6. What

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*Cole's p.o.v*

Gabe, David, Will and I stood outside of iHop for the tenth time.
"Maybe we should check somewhere else" Will suggested
"Let's just double check that she's not here" said Gabe, we all sighed and walked in for the tenth time.

This time it was different there wasn't any customers inside not even workers.
"That's strange" David said after a few minutes of silence Will spoke "something is telling me we shouldn't be in here" he said

"Nahh, let's look around" I said taking the lead and walking into the kitchen of the restaurant. There was a creak and the sound of foot steps, we all stopped in our tracks carefully looking around.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and the sound of Will screaming. "Shhh shut up Will" I screamed, " guys we're going to die!" Will said loudly, "shhhhhhhhhh" we all yelled.
"This way" Gabe said rushing toward the sound that the bang came from, the only thing we saw was a broken metal door lying on the floor,
Then there was the sound of glass breaking and soon police sirens.

"Great..." I muttered under my breathe, "there never gonna believe us!" David said
"Not unless iHop has security cameras!! Let's look!" I said while everyone spread out looking for security cameras.


We were at the police station and the officer was checking the security camera footage in iHop.
"You boys are lucky, you would've gotten sued for this" officer Joe said
"Sorry?" Will smiled awkwardly

The officer lead us toward the computer screen that was displaying the footage in iHop, he showed us the person who had done the damage. "Do you know who this is?" The officer paused the video witch showed the criminals face.

I wasn't surprised when I saw who it was...

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