7. Twins

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*Harriet's p.o.v.*

I've cried all my tears and now I'm left... Emotionless

I sat on the couch and watched Dia leave the house while Zayn and Louis went in the basement. I sat there emotionless, I had cried all my tears yesterday and I had none left.
I called Nia for the 100th time and it Immediately went to her voice mail leaving me in tears.

This isn't real, I kept telling myself... This isn't real..

I closed my eyes and heard the front door open, I was about to open my eyes but something really cold was poured all over me. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
I shot up and turned around to see Louis with a smirk, "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I shrieked chasing him into the backyard.

Louis slowed down and I tackled him to the ground, I kept on smacking his face until someone forced me off of him and carried me into the house. Harry carried me upstairs and sat me on my bed. "You left me" I muttered looking at the floor
"I'm sorry, I'm trying to do my best to find your friend" he said "did you eat today?"

"... No, I'm not hungry" I said lying down
"You have to eat sometime"
"I don't want to"
"Please Kitty just one bite"

Harry stood up and walked out the room saying he would be right back, leaving me alone once again.

Five hours later there was a crash from downstairs and yelling, it sounded like arguing. I slowly walked down the steps and saw two Coles, except one had black hair.
I rubbed my eyes, I must be hallucinating.

"Harry what's going on" I yelled, Harry walked towards me his eyes still looking and the double Coles. "Umm I have no idea" he said

"Guys shut up" Dia yelled and both Cole's but they continued to argue "SHUT UP!" She screamed causing them both to be quiet. "What is going on here?" Louis said
"That's what I'm trying to figure out" said Dia

"Who are you?" I asked Cole with black hair, " my name is Tyler, I'm Cole's twin brother... I'm guessing he hasn't told you about me"
"Nope" Dia said looking at Cole who shrugged

"Cole can you please spill" Dia said pointing at the couch, Cole sat down and now it was story time.

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