Chapter 16

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Amanda's P.O.V
​       We leave for tour in two weeks and my birthday is in three weeks. I can't wait for tour and my birthday. This is probably going to be the best birthday ever.
"What should we do today," Luke asks.
"I don't know," Ashton says.
"Ugh these two weeks are gonna be so long," I say.
"We will do something to make the two weeks go by really fast," Calum says sitting next to Holly.
"What are we gonna do," Michael asks.
"Yeah. What are we gonna do," Holly asks.
"What are you guys planning," mum says walking in the house with Harry and Lauren.
        Harry and Lauren have a different dad than Ashton and I. Mum and mine and Ashton's dad got divorced when I was three. Harry and Lauren are younger than us and mum and there dad got divorced when Lauren was seven. Our mum had married another guy like three years ago.
"Harry, Lauren," Ashton and I both say getting up and running over to our brother and sister.
        I hug Lauren and Harry at the same time. Then Holly comes over and hugs Lauren and Harry. Holly has been my best friend since before my mum had Lauren.
"Who are they," Lauren whispers to me pointing at Luke, Calum and Michael.
"Those are our brothers friends. They are in his band," I explain to Lauren.
"Whats the name of their band," Lauren asks as we walk out to the car to get her stuff.
"5 Seconds of Summer," I say grabbing her suit case out of the trunk.
"I love that band," Lauren says grabbing her backpack and cheer bag.
"That's our brothers band," I exclaim closing the trunk to the car.
"I will tell Ash to introduce you to them," I say walking up the porch.
"Okay," Lauren says opening the door to the house.
"Ashton, Introduce our brother and sister to your friends," I say walking back to the couch after putting Lauren's stuff by the stairs.
"There your friends too," Ashton says.
"They were your friends first," I say sitting between Luke and Lauren.
"Luke's your boyfriend," Ashton says.
"Just do it," I say.
Ashton's P.O.V
"Luke, Calum, Michael, this is our brother Harry and our sister Lauren. Lauren and Harry this is Luke, Michael and Calum," I say pointing who is who.
        I hate Amanda sometimes. I don't know why she couldn't have done that. I mean it's not that hard. Whatever it is over with now so who cares.
Amanda's P.O.V
        After Ashton introduced everyone, Holly Lauren and I went up to Lauren's room  to help her unpack.
"How long are you guys gonna be here for," I ask Lauren sitting on the floor.
"We are here for good now," Lauren says.
"Really," I ask excitedly.
"Yeah," Lauren says putting her clothes in her dresser.
        After getting all of Lauren's clothes unpacked and put away, we go back down stairs to see what the boys are doing. But they were not downstairs. They must be in Harry's room. I know they are in Harry's Room because I can hear the drums from his room. We walk into Harry's room and of course it is Ashton at the drums. Ashton gave Harry the first drum set Ashton ever got, when he got his performance drum set.
"Are you guys done yet," I ask sitting on Harry's bed by Luke.
"Almost," Harry says.
"Harry did you tell Ash how long we are staying here for," Lauren asks.
"No I forgot," Harry says.
"Do you want to or do you want me to," Lauren asks.
"You can," Harry says.
"Ashton, we are moving back in here for good," Lauren says.
"Really," Ashton asks with tears in his eyes.
"Yeah," Harry and Lauren say hugging him.
"Do you guys want to go to the water park," I ask.
"Yes," Lauren and Harry both scream in unison.
"Sure," everyone else says.
        We all split to get ready. Holy and I head to my room and Lauren went to hers. About a minute later there was a knock at the door. I open it after grabbing my bathing suit out of my dresser. It was Lauren.
"Can I borrow one of your bathing suits? I forgot mine at my dads," Lauren asks when I let her in my room.
"Yeah," I say walking over to my dresser.
"Thank you," Lauren says.
        I hand her one of my old ones that I knew would fit her. Holly walks out of the bathroom grabbing her dress to put over her bathing suit. I go into my bathroom and get changed and Lauren goes back to her room. After we are changed and ready to go we head downstairs to the living room where the boys are all waiting. I grab the bag with our extra clothes and towels, my purse and keys.
"We will be back later," I yell to my mum.
"Okay, have fun," mum says.
        We walk out of the house to the cars. Holly, Lauren, Calum and Luke rode with me and Michael and Harry rode with Ashton. When we got to the water park, I park next to Ashton and we all head in. We are already change but after we pay we had to go through the dressing rooms. We met the boys out by the pools. Once we all got there we decided to jump in together.
        We had so much fun and now it is time to go home. We go back into the dressing room and change into our dry clothes. After we were done changing we met in the area where we payed. After everyone was done changing we head back to the house. It was almost ten o'clock when we got home. We all sit down to watch a movie. We all decided on Shrek. At the end of the movie Harry went to bed. the rest of us watched Mean Girls next. Half way through that movie I got up and made smoothies and popcorn. I gave everyone their smoothies and popcorn and I sit down between Luke and Lauren to finish the movie. After this movie everyone went to bed but Michael and Ashton. They stayed up playing their video game.

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