Chapter 17

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Amanda's P.O.V
        It has been a week since Harry and Lauren moved back in with us. Today we are gonna take them to the new theme park. I hope they have fun.
"Do you guys want to go to the theme park," I ask.
"Yes," everyone says.
"We will leave in an hour," Ashton says.
"Okay," everyone says before I go to get ready.
        Holly, Lauren and I go into my room. I pull out a shirt and a pair of shorts from my dresser. I grab two more shirts like it and hand them to Holly and Lauren. Holly grabs a pair of shorts out of her bag and gets change. Lauren went to her room to change. After we get changed I straighten Lauren's hair and we head downstairs. When we got down stairs it is time to go. I grab my purse and keys. We all head out to the cars. Luke, Calum, Lauren and Holly ride with me and Michael and Harry ride with Ashton. If we had a bigger car then we would be able to take one vehicle but we don't. We head to the theme park which isn't that far away. Once we get there we all get out of the cars and head in. We payed to get in then we walked around for about ten minutes then went to a ticket booth to get tickets for rides.
        After we got the tickets for the ride, Luke and I took Lauren on the Ferris wheel. It was the first time she has been on one. I think she liked it.
"What do you want to go on next," I ask Lauren.
"The Vertigo," Lauren says.
"Lets find everyone else and see if they want to go on it with us," I say as my phone begins ringing.
        It is Ashton.
"Hello," I say.
"There are fans everywhere we go I need your help," Ashton says.
"Where are you," I ask.
"By the ticket booth near the rides," Ashton says.
"Okay, we are on our way now. I can see you," I say.
"Okay. Hurry," Ashton says before hanging up.
"Ashton needs our help," I say looking where I seen him but I can't see him anymore because ten girls just appeared there.
"Why? Whats happening," Luke asks.
"Fans," I say.
"Where is he," Lauren asks.
"Over by that ticket booth I say pointing towards where all the girls are.
        We start walking towards the ticket booth, then a fan walks up to Luke.
"Can I get a picture with you," the fan asks holding out her phone.
"Come find me in a half a hour," Luke says.
"Okay," the fan says with a huge smile.
        We continue walking to Ashton.
"Hey," Luke says.
        They all turn and see him. They start towards Luke.
"Stop right there," I say.
        They all stop.
"What do you want from Ashton," I ask.
"I just want a picture with him," one says.
"I just want him," a snobby one says.
"Well if you want a picture with all you have to do is ask. I'm sure if you asked him he would. And you, you can't have my brother," I say.
"But," the snobby one starts to say.
"No buts. Yes they are famous but they would like to have a private life too. Ashton, where is Harry," I say walking towards Ashton.
"He is with Calum, Michael and Holly," Ashton says.
        All of the girls' eyes lit up when they heard Calum and Micheal names.
"Calum and Michael are here too," another one says.
"Yes, but remember if you want a picture with them one at a time calmly approach them and ask them nicely for a picture. If they say 'no' or 'not right now' just say 'okay' and you could ask them later," I say.
"Okay," they all say.
"And maybe later if you ask Ashton he might take picture with you guys," I say.
"Oh and that doesn't mean you guys ask Luke right now. We are about to take my sister on a ride," I say.
"Okay," they all say before walking away.
"I'm going to call Holly and see if they want to go on this ride with us. Ashton do you want to go on the Vertigo with us," I say pulling out my phone.
"Sure," Ashton says.
"Hello," Holly says.
"Hey, do you guys want to go on the Vertigo with us," I ask.
"Hold on let me ask Harry, Calum and Michael," Holly says.
"Okay," I say.
"Do you guys want to go on the Vertigo with Amanda," Holly says.
It was about a minute before she said something again.
"Yeah, we will meet you over there," Holly says.
"Okay," I say before hanging up.
        We walk over to the Vertigo and wait for Holly, Harry, Michael and Calum. While we were waiting the girl that Luke told to find him later came back.
"Luke, can I get a picture please," she says nicely.
"Yeah," Luke says.
"Can you take the picture," she asks hanging me her phone.
"Sure," I say taking phone and taking a couple pictures.
        This girl looked about Lauren's age.
"How old are you," Lauren asks.
"13," she says.
"Me too. Whats your name," Lauren asks.
"My name is Audree. Whats your name," she say.
"My name is Lauren," Lauren says.
"I think Lauren has made a new friend," Luke whispers.
"I think so," I say.
"Hey Audree, do you want to go on the Vertigo with us," Lauren asks.
"Let me ask my mum," Audree says pointing at a lady just a few feet away from us.
"Okay," Lauren says.
"You can come with me if you want," Audree says.
        Lauren looks at me for permission.
"Go ahead," I say.
        They walk over to the girls mum and a few minutes later they come back with the girls mum.
"Is it okay if she goes on a couple rides with you guys," Audree's mum asks.
