Chapter 9

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Amanda's P.O.V
​        I woke up to Hailey and Noah both crying again. Holly sits up and gets Noah and I pick up Hailey, we begin to feed them both. After feeding the babies we get changed. I grab a random shirt and shorts out of my dresser. Holly grabs her outfit out of her bag. We grab Hailey and Noah and go down stairs.
"Hi," Luke says walking by me in the kitchen.
"Hi," I say smiling as he picks up Hailey and begins to walk out back.
"Where are you going with her," I ask.
"Out here. You can follow me if you want," Luke says.
"Okay," I say confused but still follows him.
"What are we doing out here," I ask.
"I just want to ask you something," Luke says.
"Uhh Okay," I say sitting on the porch swing.
"I really like you and I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend," Luke asks looking me in the eyes.
"Yes," I say smiling.
        We hug before going back inside. Once back inside, everyone was just staring at us. We were at opposite sides of the kitchen when I decided to say something.
"What," I say giggling.
"What were you two doing out there," Ashton asks.
"Talking," I tell him rolling my eyes before taking Hailey from Luke and sitting down at the table next to Holly with my yogurt.
        I grab my phone and text Holly even though she is right next to me.
Me: Luke just asked me out. DON'T TELL ANYONE.
Holly: When?
Me: When we were outside
Holly: Oh :)
        After I finish my yogurt we go out back to jump on the trampoline. Holly and I put Hailey and Noah in there car seats on the ground next to the trampoline. After about ten minute the boys come out to join us. After about an hour of jumping on the trampoline Holly and I had to get off because the babies were crying again. We changed there diapers then went to my room. We decided now would be a good time to look at our cheer stuff. I grab our cheer bags handing Holly hers and sitting on my bed with mine. We unzipped them and started pulling stuff out.
"I can't wait for the game on Friday," I say as someone knocks on my bedroom door.
"Come in," I say.
"Hey cutie," Luke says sitting down next to me on my bed.
"Hi," I say smiling.
"What is all this," Luke asks.
"We joined the cheer team and this our uniforms and stuff," I tell him.
"Oh," Luke says.
"And we have a game on Friday," Holly says.
"You should go," I say looking Luke in the eyes.
"I will," Luke says smiling.
        About two hours later we go into the kitchen to make smoothies. After making our smoothies we sit on the couch to watch Teen Mom 2. Right as the episode ended Hailey started crying.
"I will do it this time," Luke says.
"Okay," I say handing him the bottle before letting Hailey know I was here, he begins to feed her as another Teen Mom 2 starts.         
        After he is finished feeding her, he hands her to me and gets up to go in the kitchen. I put back in her car seat and follow Luke into the kitchen. Once in there I open the fridge and grab two bottles of tea, one for Holly and one for me. I set them on the counter and hug Luke before going back to the living room. In the middle of our hug Hailey starts crying again.
"Please say that's Noah," I say to Holly.
"Nope that's Hailey," Holly says.
"Ugh," I say looking Luke the eyes before going to attend to Hailey.
        After burping Hailey I go back into the kitchen, where Luke is still standing because I forgot our tea's. I hug Luke again, this time with out an interruption. After our hug I grab out tea's and head back into the living room. 
"Ugh," Luke says as I hand Holly her tea.
"Whats wrong," I say walking back into the kitchen.
        Luke is just staring at his phone, looking annoyed.
"She keeps texting me," Luke says.
"Who," I ask.
"My crazy ex," Luke replies.
"What does she want," I ask hugging Luke again.
"Me," Luke says hugging me back.
"But I have you," Luke says smiling.
"How long has she been texting you," I ask.
"All night," Luke says.
"Tell her to leave you alone," I tell him.
"I have but she continues to text me," Luke says.
"Whats her number, I will tell her," I say.
"No, babe I'm not giving you her number," Luke says.
"Ugh, why not," I ask.
"Because I don't want her starting stuff with you," Luke says.
"How would she, she doesn't know me," I exclaim.
"She goes to our school. You may already know her, she is on the cheer team," Luke exclaims.
"What's her name," I ask.
"Her name is Summer," Luke says.
"Summer," Holly and I both say.
"I have her number, I will just text her," I say pulling out my phone.
"Babe, you can't do that," Luke says
"Why not," I say typing the message.
"I don't want her to hurt you," Luke says walking towards me.
"She wont. I promise. I'm not going to be mean, I'm just going to tell her to leave you alone," I tell him as Hailey starts crying again.
"Ugh fine," Luke says as I set my phone down on the couch to take care of Hailey.
        After changing Hailey's diaper I finish typing the message and hit send.
Me: Hey, It's Amanda, I was just wondering if you could please stop texting Luke Hemmings.
Summer: How do you know him? Why do you care?
Me: He is in one of my classes, he is in my brothers band and he is MY boyfriend. I'm not trying to be rude. I didn't know you dated him. It's just he is upset because you keep texting him.
Summer: Oh okay, I guess I will since we are friends. Don't forget we have a game on Friday and you have to wear your uniform to school.
Me: Okay, thank you. I won't forget, I'm really excited for the game.
"We have to wear our uniforms to school on Friday," I tell Holly.
"Okay," Holly says.
