2. Where am I?

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*Nia's p.o.v*

I was afraid of every knock and every creak that I heard inside this old abandoned barn. Every hour was full of panic and I hated it, why did this happen to me? I would always day dream about my friends finally finding me but every day just ripped my hope of ever being free.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked me 

"To the park" I said giddily shutting the front door behind me and galloping towards the park. Before I could make it to the swings someone grabbed me from behind tightly and held a cloth to my mouth covering my shrieks, I struggled before my vision went blur and I blacked out. 


I opened my eyes, it was dark and I heard the sound of movement, I squinted in the darkness and let my eyes adjust to the pitch black. I was definitely in a large room sense every little sound I heard seem to have a slight echo. 

"W-who's there? W-what do you want with me" I said shaking really badly, I heard chuckling on the other side of the room and I noticed a tall slender shadow. I couldn't tell who it was until my kidnapper spoke. 

"Finally awake?" A familiar voice said


To say I was confused and angry would be a lie, I was furious. Why would he do this to me!? "Cole what!!" 

"Hello Darling" Cole said caressing my cheek, I moved my head a bit sideways but didn't get very far due to the fact that I was tied up in a chair and I could barely move anything.

"Why am I here? What is wrong with you." I spat at him

"Well a lot of things are wrong with me" he said chuckling "and why you're here? I'll let you figure that out" 

I was so mad and confused and I wanted to cry but I kept my emotions inside... For now.

*A few hours later*******************

"Can I go now?" I asked quietly even though I already knew the answer. I had sat there in silence for a few hours already and I was tired of him just staring at me and not saying a word. 

"Why would I let you go? I'm just getting started" an evil smile spread across Cole's face 

"What are you gonna do to me?" I said already tired of the stupid game he was playing

"You have to find that out too" he said

*Another few hours of silence**************

Cole had already left and I was a mess, tears flooded down my cheeks and I just wanted Niall to come and hug me and tell me that I'm alright. That didn't happen and I didn't know when I would see my friends again.

 While being alone for so long I was able to get a good look at my surroundings. There was alot of things going on in the huge room that I was left in, but one of the objects that stood out to me was the stache of rope in the right corner of the barn, there was also dead hay next to it, on my left were the barn doors and in front of me was a stairway to whatever was upstairs. 

There wasn't much of a bad smell in what seemed to be a barn, only the smell of dust and old wood.

When Cole returned he untied me and lead me upstairs only to lock me up there with bread and soup which I didn't eat. There was a window but it was boarded up and only a little light showed through a small hole in the wood. I peeked out through the hole and saw the beautiful star filled sky if only Niall knew where I was we would be gazing at the stars together.

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