1. She's Gone

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*Dia's p.o.v*

There she was, my best friend behind locked doors in an abandoned farm house, tied to a chair. I was surprised, she wasn't locked away as far as I thought she would be, only a few hours from where I lived with my friend Harriet.

Maybe I should start from the very top..... The DAY my best friend went missing.


"Wait... What do you mean?" I asked Niall, we met up at the park while Harriet trailed along.
"She's gone" Niall said fear clear in his voice
" when was the last time you saw her?" I asked him, poor Niall was shaking all over and pacing back and forth murmuring something under his breathe.

"NIALL! Calm down and tell me when was the last time you saw her. We shouldn't panic yet" I said putting a hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down before he lost his mind and also mine.

"It's too late for not panicking " he said 

"just answer the question" I demanded

"Ummm.... She said she was coming here and I went to the park to find her and she wasn't there" he said his voice shaking "I looked everywhere here, in the tube slide and even in the woods behind the play set to see if she was hiding there, but I couldn't find a trace of her" Niall said panicking a little more and looking around desperately  

I shivered since it was freezing out here and getting pretty late, the sky was already filled with stars and the moon was shining in the darkness. Definitely too dark and cold for Nia to be out here by herself, the fact that she just dissapeared without telling anyone was definitely unusual and made everyone concerned right away. 

I sighed gazing up at the sky, Nia should be home by now. She would be home right now and maybe she is... but I had a feeling she wasn't. 

I sat on the ground while Niall paced and murmured, It sounded like he was murmuring the same thing over and over again and it definitely wasn't good  "What are you murmuring?" I asked curiosity finally taking over me. 

"It's all my fault" Niall said a tear rushing down his cheek, he quickly wiped it away but it was immediately replaced by a few more.

"No it's not" Harriet said finally joining the conversation 

"Yes it is, I should've gone out with her I shouldn't have waited to go and bring her home I should've came with her ... It's all my fault" his voice cracked, he sat abruptly on the ground while sobs took over his body.

Harriet and I sat next to him and rubbed his back while he cried. "We'll find her... I know we will" Harriet said trying to comfort him. 

"Maybe she will come home, later on tonight or tomorrow morning" I said even thought that chance was near to impossible.. but its always good to have a little faith... right? 

Journey of A LifetimeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin