Chapter 22

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Amanda's P.O.V
        We are finally on the bus and headed the place for the first show tonight. Once we got there we just sat on the bus for an hour. After that hour was up we had to go in and set up the stage and the boys had to do sound checks. After sound checks we could do whatever until the concert.
"What should we do," Ashton asks.
"Can we go to the beach," Luke asks pointing toward the visible part of the beach.
"No," Calum said.
"I will go to the beach with you," I say.
"Me too," Michael says.
"I will go too," Ashton says.
"What about you two," I ask Holly and Calum.
"I will go," Holly says.
"Babe," Calum whines to Holly.
"Just come to the beach with us Calum," Holly says.
"But I want to do something else. They can go to the beach. I want you to stay with me," Calum says.
"No. We do what you want later. We all want to go to the beach," Holly says.
"Fine," Calum says.
        We all go down to the beach.
"Luke can I talk to my sister alone please," Ashton says as we walk down to the beach.
"Luke please don't leave me. I don't know why he is trying he knows I'm not gonna talk to him," I say as Luke starts to walk away.
"You will be fine," Luke says walking up to Michael.
"Will you please tell me how I can make this up to you. I'm really sorry I said that. I was mad and it just slipped. Please forgive me," Ashton says.
"Ashton I don't know why you're trying. I may be saying this now but I'm not going to say anything else after this. I don't get why you were mad. There was nothing to be mad about. I'm sorry Ashton. I'm done talking to you. You messed up before and I told you that you only had one more chance and you ruined it so stop," I say before running up to Luke.
"Amanda please," Ashton yells when I ketch up to Luke.
        I just ignore him and keep walking with Luke down to the water.
"Why won't you just give him another chance," Luke asks.
"Because he already got a second chance and he ruined it. I told him when I gave him the second chance that if he messed up again I would never ever talk to him again and what did he do. He messed up again. I know if I forgive him, he will do it again. I'm not doing it Luke," I say as we walk along the beach by the water.
"Babe please," Luke says.
"No Luke," I say.
"He was just trying to protect you," Luke says.
"He isn't protecting me if he is hurting me," I say.
"I know and he has said sorry," Luke says.
"Can we please stop talking about it," I say.
"Please just do it," Luke says.
"Not Happening," I say before running to Holly and Calum.
"Hey," I say when I get to them.
"Hey, are you okay," Holly says.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Well not really," I say.
"Whats wrong," Calum asks.
"Ashton and Luke won't stop bugging me about talking to Ashton again and it's pissing me off," I say looking at my brother sitting on rock with his face in his hands.
"I know it's annoying but just talk to him. I mean look at him he obviously knows he messed up," Calum says.
"I know but he hurt me. I cried when you told me that Luke left and he never wanted to talk to me again," I say.
"Well look at him, it's hurting him that you're not talking to him," Calum says.
"I know but I gave him a warning and he done it anyways," I say.
"Both of you will be so much happier if you just talk to him," Calum says.
"I can't, I already told him. If he wants to make it up to me he needs to figure out how and it's not going to be easy," I say.
"This needs to happen before the show tonight," Calum says.
"It probably won't," I say.
"Please just talk to him," Calum says.
"No," I say and run over to Michael.
"Hey Mikey," I say when I get to him.
"Whats up," Mikey says.
"Everyone keeps telling me to talk to Ashton and it's pissing me off. I don't want to talk to him," I say walking with Michael.
"It's your choice if you talk to him or not," Michael says.
"Thanks Mikey. You're the best," I say.
"But I'm going to suggest that you talk him. I mean look at him," Michael says pointing at Ashton who is looking at his phone with a frown.
"Seriously Mikey," I say.
"I just suggested that you do. I never said you have to," Mikey says.
"I wish I could Mikey," I say.
"You can if you try," Mikey says.
"You heard what I told you on the plane. He needs to figure it out," I say.
"I know," Mikey says.
"We need to go," Ashton yells from where he is and we all run over to him.
"I'm sorry babe," Luke says.
"It's fine," I say with a sigh.
"Whats wrong Ash," Luke says.
"I just read on twitter that someone is inside the stadium," Ashton says and we all run to the building, which is just up the path from the beach.
        Once we got there, we went in and split. We looked everywhere and didn't find anyone.
"Are you sure they were in here," Luke asks Ashton when we all got back together.
"Yes. It says right here: In the Stadium where 5 Seconds of Summer is performing tonight. I also got front row tickets and meet and greet. Can't wait. And then there is a picture of the set up we have," Ashton says pointing at the stage and showing us the picture.
        I get my phone out and go on twitter. I go to this person profile and look through it for a minute. Wait there is a new update. And I am in the picture. It says: Ashton's sister. She better watch herself or she might disappear. And I will have Luke all to myself.
"They are still in here," I say looking at my phone.
"What do you mean," Luke says.
"Look at their post from two minutes ago," I say handing Luke my phone.
"Please don't let anyone take me," I say hugging Luke.
"I won't let anyone touch you babe," Luke says.
"Oh look, little Amanda is scared," a girl says from behind us.
"Don't think about touching my sister," Ashton says pulling me into a hug.
"Oh why not? Do you really care? I mean she isn't even talking to you," she says.
"I don't care if she isn't talking to me as long as I know she is safe with our friends and I. If you don't leave now the show for tonight will be canceled," Ashton says.
"I guess the show is gonna be canceled and the rest of the fans coming tonight will be upset," she says getting closer.
"Security," I yell still hugging Ashton.
        Two bigger guys come running in.
"This girl needs to be escorted off the premises, her tickets need to be confiscated and get her name so she is not let back in for the show in case she has more tickets stored at her house," Ashton says.
"Yes sir," one of the security guards says.
"Please don't take my tickets. I wasn't really going to hurt Amanda. I'm just jealous she is dating my Luke," the girl says.
"You have to talk to Amanda about that," Ashton says looking at me, I look up at him and let go of him and walk over to Luke.
"First of all, he is MY Luke. Second, take those posts off of twitter now. And you can keep your tickets and come to the concert," I say.
"Okay, I'm sorry," she says.
"Oh by the way my name is Hailey," she says looking at her phone.
"They are deleted now," Hailey says.
"Thank you," I say.
"Amanda, we used to be friends a couple years ago," Hailey says.
"I knew you looked familiar," I say to Hailey while hugging Luke.
"Can Hailey hangout with us," I ask looking at Ashton.
"I don't care. But only if you and I can talk alone first," Ashton says.
"Fine," I say walking over to the stage with Ashton.

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