Chapter 14

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*Time Skip*
​Amanda's P.O.V    
         I woke up to my alarm and Luke was still asleep next to me. I get up and get ready. When I was done changing and doing my hair and make up Luke was still asleep. He is so cute when he is sleeping.
"It's time to get up babe," I say kissing his cheek.
"Okay," Luke says sitting up.
        I go back into my bathroom to brush my teeth. Luke came in and brushed his teeth then he went down stairs. Luckily Ashton wasn't awake yet because he would be pissed that Luke slept in my room. Luke got his clothes and got changed.
"We have to go get Holly in ten minutes," I say sitting on the couch.
"Okay," Luke, Calum and Michael all say.
        They all stayed last night so I am taking them to school. Ten minutes later we all head out to my car.
"Shot gun," Luke says.
We all got in the car and went to Holly's house. Holly was not sitting on the porch like she normally is so I got out and went to the door. I knocked and Holly answered grabbing her backpack. She got in the backseat on the passenger side next to Calum.
"We are going to Dutch Bros. before we go to school," I say driving down the street.
"Okay," everyone says.
        We go to Dutch Bros. and everyone gets a large drink then we go to school. Once we get to school we all get out of the car with our drinks and go to our lockers. After we are done at our lockers we went to our classes. First period which is Algebra for Holly and I went by pretty fast. After Algebra we took our math books back to out locker. Second period which is English was easy and went my pretty fast, third period is infant development which we have with the boys. Our teachers said we could sit any where since it is the last week of school. So we all sat together during third. Plus our final project for third we have to do in a group and we chose to be in a group together. We started this project last week and it is due at the end of this week. Third went by pretty fast then we went to lunch. We went to the dollar tree to get little snack stuff then we went to McDonald's and got some Hamburgers. We went back to school with our food. After we were done eating we had about fifteen minutes until class started. When the bell rang we all went to our classes. Holly and I went to locker room and got changed. When we were done changing we still had about two minute until class started so we headed into the gym. When the bell rang and everyone was in the gym stretching the teacher explained what we were gonna do today and for the rest of the week.
"Today you are going to be stunting in your original stunt groups from the beginning of the class and we might do some tumbling. If you had joined the cheer team and you still have your uniform but have not paid for it I need it back or you can still pay for it this week," the teacher says.
        After we are done stretching Holly and I give her the money for our uniforms and then we get in our original stunt groups. This class went by really fast. When we had five minutes left of class our teacher lets us go get change. Right as we finished changing the bell rang and we went to our next class. Art went by pretty fast to. After school we all went back to my house and got our homework done. Then Holly and I watched the boys' band practice.
"I got good news," Ashton says when Holly and I walked into the garage.
"What is it," I said sitting down on the couch.
"I talked to our manager today while you guys were at school and he said that you two can go on tour with us. This tour starts in two weeks so you guys will be able to finish school," Ashton says.
"Yay," Holly and I both says excitedly.
"We leave in two weeks so be ready," Luke says.
"Okay," Holly and I say.
        After band practice was over we had dinner then I took Holly home. Luke, Calum and Michael moved in with us on Friday. When I get back from taking Holly home I got ready for bed and then watched a movie with the boys.
"I'm going to bed," I say at the end of the movie.
"Goodnight," Calum and Micheal say.
"Your going with her aren't you Luke," Ashton asks.
"Yeah," Luke says following me.
"Night Amanda. Don't be stupid Luke," Ashton says.
"Goodnight to you too Ashton," Luke says and we go upstairs.
We go into my room, well I might as well say our room, and go to sleep.
        I woke up before my alarm. I get up and get ready for school.
"Time to get up Luke," I say.
"Alright," Luke say getting out of bed.
        We both go down stairs and I make smoothies. These never ending smoothies will probably end when we are on tour. I make everyone a smoothie including Holly. Well except for Ashton because he is still sleeping. I give the boys theirs and grab mine and Holly's and we head over to Holly's. When we get to Holly's she is sitting on her front porch on her phone. She looked up and then got up and walked over to the car and got in. I handed her, her smoothie and we goo to school. Once we got to school we done what we do every day. We went to our lockers and then to our classes. School went by really fast. After school we went back to my house to do our homework since the boys had band practice there again.
"I need to buy a dress for graduation," I say.
"Me too," Holly says as we put our homework away.
"We will go with you to the mall after band practice if you want to go today," Luke says looking at Calum.
"Yeah that sounds good," Holly says as we walk into the kitchen to make more smoothies.
        After we make everyone smoothies we go out to the garage for band practice. I remembered what Ashton said to Luke last night before we went to bed so i decided to text Holly and tell her about. I put my smoothie on the coffee table and grab my phone.
Me: I think Ash is mad at Luke right now.
Holly: Why?
Me: Cause the last two night Luke has slept in my room with me (we haven't done anything) and last night he just tells Luke not to do anything stupid.
Holly: That doesn't really mean he is mad at him. Well I mean it could but I think he is just trying to protect you.
Me: I know that but he doesn't have to be rude about it.
Holly: I know
        I read what Holly said but I don't reply. Band practice went on for about another hour or so. After practice we go back in the house and I get my keys and purse.
"You guys ready," I ask Luke and Calum.
"Yeah," Luke and Calum say.
"Where are you guys going," Michael asks curiously.
"The mall to get dresses for graduation," I say.
"First your sleeping with her and now your going to the mall with her. Can you not leave my sisters side or something," Ashton yells.
"See," I whisper to Holly.
"She asked me if I wanted to go with her," Luke says.
"That doesn't tell me why you go with her when she goes to bed and you don't come back," Ashton yells.
"Can we talk about this later," I ask.
"Yeah and don't bring Holly back with you. This is between us," Ashton yells.
        I look at Holly and she grabs her backpack. We then go out to my car and go to the mall.
"I'm sorry you can't come back Holly," I say getting out of the car to go into the mall.
"It's okay. I have to watch the girls for a couple hours tonight anyways," Holly says.
"I don't understand why he is so mad. I mean it's not like we do anything," Luke says and you can tell he was upset.
"I don't know," I sigh.
"Where are we going," Calum asks.
"Um lets go to JCP," I say.
        We start to walk into the store my phone starts ringing. It's Ashton. Ugh what does he want. Luke, Calum and Holly look at me.
"It's Ashton," I say before answering the phone.
"Hello," I say.
"Will you tell Luke he forgot his phone," Ashton asks.
"Yeah. Luke you forgot your phone at the house," I say.
"I knew I forgot something," Luke says.
"Don't go on his phone and that's not him saying that it's me," I say looking at a dress.
"To late," Ashton says jokingly.
"Ashton," I yell.
"I'm joking," Ashton says.
"Whatever. I gotta go and seriously don't," I say and hung up.
"Babe, he can't I have a code on there," Luke says as I grab a dress.
"Okay," I say.
        After looking at a bunch of different dresses, Holly and I finally tried on two dresses. But we both decided on the same dress and different shoes. You won't really see our dresses much because of our gowns but whatever. After we were done at JCP we went to the food court and got Oreo milkshakes then we took Holly home and went home. When we get home Ashton and Michael are playing video games. When we walk in I see Ashton pick Luke's phone up.
"I swear Ashton if you got on there I will never talk to you again," I say looking Ashton in the eyes and took Luke's phone and gave it to him.
"Your code is really my sisters birthday," Ashton say.
"You were on his phone," I ask.
"Yup," Ashton says and I turn around and go up to my room.
         I am never talking to my brother again. I go on my Facebook, which I haven't in a long time. I post a status which says:

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