went by pretty fast in general. After school we went to our other two class to have our teachers sign the papers for the babies and all signed it so the babies will be on in all of our classes. We then headed to Holly's house to do our homework and really start on our project. About three hours later we had finished our homework and the research part of our project.
Me: Is band practice over yet?
Ashton: Not yet. practice going a little late since our concert is Friday.
Me: Okay. Text me when your done.
"What should we do now. My brother is still in band practice," I asked Holly.
"We should go get food. My parents left me money for food since they won't be back until Friday morning," Holly says.
"Okay," I say grabbing the keys to my car and my bag and head out to the car.
"Where are we gonna go," I asked getting in the car and starting it.
"We should go to Subway and I will pay for your food," Holly says.
"Okay," I say driving to the Subway, which was on the other side of the school.
         After we got our food we headed back to Holly's house to eat our food and watch a movie. We watched Mean Girls and about half way through the movie my phone vibrated. It was a text message from Ashton.
Ashton: Band practice is over now.
Me: Okay I will come home after this movie is over.
        After the movie ended I headed home so I could get ready for bed. After I took a shower and put on my pajamas, I go down stairs to watch TV before bed. I sit down on the couch to watch Teen Mom 2. After the episode is over I head back upstairs and go to bed.

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