Chapter 19

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Amanda's P.O.V
        We leave for tour in two days. I am gonna miss Lauren and Harry. But we are only gonna be gone for two months. I still have not talked to Ashton and it has been five days. I still hate Ashton. He has tried talking to me but I just ignored him or I had someone talk to him for me. I am still not talking to him. Well I guess I have to start packing tonight since I haven't packed anything. Audree has stayed with my sister for the last five days and she is still here. I don't know what to do today. Holly went home yesterday to be with her family for a couple days before we have to leave for tour. I can't wait for tour though it will be fun.
Ashton's P.O.V
        Well I really don't want Amanda to go on tour with us. She has not talked to me since that day. My mum said she can go whether I like or not. Well she kind of has to go because I already told our manager she is going and he already has all of the plane tickets for the whole tour purchased. I really hope we will make up at some point during this tour. This might actually be good for us to be together for two months.
Lauren's P.O.V
"Amanda can we go to the mall again," I ask walking into Amanda's room.
"Yeah but you have to go ask mum," Amanda says.
"Okay," I say and run out of the room.
        I ran downstairs to the kitchen, where my mum is.
"Mum, can Audree and I go to the mall with Amanda," I ask.
"Yeah but Audree needs to ask her mum," my mum says.
"Okay," I say running back up the stairs.
"Audree, you have to ask your mum," I say walking into my room.
"Okay, let's go," Audree says.
        We ran over to Audree's house. Audree opens the door and we both run in.
"Mum can I go to the mall with Lauren and Amanda," Audree says.
"Sure," Audree's mum says.
"Cool, see you later," Audree says.
        We ran back to my house to get Amanda.
"Amanda, we can go," I say running into her room.
"Oh I didn't want to see that," I say backing out slowly.
"That was kinda scaring," I say to Audree walking back to my room.
"What," Audree says.
"Um, Luke and Amanda shirtless cuddling in her bed," I say.
"Oh god," Audree says.
"Yeah, I'm gonna text her and tell her we are ready," I say pulling my phone out.
Amanda's P.O.V
        So Lauren just came in here and I think I should've locked the door. Luke and I are kinda cuddling shirtless. Not doing anything at all though. I just got a text message.
Lauren: Um we are ready to go.
Me: Okay I will be down in a minute.
Lauren: Okay.
"Do you want to go to the mall with us," I ask getting up to get changed.
"Um sure. I hope your sister doesn't tell your mum or brother what she just saw in here," Luke says.
"I know I will probably cry if they found out," I say.
"I love you Amanda," Luke says.
"I love you too Luke," I say.
        I grab my clothes and get changed. 
"Okay. I'm ready. Are you," I say.
"Yeah," Luke says putting his shirt on.
"Okay, lets go," I say  and we walk downstairs hand in hand.
"What were you guys doing up there," Ashton says.
"Nothing," Luke says.
"Uh huh sure," Ashton says.
"Whatever don't believe me. I don't care. But Amanda might but you know she still isn't talking to you," Luke says.
"Whatever, I really don't care. Do whatever you want with my sister," Ashton says.
"You're so annoying," Luke says.
"Lets go," I say grabbing Luke's hand and we leave.
"I swear to god if you told him what you seen up there I will never talk to you again either," I say to Lauren before getting in my car.
"I didn't Amanda, I swear," Lauren says.
"I hope you know he doesn't like the fact of Luke and I dating," I say.
"I know and I won't tell him," Lauren says.
"You better not. We are gonna stop at the Dutch Bros. before we go to the mall," I say as we pull up to the mall.
"Do you guys want something," Luke asks.
"Sure," Lauren and Audree both say.
        I ordered what we all wanted. Once we got our drinks we headed to the mall.
"Where do you guys want to go first," I ask.
"Wet seal," Lauren says.
"Okay," I say as we walk to Wet Seal.
        Once we finished we pay for our stuff and leave.
"Where do you want to go now," Luke says.
"Hollister," I say.
"Okay, lets go," Luke says.
        We walk over to Hollister and enter. We look around for a little while. We tried on a couple things. Then we decided that we had what we wanted. We payed for our stuff and leave. We go to the food court and get some food. We sit at a table and eat our food.
"Where do you want to go now," I ask.
"Can we go to build-a-bear workshop," Lauren asks.
"Sure," I say and we walk towards build-a-bear.
        Once we got there we, we picked out our bears, well animals.
"Babe, there is a penguin," I say to Luke.
"Are you gonna get it," Luke asks.
"No but you should," I say.
"Okay," Luke says.
        We picked out our animals. After picking out our animals we got to name then and stuff them. Then we picked out clothes and payed and we left and went home.

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