8. Alone

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*Nia's p.o.v.*

I could never believe something this crazy could happen to me.... But anything can happen.... Right?

I gave in and ate the food he gave me, I wanted to know what kind of dirty trick Cole was playing. This whole situation was out of control and the sad part is that I can't get myself out of it.

I stared out the small hole in the boarded window again, it was getting dark and he sun was setting. I turned around hearing the door open, there stood Cole with cookies and milk.

"I brought you something" he said holding up the goodies
"I don't want anything from you"
"AWWW sure you do" he said stepping closer, making me hold my breathe.

I was terrified, I haven't been this terrified in awhile. Every time I saw him it got harder to breathe and it felt like as if I were trapped. I stood still and stiff until he got closer and he stood inches away from my face.

"Take it" he said putting it in my hand
"O-okay" I stuttered, holding the plate

I was shaking so bad that I almost dropped ever thing. "Don't be scared" Cole said
"I won't hurt you"
"But you already did" I mumble
"Not physically" he frowned
"I... I know" I stuttered
"Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked me
"Too bad" Cole took out a rope and tied my hands pulling me out the door, down the stairs and out of the farmhouse.

"L-let me go!!" I shrieked
"If you scream one more time, I'll show you something to scream about" he growled, I shut up instantly.

He dragged me through the woods and down a trail. It was getting darker and harder to see. This is ridiculous, I thought. I'm just letting Cole drag me through the freaking woods and I'm not even struggling... But what if he hurts me... He wouldn't hurt you, your suppose to be ..... Friends..... Not anymore.

I yanked my hand free and went off sprinting in the other direction. It only took me 10 seconds to realize I can't see and Im lost. I tripped on something and fell hard, scraping my leg really badly.

Suddenly I felt someone grab me and whisper in my ear "you shouldn't have done that"

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