"Yeah that's fine. We are just waiting for a couple people before we go on the ride," I say.
"Oh okay," Audree's mum says.
"Is there a certain time you want her back," I ask.
"I will call her," Audree's mum says.
"Okay," I say as Calum, Holly, Harry and Michael walk up.
"Hey," Calum says.
"Is that Calum hood and Michael Clifford," Audree asks.
"Yes it is. Ashton the drummer of 5 seconds of summer is my brother. Luke is my sisters boyfriend. Holly, my sisters best friend is dating Calum and Michael well he is just Michael," Lauren says.
"Have fun Audree," Audree's mom says.
"I will," Audree says when we get in line for the ride and her mum walks towards the stage .
        I sit next to Luke, Holly sits next to Calum, Ashton sits next Harry, Lauren sits next to Audree and Michael sits next to a random fan. This wasn't a crazy fan though. This is mine and Lauren's favorite ride. After the ride is over Michael invited the girl he was sitting next to, to hang out with us. I mean whatever, the more the merrier I guess. The girl had two friends with her who were also walking around with us.
"What ride do you want to go on next," Ashton asks giving Harry a piggyback ride.
"How does the Tornado sound," I ask.
"Yeah," Lauren and Audree say.
        I think those two are gonna be best friends by the end of the day.
"That's fine," Ashton says.
        I look at everyone else and they all nod. We walk over to the tornado. One of the girls from earlier walks over.
"Can I get picture with all four of you," She asks Luke.
        Luke looks at the other boys and they just smile.
"Yeah," Luke says.
"Can you take the picture," she asks handing me her phone.
"Yeah," I say taking her phone.
        After I take a couple pictures I hand her back her phone.
"Thank you," she said.
"Your welcome," I say before she walks away.
        There wasn't really a line for the ride so we pretty much got right on. There are four seats per cart. Harry, Ashton, Lauren and Audree go in one. Calum, Holly, Luke and I go in one and Michael and his new friends go in one. After that ride we went on a couple more then played some games. Luke won me a giant stuffed penguin. Ashton won Lauren a giant stuffed elephant, Harry a giant stuffed bear and a giant stuffed panda. Calum won a giant stuffed monkey for Holly. I think Michael won something for each of the girls he met and I know he got one of their numbers. After we played a few games we took Audree back to her mum.
"Ashton won this for me," Audree says holding up the panda.
"Oh you didn't have to do that," Audree's mum says.
"Well I thought it wouldn't be fair if Lauren and Harry got something and she didn't," Ashton says.
"Oh okay. Okay Audree let's go home," Audree's mum says.
"We are headed home too. Want us walk with you to the parking lot," I ask.
"Sure. I'm sure Audree would like that," Audree's mum says.
        We walk towards the parking lot. I was hugging my penguin as we walked.
"Amanda, will you put Audree's number in your phone for me," Lauren asks.
"Yeah. I will buy you a phone tomorrow," I tell her.
        Lauren smiles really big. I hand Luke my penguin so I can put the number in my phone.
        I just smile at her as I put the number in my phone for her.
"Do you want my number and I can text you her number when I get her phone," I ask.
"Sure," Audree says handing me her phone.
"There you go," I say handing her, her phone.
        We then reached their car.
"Bye," Lauren and I say.
"Bye," Audree and her mum says.
"Bye," Everyone else says.
        They get in there car and we head to our cars. We ate before we played games so we don't have to eat when we get home. We get home everyone but the Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael went upstairs. I'm pretty sure they're playing their video game. After about five minutes, I hear Lauren yell my name. I get off my bed and go to her room.
Lauren's P.O.V
        I go to my room when I get home. I put my elephant in my computer chair. It's kinda hot in my room so I went to open my window. After open my window I always look out it. I don't know why I just do. Well this time I looked at the neighbors window. There was that panda Ashton won for Audree. I was confused.
"AMANDA," I yelled.
        Amanda comes running into my room. She probably thought I was hurt or something.
"What's wrong," Amanda asked as she enters my room with Holly right behind her.
"Come here," I say still standing by my window.
        They walk over and I point at the panda.
"Isn't that the panda Ashton won for Audree. It looks like it," I said.
"It does look like it," Holly says.
        Amanda leaves the room. Holly and I follow her she goes down the stairs and out the front door.
"What are you doing," Luke asked.
        Amanda ignored him. She looks at the neighbors car. I don't understand why. Wait yes I do. When we left Audree and her mum it was at there car.
"When we got to the car Audree and her mum got into, I knew the car looked familiar," Amanda says pointing at the car.
        It was the exact same car.
"Go tell Ashton we will be back," Amanda says.
"Why," I ask.
"Just do it and hurry," Amanda says.
        I run back to the front door and open it.
"Amanda told me to tell that we will be right back," I say.
"What are you doing," Luke asks.
"I don't know but she told me to hurry so I gotta go," I say before shutting the door and running back to Amanda and Holly.
