Chapter 6

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Amanda's P.O.V

"Today is the day of the concert," I say launching out of bed as my alarm goes off.
        I get up and begin getting dressed. Once I am ready I go down stairs and get a yogurt and eat it, then I make smoothies again and head over to Holly's. Once I get there I have to go to the door and get Holly. Holly answers the door ready to go. We head out to the car and I hand her, her smoothie. We drove to school listening to Voodoo Doll by 5 Seconds of Summer and the song ended right as we pulled into the school parking lot. We found a place to park and headed into our locker. At that point it was time to go to our first class, since we got to school perfectly on time.
        First and second period went by pretty fast. The bell rang at the end of second and Holly and I took our math books back to our locker and headed to our next class. In our next class there were to babies in car seats sitting on the back table. We just glanced at them, then went to our seats.
"Amanda Irwin and Holly Irving," the teacher calls when she see's us sitting in our seats. We both get up and walk over to where she was standing by the babies.
"This one is a boy," the teacher says putting the bracelet on Holly's wrist and handing her the baby. 
"This one is a girl," the teacher says doing the same thing to me. 
        Holly and I went back to our seats with the babies. Holly and I both get up to turn in our tests at the same time.
"I will turn your in if you watch her," I tell Holly.
"Okay," Holly says handing me her paper.
        When I got back to my seat, the bell had rang, Holly and I both grabbed the babies and our stuff and headed to my car so we could go get lunch.
"Don't forget to buckle him in," I tell her putting Hailey (the baby) in the driver side backseat and buckling her.
"I know," Holly says putting Noah (the baby) in the passenger backseat and buckling him in.
        We both get in and head over to the Hawaiian Time to get food. I am going through the drive through so we don't have to take the babies out of the car. As soon as we get our food we go to the Dutch Bros. and get blended coffee. Once finished there we go back to the school to eat our food. After we eat Hailey starts crying. I use the bracelet to tell her I'm here then I begin feeding her. Holly has already fed Noah and burped him right after we got back from getting our food. I was still feeding Hailey when there was about five minute until the bell would ring, so I put her in the car seat and prop the bottle so she could finish eating while we walked to the locker room and get changed. When we got to the locker room Hailey cooed meaning she was done eating. After I got changed Hailey started crying again before I could get my bow in my hair. I used the bracelet again and started burping her. She finally burped and cooed when the first bell rang. I put her back in the car seat and head into the gym since our teacher already opened it. Once in the gym Holly and I set the babies down near where we stretch. I put my bow in my hair and we began stretching.
"For those of you who joined the team, the rest of the team will be in with your uniforms and to teach you more cheers. The person whose uniform you tried on will have your bag of stuff. Don't worry about what is in the bag right now, you will have time for that later. For the rest of you, you will be stunting and I will be giving you new stunt groups," the teacher said right before the rest of the team came in with black duffel bags.
        Holly and I both walked over to Summer, who was carrying two bags. When she seen Holly and I she handed us our bags and we walked over to where we work on our cheers Holly and I both set the babies and our stuff down and began learning new cheers. After maybe three cheers Hailey and Noah both started crying at the same time.
"Ugh, not again," Holly and I both say at the same time before attending to the babies.
        They were both just fed and burped at lunch so we knew that wasn't what they need now, so we both went straight to changing there diapers, they cooed and we put them back in their car seats and got back in formation for our cheers. We went through the rest of the cheer list, so we now know all of the cheers we will need at the game next week. When we finished the last cheer it was time to go change and head to our next class. So Holly and I grabbed our stuff and the babies and went to change. After I changed I fixed the braid in my hair and put my head band back in my hair. Holly was done by then so we grabbed the babies and our stuff and went out in the hall to wait for the bell. Once the bell rang we headed to art. Art went by pretty fast so we went to my house to get ready for the concert.
"Will you watch Hailey so I can take a shower," I ask Holly taking the bracelet off and seating it next to Hailey on my bed.
"Yeah," Holly says putting Noah back in his car seat after feeding him
"Thank you. I will watch Noah if you want to get in after me," I tell her grabbing my dress.
"Okay," Holly says as I walk into my bathroom.
        About ten minutes later I come out of the bathroom in my dress. I haven't done my hair or make up yet because I could do that with my mirror in my room. I walk back into my room and Holly was looking through her bag to find her dress. I grab the bracelet for Hailey and put it on. Once she find it she gives me the bracelet for Noah and goes to take a shower. I put the bracelet on the bed next to Noah. After about ten minutes of Holly being in the shower she finally comes out of my bathroom in her dress. Neither one of us has done our hair or make up yet but we still have three hours until we have to leave. We go downstairs and make smoothies. After our smoothies are made we go back upstairs and do our hair and make up. We change Hailey's and Noah's  outfits. Then we go back down and watch TV. About fifteen minutes later Ashton and the mates come to the house to practice. When he opens the front door he see's Holly and I sitting on the couch.
"Go to the front of the garage and I will open it," Ashton tells the mates before walking through the house and to the garage.

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