Chapter 21

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Amanda's P.O.V       
        We have only been on the plane for an hour. This is a seven hour flight. In six hours I will be off the plane and I can call my sister. This is going to be a long and boring six hours. Well at least my best friend and my boyfriend are here with me.
"Babe, I'm going to the bathroom. I will be right back," Luke says.
"Okay," I say looking out the window.
"Ashton is hurt your not talking to him," Michael says sitting next to me.
"Michael he shouldn't have said that. He knew it wasn't true and it hurt me. I started crying in Hollister when Calum texted me saying Luke never wanted to talk to me again. He needs to figure out how to make it up to me and it won't be easy," I say loud enough for Ashton to hear.
"He is letting you come with us isn't that enough," Michael says.
"No, my mum said he didn't have a choice," I say looking at Ashton, he mouths 'sorry' and I just look away.
"What are they talking about," Luke says to Ashton.
"How I hurt her saying that. I'm sorry. I really am. I shouldn't have said that. I can't take it. I miss talking to my sister. We used to be close, really close," Ashton says.
"I know Ashton. I will try to get her talking to you again," Luke says.
"Thanks," Ashton says and Luke and Michael switch back.
"It's not gonna happen," I say when Luke sits down.
"Please babe, it will mean a lot to your brother," Luke says.
"I know but I don't have anything to say to him," I say.
"Maybe you can ask him why he said that," Luke says quietly.
"I don't know. Maybe later, I just want to talk to my mum, Harry and Lauren," I say.
"I know babe. We will land before you know it," Luke says.
        I just sigh. I will probably talk to Ashton tomorrow. Right now I just want to sleep.
"Luke will you get my backpack for me please," I say.
        My backpack is in the over head storage and I can't reach it.
"Yeah," Luke says standing up to get my backpack.
        After Luke hands me my backpack I get my blanket out and lay the seat back and went to sleep. I slept for the rest of the flight.
"Babe, wake up," Luke says.
"What," I ask stretching.
"We're here," Luke says.
        I hand Luke my backpack and I wrap up in my blanket getting out of the seat and followed Luke off the plane.
"Luke can I have my bag so I can get my phone," I ask.
"Yeah. Can you carry it and I will get your suitcase," Luke says handing me my backpack.
"Yeah," I say getting my phone out and putting my backpack on my back dialing my sisters number.
"Hello," Lauren says.
"Hi Lauren," I say.
"Amanda," Lauren says excitedly.
"What are you doing," I ask.
"Nothing. What are you doing," Lauren says.
"Just got off the plane. I slept for five hours on the plane," I say.
"Why," Lauren asks.
"Because Luke and Michael kept trying to get me to talk to Ashton and it was getting annoying," I say.
"Oh. You really should though," Lauren says.
"I know but I don't want to," I say.
"You will be happier," Lauren says.
"Until he does something stupid like that again," I say.
"Do you really think he will," Lauren asks.
"Yeah because this was the second time. The first time he read mine and Luke's texts on Luke's phone because Luke forgot his phone at the house," I say.
"Why does that matter? I mean I know it wasn't his phone to be going threw but what was so bad about it," Lauren says.
"What those texts said," I say.
"Oh can I know what they said," Lauren asks.
"I will text it to you," I say.
"Okay," Lauren says.
"I got to go. We have to meet the tour bus a mile away and we have to walk there but I will text you," I say.
"Okay," Lauren says.
"Tell mum and Harry I said hi and I miss you guys," I say.
"We miss you too and I will bye," Lauren says.
"Bye," I say before hanging up.
        We get through the airport and get our stuff. Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton were stopped by fans for pictures as we walked through the airport. After like the third time I decided I would text Lauren.
Me: Hey. I hate fans.
"Are you kidding," I say.
"What," Holly asks.
"She just tried to kiss my boyfriend," I say.
"Just go over there and kiss him and see what she does," Holly says.
"Okay," I say walking over to Luke.
        She was still trying to hang on him.
Lauren: Why?
Me: This one just tried to kiss Luke.
        I walk up to Luke and wrap around him. He looked down at me and I looked up at him. I'm shorter than Luke. He kissed me. I smile in the kiss. The fan glares at me and then walks over to Ashton and tries it on him.
"Seriously. Now you're trying to kiss my brother," I say walking up to her.
"So, why do you care? He's just your brother and according to twitter you hate him," the fan says.
"That doesn't even matter. That is between us. First you try to kiss my boyfriend and now my brother. I think you should leave. Obviously they don't want to kiss you," I say.
Lauren: What? So what were those texts Ashton read?
Me: She is trying to kiss Ash too. We were talking about our sexual relationship. No we haven't done anything yet. But we were talking about wanting it to happen sometime.
"Whatever," she says and then walks over to Calum and tries the same thing.
"Are you fucking kidding me," Holly and I both say walking over to her.
"What I can't kiss him either," she says looking at us.
"No he is taken," I say and Holly hugs him.
"What about Michael," she asks.
"It doesn't matter. You can get pictures with them. I don't care. Just stop trying to kiss them," I say.
"Ugh fine," she says.
        After like five more minutes we finally left the airport. We are in the USA. We are actually in Florida to be exact.
Lauren: Oh and he was being the overly protective older brother.
Me: Yeah
        It only took twenty minutes for us to walk a mile. Once we got there we got on the bus and put our stuff away. We had a ten minute meeting with the bus driver before we started on our journey.

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