Chapter 10

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Amanda's P.O.V
         I woke up to Hailey once again. I feed her and get ready for school. After I get dressed Hailey starts crying again. I pick her up and burp her. I change her clothes and put her back in her car seat. I finish getting ready and go down stairs to eat and go get Luke and Holly. After I eat Hailey starts crying again, I change her diaper and buckle her into her car seat. I grab my stuff, pick up Hailey and go out to my car. I put Hailey in and get in then I text Luke.
Me: I'm on my way
         I hit send and start my car. Luke replies before I could back out of the drive way.
Luke: Okay. I'm out front.
        I read it and put my phone in the passenger seat. I back out the drive way and head to Luke's house. Luke is standing on the side walk when I pull up. He gets in and puts my phone in the side pocket of my backpack, which is on the passenger floor. We pull up to Holly's and she is just walking out of her house. Holly opens the passenger back seat door and puts Noah in the middle of the backseat  and gets in. Holly buckles Noah then herself. We drive to school in silents. Once we got to school, I got out of the car and opened the door to get Hailey. Luke, Holly and Noah were already out of the car so I locked it and grabbed my backpack, when I turned to get Hailey, Luke already had her. I shut the doors and we walked into the school to our locker. We grab our books and start walking to our class. Luke walks us all the way to our class. Before he goes to his class he hugs me and hands me Hailey. Holly and I walk into our class and set Hailey and Noah on the table where we sit and sat down. In second we presented our project and passed. School went by pretty fast today. In fourth, when the rest of the team came in to practice cheers with us, Summer didn't really talk to me.
        After school we go back to my house to do our homework. Hailey cried to be fed twice today at school, so she cried a total of six times the whole day. After our homework is down we make smoothies and watch a movie. After the movie we went out back to practice our cheers for the game on Friday. Luke just sat on the porch swing and watched. We practiced our cheers until the babies needed to be feed, then we fed them and went back inside. After we burped the babies we ate and I took Holly home. Luke stayed at my house because they had band practice. After I dropped Holly off, I went back home and got ready for bed. When Luke was ready to go home, I walked him half way, then I came back and went to bed.
        I woke up before Hailey could wake me up so I got up and got changed. After I am changed, Hailey starts crying, so I feed her. I do my hair and my make, then have to burp Hailey. I grab my backpack and Hailey and go downstairs. I grab an apple and eat it, then I head over to get Luke then Holly. Luke was outside waiting just like yesterday. He gets in and we go to Holly's. Holly was sitting on her porch waiting. Holly looks up when she hears my car and grabs Noah. Holly puts Noah in and gets in.
"We are going Dutch Bros. before we go to school," I say when Holly gets in.
"Okay," Luke and Holly both say at the same time.
We pull into the Dutch Bros. and order our drinks. Once we have our drinks we go to school.
"Luke, will you get Hailey," I ask grabbing my backpack, keys and my drink.
"Yes," Luke says walking around the car to get Hailey as I get out of the car and lock it once he has the door open to get Hailey.
        I close the drivers door and wait for Luke to get Hailey, then close that door and walk to our locker. School goes by fast again and we go to Holly's house for homework after.
"Is your mom gonna care that Luke is with us," I ask Holly walking into Holly's house holding Luke's hand and carrying Hailey.
"No," Holly says open the door to her house.
        We walk in and sit on the couch and start our homework. When we all finished all of our homework Luke and I go back to my house. Holly didn't want to come over. Once we get to my house we go in put our stuff down, we go out back and sit on the porch swing with Hailey. Hailey starts crying I give Luke her bottle so he can feed her. After Hailey was done with her bottle we went back in the house so Luke could go practice with the rest of the band. Not to long after Luke went in to the garage to practice Hailey started crying again. I burped her then went out to watch the boys practice. After about ten minutes Hailey started crying. I picked her up and changed her diaper.
        Hailey woke me up again. I feed her then get dressed. I grab Luke's 5 seconds of summer sweater and put on. I burp Hailey, grab my stuff and go down stairs. I grab an apple and eat it then make three smoothies. One for Luke, one Holly and one for me. After I make the smoothies I go and get Luke and Holly and go to school. Once we get to school Noah starts crying. Holly picks him up and feeds him.
"Luke will you carry that car seat for her and I will carry Hailey," I say.
"Sure," Luke says grabbing Noah's car seat as we walk into the school.
        We stop at our locker to get our math books. I grab Holly's for her and carry it until she is done feeding and burping Noah. Noah finally burps when we get to our class. Holly puts him back in his car seat and takes the car seat from Luke. I hug him before following Holly into class. School didn't really go by that fast. First, second, third and fifth were the same as everyday but in fourth we were put in new stunt groups for the game and practice our cheers again. After school we go to Starbucks and then my house. When we got to my house we started our homework. After we finished our homework, Luke had to go practice earlier then they normally practice. Holly and I decided to go to the store to get some ice cream. When we were at the store we got two different kinds of ice cream, we got vanilla and cookies and cream. We also got root beer and more tea. I do have a job but I don't talk about it much. I work in the preschool at my school a couple days a week. I have been working there for the last four years.
"We got ice cream," I say standing in the door way of the garage, I quickly go back in the house before the boys trample me.
        The ice cream I got are both one gallon tubs. I also got two, two litters of root beer. I get three scoops of cookies and cream in a cup and filled the cup with root beer, I grab a spoon and wait for Holly, then we get the babies and go out to the garage and watch the boys practice. After we sit down on the couch in the garage I get a text message. I grab my phone from in Hailey's car seat and read what it says. It's from Holly.
Holly: I kinda like Calum
        I hit send then start to eat my root beer float. About five minutes later she finally replies.
Holly: Yeah he is so adorable and really nice.
Me: Well talk to him. Maybe he likes you too.
        I hit send right as Hailey starts crying. I set my phone in my lap, my cup on the table next to the couch and pick her up to change her diaper. I finish changing her diaper and put her back in her car seat. After the boys are done practicing, we go inside and watch a movie. On our way through the kitchen, I rinse my cup out and put it in the sink. I go in the living room and sit on the couch next to Luke. Holly is sitting next to Calum on the other couch. After the movie I take Holly and Luke home then come home and get ready for bed.
        I woke up right before Hailey started crying. I haven't been using my alarm because Hailey is basically my alarm right now. I feed Hailey then I get dressed. I get Hailey changed and burp her then go downstairs. I eat a banana then make smoothies again. After I make our smoothies I go to get Luke and Holly then go to school. Once at school Holly starts crying. I hand Luke her diaper and he changes her before going into the school. Today went by really fast. We went back to my house to do homework and watch the boys practice again. Then I take Holly home and come home and watch a movie with my boyfriend. Luke wants to walk home today so I walk with him half way again. When I get back home, I take a shower and go to bed early. Tomorrow is game day.

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