24. Gotta Zayn

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*Cole's P.o.v.*

Run while you can

"Hey Tyler.... I need help" I said into the phone
"I thought you'd never ask" he scoffed
"are you kidding me!? The police is chasing me and My friends all think I took Nia when I didn't!!" I yelled into the phone
"Okay chill.." Tyler said "or else I won't help you"

I took a deep "what's the plan?"

I stared at my phone, waiting for Tyler to come back to the car with the food. I fixed the hat on my head and pushed my shades back up my nose.

Finally Tyler opened the car door and slid in with groceries of food and other necessities. "Take this" Tyler said handing me earrings and a couple of necklaces.

I put the stuff on and looked through the grocery bags. "What is the red hair dye for?" I asked

Tyler just raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I am not dying my hair red" I said
"Okay, do you want to not get caught or what?" Tyler asked me

"Why can't we just go to the police and tell them I didn't do it" I said
"Like they're gonna believe that.. I convinced Nia really well that it was you" Tyler said smiling

I let that sink in and then the puzzle finally completed itself. "IT WAS YOU!!" I yelled. Tyler shot up and covered my mouth "yes and if you say a word I will get you arrested" he let go of me looking away.

"....why" I asked
Tyler started the car and drove before answering "I was bored" he said looking ahead
"You're joking" I muttered
"What do you mean " Tyler said
"You did not kidnap my best friend because you were bored... Give me a better reason or I'll-"
"You'll what?" Tyler cut me off  "don't try to cross me Cole.. You know what I'm capable of" he spat.

I was mad... No furious.. But I didn't say anything because  I did know what he was capable of..... And I realized that the police wasn't my enemy... Tyler was.

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