"What did she say about leaving me alone," Luke asks.
"She said she will because her and I are friends," I say sitting on the couch watching some more Teen Mom 2.
        It's only about 3:45 now and there is absolutely nothing to do. Holly Luke and I decided to walk to the little store right down the street. Holly and I just carry the babies, we don't take their car seats. We got to the store and had no idea what we were gonna get. After about five minute of walking around the store, we finally decided. We each got a bag of chips and something to drink. After we picked our stuff we payed and started to walk back to the house. As we were walking a fan saw Luke and wanted get a picture, so I took the picture with her phone and Luke's phone. After that we finally made it back to the house. Ashton, Calum and Michael were sitting on the couch.
"Where have you been," Ashton asked as we walked in and sat on the couch.
"We walked to the store," I said putting Hailey back in her car seat.
"Oh sure," Ashton says.
"Whatever," I say opening my chips.
"Where do you think we went," I ask.
"I don't know," Ashton says.
        Well Ashton is a little annoying. He doesn't trust me with anything or anyone. I really don't care though because I'm eighteen and I don't have to listen to him.
        Tomorrow is only Sunday. My mum and dad are letting Holly, Luke, Calum and Michael stay again tonight. We are now watching Grown ups. I love this movie, it is so funny. About ten minutes into the movie Hailey and Noah both start crying. I pick Hailey up after letting her know I'm here, Luke reaches for her with the bottle so I hand her to him and he tries to feed her but that doesn't work, so I hand him the extra diaper and he changes her diaper and begins rocking her. After rocking Hailey for a little bit Luke puts her back in the car seat. I then move to where I am laying with my head on Luke's lap. I stayed like that for the rest of the movie. After the movie Holly and I take the babies and go to bed.
        The next day Holly and I both wake up to the babies once again. After feeding and burping the babies we go downstairs in our pajamas. When we get downstairs we both go into the kitchen and get yogurt. After eating our yogurt we go sit on the couch and watch Liv & Maddie on Disney Channel. When Luke finally wakes up he comes downstairs and sits on the couch next to me. The day goes by really slow and there is absolutely nothing to do, so we just watch movies all day. At about 3 Holly and I go do out math homework and get ready to present our presentation tomorrow. Our presentation is on cheerleading and what it is today. We finish our work and go back downstairs to watch another movie with Luke.
"Amanda, it's almost time to take Holly home," my dad says.
"Okay," I say.
"Luke, Do you want to come with," I ask Luke buckling Hailey into her car seat.
"Sure," Luke says picking Hailey up.
"Shot gun," Holly says picking Noah up and gabbing the rest of her stuff.
"Dang," Luke says putting Hailey in the middle of the back seat and getting in.
"You can move up here when we drop her off," I tell him looking in the rear view mirror as I turn off my street.
"See you tomorrow," I say as Holly gets Noah and her stuff and Luke moves up front.
"Okay, bye," Holly says closing the door and walking into her house.
"Do you want me to pick you up in the morning too," I ask Luke when we turn onto my street.
"Ummm, I don't know," Luke says as I pull into the drive way at my house.
"Okay, well tell me before you leave," I say as we are getting out of the car and Luke gets Hailey.
"I will," Luke says closing the car door and walks into the house.
        Luke puts Hailey on the couch before hugging me and joining the rest of the band in the garage to practice. Right as the music starts Hailey begins to cry. I pick her up and feed her. After I feed her I put her back and go cook dinner. After I got dinner started, Hailey started crying again. I wash my hands quickly and go get Hailey bring her in the kitchen with me. I burp her as I walk back into the kitchen. She burps and I put her back in her car seat on the counter and finish cooking dinner.
"Dinners done," I say opening the garage door to tell the boys and they come rushing in.
"What did you make babe," Luke says.
"Chicken, rice, cream of mushroom soup and there is salad," I say setting the salad and salad dressings on the counter.
        Everyone gets there food and we all sit at the table. After we ate it was time for Luke, Calum and Michael to leave. I walk outside with Luke and hug him before he leaves.
"Are you gonna pick me up in the morning," Luke asks.
"Yes I will. I will be there at 7 be ready," I tell him still hugging him.
"Okay, I will see you in the morning," Luke says kissing me before walking down the street.
"Okay. Text me," I say before he gets to the sidewalk.
"Okay," Luke says when he steps on the side walk.
         Luke lives just around the corner which is on the way the Holly's house, So I will stop to get him on my way to school in the morning. I go back into the house and get ready to take a shower. After I get out of the shower, I look at my phone and I have a text message from Luke and Holly.
Luke: Hey, babe.
Me: Hi :)
Holly: What are you wearing tomorrow.
Me: A dress
Luke: Whats up
Me: getting ready for bed. you?
Holly: Me too
Me: Cool
        I reply to both of them, get dressed, brush my teeth and hair and go downstairs. I watch a episode of Shake It Up and by the time it was over, it was almost 8, so I head upstairs and go to bed. Before I go to sleep I get another text from Luke.
Luke: Thinking about going to sleep.
Me: I'm going to sleep :)
Luke: Ok goodnight babe.
Me: Night :)
I hit send and turn on my alarm then plug my phone in and put it on my night stand and go to sleep.

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