Down With the Sickness Pt 3

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It was a normal day in the household -- or at least as normal as it could get. Brian was just glad BEN and Jeff had left for the next few days in an "errand" -- something they would likely hear about in news later on, if not only about their latest victim(s) -- which meant there would be no quarrels amongst them. Jeff certainly had a knack for starting fights with those he thought he could take, especially when it came to Tim. What the killer had against Tim, none were too sure. Likely something to do with not respecting authority, and seeing Tim as something similar to that. Although Liu and Jane were great at keeping him at bay, he could get a bit overwhelming at times, and they certainly enjoyed the breaks they had when he decided to leave the house for extended periods of time. And especially now, of all times.

Sally certainly needed to feed off of the living in order to keep her strength up at best, and never did so with those in the household (didn't need them getting hurt or sick when she considered them family, after all). And when she didn't, she oftentimes was overtaken with something akin to a cold. She hardly ever ate real food, if at all; however during these times of sickness, she occasionally did if only to keep her strength up. And with Lazarus in the picture as a new constant playmate -- it wasn't like anyone didn't enjoy playing with or spending time with her (especially the Tall Man, oddly enough, having seemingly adopted her as a child though he wouldn't admit to it), however the adults did need time off occasionally from her -- she didn't leave the house as often as she did prior to 'feed' off of her latest victims, causing her to once again start to fall ill. Thankfully, unlike with the living, this illness did not spread to anyone else and seemed to only affect her in the long run. But she still needed care as any child did; and Toby often took that upon himself when he wasn't entertaining Lazarus. Yet, Sally almost seemed to prefer the Operator over anyone else when it came to caring for her. And while it wasn't around as often as even Eyeless Jack, he almost seemed to sense when he was needed.

Which was how Liu, Tim and Brian found themselves on this day in the living room the the TV playing some old western show as background noise as they chattered while Toby entertained Lazarus upstairs as so she wouldn't pester Sally too much while she rested -- when the Tall Man had silently entered the lovely abode, taking no mind to the three men on the couch as he made his way upstairs silently, even as the three paused their conversation temporarily to watch him ascend the stairs three at a time before returning to their conversation. They'd barely even noticed him when he returned, Sally cradled in one lanky arm as he strode into the kitchen. Probably asked him for a snack or something, of which he was more than willing to oblige. What they didn't expect, however, was for him to slowly make his way back out to confront them as they talked.

<"Pardon me, Brian,"> spoke the Operator as he stepped out of the kitchen again, Sally still in his arms and causing the three men to hush instantly, <"but how does one make soup?">

All eyes instantly snapped to the Tall Man, obviously bewildered and confused even as Sally sniffled in his arms. The question made sense, in a way. He obviously didn't eat like the more mortal beings did, and the house had been barren of food when Tim and Hoody first arrived. Yet the question still bewildered the three significantly, if their facial expressions were anything to go by.

"I -- what?" Brian asked, dumbfounded as he half stood from the couch.

<"How does one make soup?"> the Operator repeated, obviously not noticing or even caring about the other's confusion.

"H-he tried to put the can in the microwave," sniffled Sally. "I told him not to b-but Jane said I'm not allowed to cook by myself, so I said he should ask you."

Brian shot a rather confused look to Tim and Liu, who seemed just as baffled (if not also close to bursting from laughter, in Liu's case), before turning back to the Operator.

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