28. Back at it again

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*Nia's P.o.v.* 

The problem is you still don't think that you did anything to hurt me.


Cole took me downstairs and then in the car, he gave me a scarf and sunglasses to put on before we got on the road. Once we got onto the highway I talked to him...

"Cole" I started 

"I know what you're going to ask" He sighed loudly 

"then Why?" 

"I.. I don't know why.. I don't know why Tyler is doing this and I would like answers as much as you do..." Cole said his voice cracking a bit 

Cole was obviously hurt but I didn't allow his emotion about the situation affect me. I was still mad about the fact that this was happening and that I got kidnapped again, I regret not taking karate lessons as a kid. 

"Did you know about him taking me the whole time?" I asked 

"No, I just figured it out recently when Dana called the cops on me and I had to call Tyler because I had no one else to go to" 

"Why did you go to him? When you knew that he was the kidnapper" I asked getting frustrated 

"I already told you! I had no where else to go! It's not like Dana or Dia or Harriet or any of my 'friends' would believe me now after what you told them" He said raising his voice 

"It's not my fault that you didn't tell anyone that you had a twin brother, it's not my fault that your Tyler decided to take me just for funsies, it's not my fault!" I screamed causing Cole to be silent. 

We were both quiet after awhile until I finally spoke. 

"I'm sorry.. I'm just... really frustrated" I sighed "Where are we going?" 

"If I tell you, you'll hate me" Cole said 

I wanted to speak but I closed my mouth, thinking about the possibilities of places we could be going. That's when realization struck me, and I began to panic. 

"I swear if we are going back to where I was locked for days" I said my anxiety getting worse 

Cole was silent... that's not good 

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