        We then walk next door. Amanda knocks on the door. Another little girl answers the door. She looked about three. Sure enough Audree and her mum were sitting on the couch. When the little girl opened the door Audree and her mum look over at the door. Audree gets up and runs to the door.
"Lauren," Audree asks.
"Yeah," I say.
        Audree's mum then walks over. She picks up the little girl.
"How did you know we lived here," Audree's mum asked.
"We live next door," Amanda says pointing at our house.
"Oh," Audree's mum said.
"Lauren opened her bedroom window and just happened to see the panda in the window over here. She was confused because it looked just like the one Ashton won for Audree and yelled for me and I thought she was hurt or something. So I ran into her room and she was standing at the window pointing at the panda. When we left you guys at your car in the parking lot I knew the car looked familiar. So when Lauren pointed out the panda I came out here and sure enough I saw your car. I thought we would come over to say 'Hi'" Amanda says.
"Oh. We just moved in here last week," Audree's mum says.
"Amanda, what are you doing," we hear Luke say.
        Luke see's us and comes over.
"What are you doing over here," Luke asks confused.
"Audree live here," I say.
        Luke looks at the people standing in the door way.
"Oh. Ashton asked me to come get you," Luke says.
"We gotta go but come over anytime," Amanda says sighing.
"Okay," Audree's mum says.
"Can I go over there now," Audree asks.
"If it's okay with them," Audree's mum says.
        I look at Amanda. She smiles.
"Yeah that's fine," Amanda says.
"I will come over after this show to meet your parents," Audree's mum says.
"Okay," Amanda says as we walk back to the house.
Amanda's P.O.V
"Where did you go," Ashton asks.
"To the neighbors house," I say.
"Why," Ashton asks confused.
"Because Audree lives there," I say as Lauren and Audree walk in shutting the door.
"Oh," Ashton says continuing the game when Luke grabs his charger.
"Mum, this is Lauren's friend Audree. We met her today when we were at the theme park and Audree lives next door," I say walking into the kitchen pulling Lauren and Audree along.
"Oh. Hi I'm Lauren's mum," mum says.
"Hi," Audree says.
"Audree's mum is gonna come over in like a half hour to meet you," I say.
"Okay," mum says.
        Holly, Lauren, Audree and I go up stairs.
"What do you guys want to do," I ask.
        It's only like six o'clock right now. We went to the theme park kinda early today.
"Can we go to the mall," Lauren asks.
"Audree will have to ask her mum and you need to ask mum," I say.
"Okay," Lauren says before her and Audree run downstairs.
Lauren's P.O.V
"Mum can Amanda take us to the mall? We are going to go ask Audree's mum," I say.
"Go ask her first," mum says.
"Okay," I say as we run for the door.
        We run out the door and over to Audree's house. Audree's mum was walking out of the house carrying the little girl. She must be headed over to meet my mum.
"What are you two doing," Audree's mum asks.
"Coming to talk to you," Audree says.
"Why," Audree's mum asks.
"Because we want to go to the mall with my sister," I say.
"Oh I was actually heading over to meet you parents," Audree's mum says stepping off the porch.
"Well my step dad isn't home," I say.
"Is your mum home," Audree's mum asks.
"Yeah," I say.
"Okay, lets talk to your mum first and then maybe Audree can go," Audree's mum says.
"Okay," Audree and I both say walking to my front door.
        I open the door and we enter the house. I close the door behind Audree's mum. Audree's mum sets the little girl on the floor.
"Mum Audree's mum is here," I say walking into the kitchen showing Audree's mum where my mum was.
"Oh hi," my mum says.
"Hi," Audree's mum says.
Amanda's P.O.V
        Holly and I walk downstairs because I hear Lauren's voice. When I get downstairs I see the little girl that was at Audree's house sitting on Luke's lap, she must be Audree's sister.  Aw, he is so cute with her. Well if she is here than Audree's mum  must be here too. I hear my mum talking to someone in the kitchen. I walk in there and see Audree's mum.
"I have two girls and two boys," my mum says.
"I only have two girls," Audree's mum says.
"My oldest always has three of his friends over though. There in a band together," my mum says.
"What's the name of their band," Audree's mum asks.
"5 seconds of summer," I say.
"Yes," Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton say at the same time.
"Nothing boys. Play your game," my mum says.
"That's Audree's favorite band. Audree seen one of them at the theme park and that's how Audree and Lauren met," Audree's mum says.
"Um, are we going to the mall," I ask.
"Is it okay she take's Audree to the mall? Audree can stay the night if she wants to," my mum says.
"Yeah that's fine. You can take Aaleyah if you want. You don't have to though," Audree's mum says.
"I will take her," I say smiling.
"Oh is there any sort of clothes you don't want Audree to wear. Lauren wears like crop tops and stuff like that," I say.
"Um, no," Audree's mum says.

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