Chapter 24

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Amanda's P.O.V
        I sit on the stage when we reach it and Ashton sits next to me.
"Amanda, I'm really sorry I said that. I was mad and I wasn't thinking. Please forgive me," Ashton says.
"I can't forgive you Ashton, you don't understand. I was crying when Calum texted me saying that Luke left and he said he never wanted to talk to me again. I was hurt Ashton," I say.
"I know and I'm sorry. I was mad," Ashton           says.                                                                                                                                                            
"Ashton that's no reason to say that. You know I would never do that and you still said it," I say.
"I'm sorry Amanda. Please forgive me," Ashton says.
"Ashton I will talk to you but it doesn't mean I forgive you. I'm sorry Ashton. I already told you once," I say.
"I know and I'm sorry. I was just mad," Ashton says.
"Why were you mad," I ask.
"Because before you left for the mall that day, you kissed Luke and it made me think of those text messages that I read on Luke's phone that day he left his phone at our house when you guys went to the mall," Ashton says.
"Ashton, in those text messages we were just talking about it, it has not happened. I promise," I say.
"Okay," Ashton says.
"Why does everyone other than just our friends, know what is going on between us," I ask.
"I may have said something on twitter about you hating me and not talking to me. But I didn't say on there why you weren't talking to," Ashton says.
"Really Ashton," I say kinda loud as I jump off the stage and walk away.
"I'm sorry Amanda," Ashton says following me.
"Whats wrong," Luke asks.
"Him. I can't  do this. I'm sorry Luke, I'm going home," I say.
"Amanda please. What did he do now," Luke asks.
"He posted all over twitter what is going on between us. So the who fan base knows," I say.
"I'm sorry babe. Please don't leave," Luke says.
"Amanda please. I'm sorry," Ashton says.
"I don't want to hear it Ashton. Will you please leave me alone," I say walking out of the stadium with Hailey.
"Amanda wait for me," Luke says following us.
"I don't want to talk to you if you are gonna keep telling me to talk to Ashton. I'm not going to. I'm seriously done now," I say when Luke gets to us.
"I won't I promise," Luke says.
"Luke, I'm going home in the morning," I say.
"Please don't. I'm sorry he is being like that," Luke says.
"It's not just Ashton. I miss Lauren, Harry and my mum," I say.
"Amanda it's okay. Just call them," Luke says.
"Luke it's not the same," I say.
"Please don't leave me babe," Luke says.
"I'm sorry Luke I have to. Unless you want me to be miserable the whole time," I say.
"You won't be. We are gonna go to California in two days and I know you really want to go there," Luke says.
"Really Luke why do you have do this to me," I say.
"So you will stay," Luke asks.
"Yes," I say as we walk back down to the beach.
"Yay, I love you so much," Luke says.
"You two make such a cute couple," Hailey says.
"Thanks. Wait but earlier you were jealous of us," I say.
"I know. I'm sorry about that," Hailey says.
"It's okay," I say as I get a text message.
Ashton: Amanda I'm really sorry. Please don't do this. I think we need to talk about this.
Me: I'm done with this. I do not forgive you. I'm sorry. But I guess I will talk to you.
        I hit send and put my phone in my pocket. We continued to walk along the beach. We sat on a couple rocks by the water. After sitting there for about ten minutes, my phone started ringing. It was Ashton calling me this time.
"What," I say answering the phone.
"Amanda, please come talk to me. I'm sorry. It hurts knowing you hate me," Ashton says.
"I can't right now. I'm busy," I say.
"What are you doing," Ashton asks.
"Why do you care," I ask.
"Because you are my little sister and I'm supposed to care," Ashton says.
"Well you obviously didn't care about me when you were telling people lies about me or when you went through Luke's phone," I say.
"Amanda, I'm sorry for both of those. But you obviously don't care how I feel right now," Ashton says.
"You think I don't care about how you feel right now. More like you didn't care how those things would make me feel when you did them," I say with tears starting to fall from my eyes.
"I'm sorry Amanda. I have told you, I wasn't thinking either time. I was mad at you two," Ashton says.
"Ashton just because you were mad doesn't mean you do that," I say.
"I know and I'm really sorry," Ashton says.
"Ashton sorry isn't gonna cut it. You hurt me," I say.
"Amanda please," Ashton says.
"No Ashton. I'm not going to do this. I know if I forgive you, you will do something stupid again," I say.
"Amanda, I won't, I promise," Ashton says.
"I don't know if I believe you," I say.
"Amanda please just give me another chance and you will see. I won't do anything stupid again," Ashton says.
"I don't know Ashton. I don't know if I can ever trust you again," I say.
"Please just try Amanda," Ashton says.
"I don't know Ashton. I need to think about this," I say.
"Okay," Ashton says.
"I got to go Ashton," I say.
"Okay, bye," Ashton says.
"Bye," I say.

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