Chapter 12

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         I woke up at nine. I got up and got dressed. Holly was already downstairs with the boys. I head downstairs and sit next to Luke on the couch.
"Luke, do you want to go with me to take Holly home," I asked.
"Sure," Luke says.
        I go into the kitchen and make a smoothie and get an apple. After I ate my apple I tell Luke and Holly that I'm ready to go. We head out to my car.
"Shot gun," Holly says.
"Damn," Luke says.
"Are you gonna tell me what we were talking about last night," Holly asks getting into my car.
"I will text it to you later. Are you babysitting you sisters?" I say.
"Okay and yeah," Holly says.
        We drop Holly off at her house and go back to my house.
"We should go on a date tonight," Luke says as we pull into the drive way.
"Okay," I say getting out of the car.
        We walk into the house holding hands.
"Did you tell her," Calum says when he see's me.
"No I did not," I say sitting on the couch.
"Good," Calum says.
"Why can't I tell her," I ask.
"Because I don't want you to," Calum says.
"What are you talking about," Luke asks.
"I like Holly," Calum says.
"And she doesn't know," Luke asks.
"No," I say.
"Calum, just let her tell her," Luke says.
"No, I want to tell her," Calum says.
"Fine. I will text her whats her number," Calum says.
"Hold on," I say.
"Really mate," Luke says
Me: Calum wants your number.
Holly: Give it to him
"Okay it's 921-554-9870," I say.
"Thanks," Calum says.
Calum's P.O.V
Me: Hey... It's Calum.
Holly: Whats up
Me: Not much. Watching a movie with Luke and Amanda. You?
Holly: Cool. I'm babysitting.
Me: Cool. So I hear you like me.
Holly: Yeah I do.
Me: Well I like you too.
"There I told her. Happy?" I say.
"Really, over a text message," Luke says.
Holly: Really?
Me: Yeah
Holly: :)
Me: Do you want to hang out later?
Holly: Ummm yeah but I'm babysitting my sisters until ten tonight.
Me: You can bring them.
        I'm gonna ask Holly out tonight.
Holly: Okay
Me: I will meet you at the mall
Holly: Okay
Me: inviting Luke and Amanda
Holly: Okay. See you later.
Amanda's P.O.V
"Do you guys want to hang out with Holly and I later," Calum asks.
"Sure," Luke and I both say at the same time.
        Then I remember Luke and I were gonna go on a date. So I decided to text him even though I'm sitting right next to him.
Me: What about our date?
Luke: We can make it a lunch date. Go get ready.
Me: Okay :)
        I ran upstairs and grabbed my clothes. I took a shower since it was only eleven. After I get out of the shower I get dressed and do my hair and make up. When I was done I went down stairs and it was 11:30 so we left.
"We will be back in a couple hours. Then we will go get Holly," Luke says.
"Okay," Calum say.
"Where are we going," I ask getting into my car.
"Where ever you want," Luke says as we back out of the drive way.
"Okay. We are gonna go to Hawaiian time," I tell him.
"Okay," Luke says.
        When we get to Hawaiian time we order our food and find a place to sit. After we eat our food we sat there and talked for a little bit. After about two hours we headed back to the house to get Calum. I go in and change. After I got changed, we left.
"Holly said she will meet us at the mall," Calum says getting in the backseat.
"Okay," I say and we head to the mall.
        Once we got to the mall, I saw Holly walking up with the twins. I love her sisters, they are so cute. I grab one of the twins out of the stroller and we walked into the mall.
"Where should we go first," Calum asks.
"American Eagle," Holly and I both say.
"Okay," Calum says and we walk to American Eagle.
        Holly and I both get stuff at American eagle.  I put the baby back in the stroller so I could pay for my stuff. We finished at American Eagle we go to the bathroom to change the twins' diapers.
"Where should we go now," I ask.
"We should go to the food court and get something to drink," Luke says.
"Okay," I say and we walk to the food court.
        We all ordered an Oreo milkshake each.
"Where should we go now," Luke asks.
"I want to get my belly button pierced," I say.
"Me too," Holly says.
"Okay," Luke says and we walk to the piecing place.
         About a half hour later we both had our belly buttons pierced.
"Where should we go now," I asked taking a drink of my milkshake.
"Let's go to Hot Topic," Luke said.
"Okay," I say and start walking to Hot Topic.
        Holly and I both got some stuff at Hot Topic. I'm pretty sure Luke and Calum got a couple shirts each. After we were done at Hot Topic we go to get soda's from the food court. After we get our drinks we sit at a table in the food court and just talked.
"Holly can I talk to you," Calum says.
"Sure," Holly says getting up and followed Calum away from the table.
Holly's P.O.V
"What do you want to talk about," I ask Calum when we stop about three tables away from where we were sitting.
"I wanted to know if you want to be my girlfriend," Calum says.
"Yeah," I say hugging him and then we walk back to the table.
Amanda's P.O.V
"What was that about," I ask.
        Holly looks at Calum.
"You can tell them," Calum says.
"We are dating," Holly blurts out.
"Aww," Luke and I both say at the same time.
"We should head home soon," I say.
"Okay. Can I come over," Holly says.
"Yeah," I say and we walk out to the car.
        We put the twins in the car. They were already in there car seats in the stroller. 
"Holly you will have to sit on Calum's lap," I say after buckling the twins in.
"Okay," Holly says and we get in the car.
        When we get to my house Holly and Calum get the twins and we all go inside. Holly takes the twins out of there car seats and puts them on the floor to play. We go into the kitchen to make smoothies. Then we sit down and watch Frozen.
"Can the twins and I stay the night? My parents wont be home until sometime tomorrow," Holly says.
"Mum, Can Holly and the twins stay the night," I say walking into the kitchen where she is.
"I don't care," my mum says.
        Holly and the twins get to stay the night because Holly's parents are out of town for the night. There parents are out of town for a business trip. They normally take the twins with them but they didn't think they would be gone all night.
        After the movie is over Holly and I give the twins a bath and get ready for bed. After the girls are ready for bed Holly and I change into our pajamas. I took Holly to get clothes from her house earlier and Luke watched the twins. She also got a play pen for the twins to sleep in. After I got changed, I got the bottles and went down stairs to make the twins' bottles.
"You still have my sweater," Luke says wrapping his arms around my waist in the kitchen.
"Yup," I say finishing the bottles and set them on the counter so I could hug Luke.
        Luke walked with me back up to my room to help Holly with the twins. After about a half hour the twins finally went to sleep. We decided to go downstairs and watch TV with the boys.
"Where are the babies," Michael asks.
"Sleeping," Holly says.
"What do you want to watch," Ashton asks.
"Teen mum," Holly and I both say.
        Ashton changes the channel to Teen mom 2. Holly and I watch an episode while cuddling with our boyfriends. After the episode was over Holly and I went to bed.

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