11. More help

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*Danas p.o.v*

Are you serious?!

I sat down on the couch across from Cole, I was a little mad because Cole was suppose to be my best friend. I don't understand why he would hide such a huge thing from me, and I don't know how it got passed me, how did I not know?

"well uhh" Cole began "David , Will, Gabe and I walked into iHop and no one was there so we walked into the back room"

"told you guys it was a bad idea but no one listens" Will said making us all shush him

"we heard a loud bang and saw a metal door broken down and then glass shattered and the police came and told us to put our hands up... I don't know how he did it"

Tyler stood in the back smirking, I don't know why... But he made me uncomfortable.

"They let me off with a fine, which I will pay for with-". Tyler was cut off by Cole "your own money"

"Sure" Tyler said

"How did you do that Cole" I asked
"Do what?"
"Hide Tyler from us"
"Well I... Uh.."

I was getting really agitated so I stood up and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Something was definitely off, and it wasn't just Nia's disappearance.

"Are you okay" Dia said walking into the kitchen
"I guess, I just can't believe Cole would hide his own brother from me"
"He hid him from all of us"
"Yeah but... We're suppose to tell each other everything"
"I understand" she said putting her hand on mine

Suddenly there was a loud bang and an owwwww, I walked into the living room to see a table turned and Harriet lying on the floor.
"Can someone at least help me up" Harriet grumbled
"What happened" Dia asked
"I tripped " Harriet said "Tyler, Louis, wipe that smile off your face or so help me I will-"
Dia cut Harriet off "have you guys seen or heard anything from Nia"

Everyone shook they're head making me a bit disappointed.
"Whose Nia?" Tyler asked
"Our friend she has been missing for two days" I said
"What does she look like?" Tyler asked

Harriet pulled up a photo of Nia on her phone and showed Tyler. Tyler nodded "she's beautiful"

"she's mine" Niall grumbled, and Cole sat silently but I could tell he was aggravated.

"Okay sorry" Tyler said holding up his hands "I'll help you guys find her"
"That would be great!" Dia said smiling
"When did she disa-" Tyler was cut off
"She went out to the park and never came back" Niall muttered, a tear streaked down his face. "We haven't found anything" he finished

"I'll do my best to find her for you guys" Tyler said
"Oh now your being nice" Harriet said
"I'm pretty sure you would laugh if one of your friends tripped over a table"
"We are not friends"

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