17. Tears

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*Dia's p.o.v*

If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse

I stared at Niall and Harry who were just sitting on the floor as if we didn't go out looking for them for about 6 hours. I sighed, sitting on the couch and turned on the T.V

The t.v switched on and there appeared our friend, Nia's photo, and our caller ID so people would call in to see if anyone had seen her. I quickly switched it off, we were doing everything in our power to find Nia, and yet we found nothing.

I laid back on the couch and Dana joined me, he pulled me close to him and I laid on his shoulder. " we're getting closer to finding her" he whispered

"How do you know" I asked closing my eyes
" because we found something yesterday, that just brings us a step closer" he said
"What if that's all we find" I whisper
"It won't be.." Dana said and we were both silent
"Do you want to go somewhere... Alone" I asked
"Sure" Dana said

We both stood up and walked to the backyard. Dana sat on the grass and I sat next to him, the Stars were staring down at us.

We enjoyed the silence that surrounded us "are you okay?" Dana asked quietly
I took a deep breathe " no.. Not really"
"Oh.. "
"I don't think I'll be okay.. Until I know where my friend is... If she's okay.. If she's... A-" I couldn't finish the sentence before tears streamed down my face. It was like a weight was on my chest and my throat tightened, I couldn't speak with out breaking down.

But it was too late and I started sobbing, unable to control my sadness. Dana held me close, letting me sob into his shoulder, getting his shirt wet.

"I'm sorry" I said letting go of the hug
"No need to say sorry, we're all pretty broken down" Dana said pulling me into a hug again.

My breathing slowed down, and I was calm again. I just wanted to lay next to Dana for hours. I just wanted my friend back, I wanted everything to be back to the way it was.

There was silence again and we just sat there, not saying a word. Finally it was about time to go to sleep.

Dana stood up and carried me, bridal style into my room, placing me in my bed.
"Goodnight Dia" Dana whispered

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